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'I'm going to have so much fun wrecking you...homewrecker.'

His hands were shaking as he held his cell phone. How had they gotten his new number? Was this some kind of sick joke?!

Tears pricked his eyes. Things were beginning to look very threatening. He needed to tell someone.

As if he heard Jimin's thoughts, Jungkook came and snaked his arms around the smaller's waist. "Hey baby. Are you okay?"

They were standing in Jimin's bathroom, by the faucet. Jungkook peered worriedly at Jimin's shaken reflection, his skin was ashen and his eyes were glassy.

"Hey, hey. What's wrong?" He quickly turned him in his arms. "Talk to me baby."

Jimin sniffed, "I have to tell you something."

Jungkook visibly deflated, face contorting with sadness. "Please don't tell me we're breaking up. Baby I-"

"Koo no. Never. It's far from that." Jimin fisted the front of Jungkook's shirt and buried his face in his chest, taking in his musky scent. He instantly felt better, like a blanket of protection had cascaded over his prickly skin.

"Then what Tiny? You don't look too good. What's happening?"

"Someone's been texting me some nasty messages."

The taller gently pushed him away to look at him, "What do you mean? What kind of messages? For how long? Why didn't you tell me?"

"It started just before we went on break. I didn't tell you because I figured it was nothing serious. You know, a lot of people thought I was the one that ruined Hoseok and Tae's relationship. So I thought it was just someone hiding behind a keyboard to get under my skin."

"And now?"

"Now I just felt like someone other than me needed to know in case something happened."

Jungkook folded his arms, "We need to report this. I can't believe you didn't tell me. Show me the messages. Didn't you just get a new number?"

"That's the thing. This person, whoever they are, they got my new number. I don't know how because only a few people now have it. My parents, and you and our friends."

Jungkook sighed as he took the phone Jimin handed to him. "Jimin you should have told me sooner. Cyber bullying is a serious offense."

"I know. I just...I just got here and already got persons expelled. I don't want to get into anymore drama."

"Well, for that to happen, you need to get rid of the people who create the drama. This person is obviously taunting you. First thing tomorrow we are going to report this."

"Kookie please. Things like this happen everyday. What am I going to say? Oh someone is being mean to me, can you arrest said unknown person?" Jimin threw up his hands in frustration.

"So you're just going to wait until something bad happens? No! I will not let you put yourse-"

"Baby nothing will happen. I promise. This person is just all bark and no bite." Jimin ran his fingers through Jungkook's hair, trying to soothe him. He looked up at him through his lashes, jutting out his bottom lip in the process.

The older sighed, "I don't agree with your decision. But I'll tolerate it for now. If someone so much as even looks at you funny, we're reporting it. Just...keep your eyes open for anything okay. I won't always be by your side." He heaved out a sigh, frustrated that he couldn't always protect his boyfriend.

Jimin was small and fragile. Yes he could manage himself but what if something went wrong? What if assholes ganged up on him? What if-

"Kookie I can see the wheels turning in your head. I'll be fine. We're going to have a great semester."


And for a while, they did have a good time. Even though Jimin still got the nasty messages, he ignored them and moved on. He didnt really want to block the number in case something happened and he needed evidence. So he just didn't read them. Well, parts of them.

Other than that, everything was great. He and Jungkook were more in love than ever, his friends were wonderful - especially Tae who seemed happy -  and he was doing great in his classes.

"Baby I want to take you somewhere."

Jimin looked up at his boyfriend who had just come out of the bathroom. They had both finished their classes for the day and decided to crash at Jungkook's place. Coincidentally, not once since that one time Jungkook had spoken to him, had they seen Yoongi. It was almost as if he moved out. But they didn't care. They were too wrapped up in their bubble of happiness.


"It's a surprise. But I want you to go get dressed up in your prettiest skirt and make sure not to leave Rock Bison behind." Jungkook explained, drying his hair with a towel.

Jimin giggled as he closed his book and gathered his things, "Fine. What time should I be ready?"

"I'll come pick you up at three."

The pink haired man nodded and left a quick peck on the taller's cheek as he headed out. He was really excited to see what Jungkook had in store. Every time they would go on dates it would be so blissful. They went on long car rides, to picnics, amusement parks and the movies, they went to ice skating rinks, bowling with friends and other amazing activities Jimin had only read about in cliche romance novels.

If someone had told him that he would be with Jungkook in a sweet, caring long term relationship, he would have laughed in their face. But now, all he could think about was long term. Jungkook was all he ever wanted and more.

He made it to his dorm and went to take a quick shower. He remembered his boyfriend telling him to wear his prettiest skirt, so he decided he would do a full make up look. He styled his pretty cotton candy pink hair, did his make up with light pinks and blues and went to rummage in his closet for his favourite skirt.

He pulled on a sheer black, long sleeve shirt and his neon pink, lace up leather skirt. He admired how his nude, T back gstring didn't show at all and it was secure enough in the front not to have his dick printing out. Jungkook would go absolutely wild. His milky white skin was peeking out at the sides, contrasting against the black crisscrosses of the ties. He slipped on his black, knee high lace up boots and went over to his bijouterie box to add accessories and complete his look.

As he waltz over to the full body mirror, he glowed and basked in the way he looked. For the first time in a long time he was completely and utterly happy and unafraid about the way he looked or what people would say. He was grateful.

He heard a knock at the front door and he assumed it was his boyfriend and quickly scrambled to get his essentials and skateboard before rushing to answer the it.

To be honest, it wasn't a secret that Jungkook was smoking hot. But damn, Jungkook was smoking hot. He was in his all black attire. Black beanie with his hair falling around his face, a tank top with a leather jacket over it, cargo pants and his timbs. Jimin devoured him with his eyes, licking his lips as he felt his dick stir.

But then he looked up to his boyfriend's face when the older hadn't said anything. Jungkook's eyes were visibly wide and bulging and his mouth had fallen open.


"I'm suddenly feeling famished," with that, the taller pushed him inside bent down a little to pick him up, and kicked the door shut.

Sk-hate-r (Jikook) *COMPLETE  Where stories live. Discover now