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The red head jerked up to see a fuming blond racing over to him. He had been sitting on a bench sorting out some notes before class.

"Jimin are you okay?"

Jimin stood in front of him, panting from running, Rock Bison in his hand, "You fucking asshole! You're fucking Yoongi?!"

Hobi's eyes widened as he looked around, hoping no one had heard, "Lower your fucking voice! I don't know what the hell you're talking about Jimin!" Hobi went back to sorting his notes, hoping the blond would leave.

Jimin ripped the book from his hands, "Don't piss me off more! How could you do that to Taehyung? Your fucking boyfriend who has been faithful to you all this time?! I can't believe you! You make me fucking sick! You're still fucking him too aren't you? Even after you have Tae here you can't keep it in your fucking pants!" Jimin yelled angrily.

Hobi swallowed, his face riddled with guilt. "Look, I-"

"When are you going to tell Tae?"

"What? No, I can't lose Tae. I was only over there to try to end things with Yoongi. We're over now Jimin. It's just-"

"You have one fucking week to tell him, or I will." Jimin chucked the book back to Hobi, walking off.

He couldn't believe it! Tae would be devastated. He had loved Hobi for so long and when they had gotten together he had been over the moon.

Jimin had admired them for being in a long distance relationship but apparently it was all a fucking lie and Hobi was a snake!

He was itching to go tell Tae but it really wasn't his secret to tell. He respected other people's relationships and even though Taehyung was his best friend, Hobi had been his friend too and he wanted them to sort it out on their own without him interfering. But if Hoseok didn't man up and confess soon, Jimin would gladly do it for him. Tae didn't deserve that.

Jimin found himself skating into the garden once more, feet carrying him to the ramp.

He had left Jungkook suddenly to go seek out Hobi and was surprised when he found the tall man was still there in the same spot, buried in a book.

He had his pods in so Jimin just skated on the ramp. Skating always cleared his head and he welcomed the mini vert ramp that allowed him a bit of momentum.

"Ugh! Why are you back?"

Jimin looked over to see Jungkook looking up at him with an annoyed expression. He had taken out an earbud and was waiting for Jimin to respond.

"I won't bother you. I just came to skate." Jimin said, not bothering to stop as he wheeled up the ramp.

"I hate to break it to you but your very presence is bothersome. Can't you go somewhere else?"

"Do you know anywhere else around here with a vert ramp?"

Jungkook sighed and ran his hands over his face. He watched Jimin's exaggerated movements and frowned, "You should relax or you'll break the board."

Jimin scoffed doing a pivot then an Ollie and landing hard, "Yeah right."

Jungkook placed down his pod in the middle of his book and watched as Jimin skated back and forth, doing several ollies. He was impressed. But he could tell the small man was tense. He swallowed, not sure why, but he suddenly wanted to know what was wrong with him. "Why are you so tense?" He called out.

Jimin stopped suddenly and looked over at him, "Why do you care?"

Jungkook shrugged, "I...don't."

Sk-hate-r (Jikook) *COMPLETE  Where stories live. Discover now