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Instinct was one hell of a thing. When someone you genuinely care about is in trouble you always act. Not much thought, just spontaneous action.

Jungkook acted on instinct numerous times. But most times it was towards someone who was about to hurt him or his friends.

He never thought he'd ever get other friends let alone a crush. But here he was, back against the headboard of Jimin's bed, arms curled tightly around a sobbing Jimin. Soft, reassuring words spilling past his lips.

Seeing the smaller so broken, so hurt, made him want to hug him, to tell him everything would be okay. So that's what he had done. He had kicked off his shoes and settled on Jimin's bed, pulling him on his lap.

And he hugged him, tightly.

And Jimin had sobbed. He had been sobbing for about 10 minutes now and Jungkook was getting impatient to know who or what had hurt the little blond so badly.

"Shhhh now Tiny. It's okay now. Please stop crying. Tell me what's wrong." JK pleaded softly. His voice sounded so foreign to him. Jimin brought out sides of him he never even knew existed.

The smaller started to sniffle as his cries died down and his body shook less and less from the waves of reverberating sounds echoing from his throat.

"That's it, calm down. You're okay." Jungkook lifted a hand to stroke through his hair. The blonde locks were soft and fluffy and Jungkook found a sense of comfort as his hand tingled with warmth and his fingers sizzled. He dipped his neck, just a little, to bury his nose in said locks, almost purring when the silky strands tickled his cheek and nose.

He inhaled, taking in a whiff vanilla and hints of cinnamon. His lips curved with a slight smile as he thought of his favourite pastry, cinnamon rolls. He wanted to roll his eyes at how fitting and ironic it was that Jimin of all people would smell like the pastry his mother would make for him when he was sad.

Jimin reminded him of home. Now more that ever Jungkook was certain this man was something special. He thought about all the times he had been so angry at the blond. But had it really been anger? Or was it the jealousy of knowing he wanted to be the only one to see Jimin's amazingly soft and smooth skin?

Jungkook swallowed. He looked down at the small male and realized he had stopped crying. "Jimin?"

The blond unfurled from the ball he was on Jungkook's lap and whimpered.

"What happened Tiny? Why are you crying? Did someone hurt you?" Jungkook turned his body to face him and took his shoulders in his hands.

Jimin kept his head down as he used a hand to wipe his face. "I'm okay."

Jungkook narrowed his eyes, "Why are you lying to me?"

"It's fine Jungkook. I know you don't really care that much. I'll sort it out on my own." Jimin pushed his hands off him and turned away.

JK pursed his lips. Of course he cared. He just didn't know how to show it that well. He didnt want to face the fact that Jimin had been right, he did like him. But it was so alien to him to actually feel that he didn't know what to do with his feelings.

He sighed, "You and I both know that's not true. Tiny you've seen how close we've gotten over the past couple weeks. I do care and I know you know that I do. So why are you trying to push me away?"

Jimin sniffled and shook his head, "You're just going to tell me to suck it up. I don't need tough love right now Jungkook."

"Then...tell me what you need."

Jimin whipped his head around, Jungkook took in the small diamonds that threaded around his beautiful lashes. They collected at the corners of his eyes and pushed their way down his cheeks.

Sk-hate-r (Jikook) *COMPLETE  Where stories live. Discover now