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"Didn't know you still lived here." Jungkook was sitting in his dorm a few days later when Yoongi showed up.

He was around the table studying when the platinum haired man came barreling in.

"Fuck off."

Jungkook rolled his eyes as he watched the man disappear into his room.

Jungkook hadn't seen him since their last argument some weeks ago. Although he had caught glimpses of him around campus, he hadn't been to the dorms in forever. Jungkook wondered where he stayed, but he had a pretty good idea. He continued his studying as he sat around the table in the kitchen.

After a few moments, Yoongi came out looking at his phone, a string of curses leaving his lips. Jungkook glanced at him as he made his way to the fridge.

"Trouble in paradise?" He muttered, not really expecting a response from Yoongi.

"You know what? Fuck off Jungkook. You can keep living a lie. I don't fucking care. Just stay out of my business alright?"

Jungkook snapped up in confusion. "What lie Yoongi? Look, I don't care who you're with or what you do. The least you could have done is tell me you weren't coming back."

"I'm back aren't I? I paid for this fucking room."

"Yeah right. I suppose you're only back because something happened with you and whomever."

Yoongi slammed the fridge door as he took out a bottle of water. "Let's not pretend you don't know who I've been staying with. Hoseok is a great guy! Better than your lying, cheating scum of a boyfriend!"

"Don't you dare talk about Jimin like that! You better watch your mouth you fucking stupid, idiot! Use those words to describe your own asshole of a boyfriend!" Jungkook shot up out of his chair when he saw Yoongi make a move to come over to him.

But then the shorter male stopped and cracked a menacing smile. "You think your Jimin is so innocent huh? Hobi told me how he wanted to kiss him. He wanted to take him for himself. From his own bestfriend. He told me about how Jimin was the one who led that guy Pete on. Jimin is a fricking slut! You knew it from the first time you saw him a-" Yoongi held his jaw as he winced in pain.

"That was a warning. I dare you to say anything else about Jimin. Hoseok is a liar and you're too stupid in love to see that. But I guess you both deserve each other. Taehyung deserved better." Jungkook grabbed up his books but turned to the furious male behind him. "Is that why you spoke to Taehyung and told him about you and Hoseok, because you wanted the red head for yourself?"

"Fuck you Jungkook. I didn't talk to anybody. Hobi told me he was single. Taehyung meant nothing to him. Now he's mine. I thought you'd be happy I finally settled down." Yoongi scoffed.

Jungkook couldn't believe his ears. It sounded like Hoseok had corrupted Yoongi on so many levels. Who knew the red head was such an asshole. 

"You know what? When the truth of who Jimin is finally comes out, I'll be here for you, because that's just the type of friend I am. Unlike you."

Jungkook watched as Yoongi tossed the empty water bottle into the bin and walked out of the dorm. The dark haired man sighed heavily. Of course he didn't believe a word Yoongi was saying but he needed to talk to Jimin.

He went to his room where he had left his phone to charge. Mid semesters were coming up and both JK and Jimin were big on studying. So they had decided to take some time to do so.

Jungkook felt guilty as he let Yoongi's words penetrate his thoughts. The what ifs started bubbling over and he wanted to slap himself for even considering the fact that Jimin hadn't been truthful to him.

He knew for a fact that Hoseok was a damn snake! He had a boyfriend while he toyed around with Yoongi for heaven's sake! That was proof enough that Hobi was no good.

But why would he lie so blatantly? He didn't need to tell Yoongi all those awful things. It just didn't make sense. Something was definitely off about the whole situation. But Jungkook just couldn't quite figure out what it was.

He sat on his bed and unplugged his phone. When it lit up he saw a missed call from Jimin and three messages.

Jimin: Hey Kookie:)
Jimin: You there? Are you still studying?
Jimin: Babe I'm going to the pharmacy to get some medicine for Tae. He isn't feeling well. Call you later. xx

Jungkook chuckled. He quickly googled what xx meant since Jimin had never sent him that before. He realized the messages were from about 20 minutes ago.

He assumed Jimin would have been back by now and quickly dialled his number.

For a second, his heart dropped as it went straight to voicemail. But he quickly convinced himself that maybe Jimin had forgot to charge his phone and was tending to his bestfriend.

The tall male got up and decided to skate over there since he wanted to see Jimin. He took up Lightning and headed for the door.

But then his phone pinged. He wrestled it out of his tight pocket and unlocked it, looking at the message that he received.

The second he saw the message, his phone fell from his grasp.


Cliff hanger!

Oooou...I wonder what JK saw🤔

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