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There was a space between them. It was like there was a wall of fire that they couldn't, or maybe didn't want to cross.

Jimin didn't like it at all. He stared off into the darkness, listening to Jungkook's steady breaths. For some reason he felt like they were so far away from each other. Like two strangers in a bed. He sighed loudly.

"Are you okay?"

He jumped a little. He thought Jungkook was asleep. He turned to him, he could see the faint silhouette of JK's face. "Yeah. Sure."

"You don't really sound okay. What's wrong?" Jungkook reached over to turn on the lamp on the nightstand beside him. It clicked on to reveal a soft glow in the room, illuminating both their features and more so, Jimin's cute little pout.

"You can hold me, you know." Jimin whispered, his eyes peering over at the handsome doe eyed male. "We didn't even kiss or anything. You just came into bed and that's it."

Jungkook swallowed as silence stretched across the room. "You said you don't want to move too quickly."

"Jungkook I said that for you. You're the one who needs time to figure out if this is what you really want. I already know what I want. I want you. It's not like I'm a virgin and hold firsts dear to me. But I will always remember all my firsts with you. This is the first time we're sleeping together. Come over here." Jimin beckoned him over, patting the space beside him.

The taller smiled and scooted closer until they were almost a breath apart. "I know that I want you too Jimin."

"But what if we take this further and you realize it's not what you wanted?"

"I can't answer that. I can only tell you what I'm feeling as of this moment, being close to you. I've really never felt this way before Jimin. You make me feel the butterflies and the sparks. You make me think about love and what it means to be with someone. I've never thought about such things before. Only with you. You're so fucking beautiful, inside and out." Jungkook circled his arm around the smaller's waist, pulling him flush against him. "And yes. I want to hold you. I want everything with you. How about a date tomorrow?"

Jimin's eyes brightened as he smiled widely, "Really? I'd like that very much. Thank you Kookie." the small man cuddled up to him, burying his face in his muscular chest. His heart swelled with happiness.

There was a thin line of uncertainty that loomed in the back of his mind as Jungkook turned off the lamp and drowned them in darkness once again. This man had been asexual for years. What was so special about Jimin that he suddenly liked him of all people? He knew they had gotten close over the few months they had known each other. They had created emotional ties to each other. Jungkook was his rock in the time he didn't have Taehyung. He had been sweet and attentive to all of Jimin's emotional needs. 

But the truth was, it was barely reciprocated. Jungkook was there for him, but Jimin barely knew anything about him that was past personal boundaries.


The taller hummed in response.

"What was your childhood like? When did you realize you were asexual? And why do you portray yourself as a bad boy?"

Jungkook frowned and backed away a little. "Wow. Those questions are pretty intense for pillow talk."

"I just. I realized you've been there for me. You know a lot about me but I barely know anything about you." Jimin said softy.

"Right. Well yeah. I'm an only child. I had a good childhood I guess. But my parents weren't around much. They were always working. I stayed with Namjoon and his parents most of the time. When I got older I started hanging out with Yoongi. He was basically the bad boy. I was a very quiet kid. I didn't make friends or even care to. Yoongi was always there for me though, and Joon. I'm not a bad boy. I just wear darker clothes to fit in more with Yoongi I guess. Then it just grew on me. We would start gym and guys would sometimes pick on Yoongi because he was kind of an asshole. I would get in fights because of him. I defend my friends. That's all.

"I guess me being a lonely kid contributed to me not making connections with anyone. There was no one who really drew me in like you did. They mostly liked me for my looks I guess. But I never really cared. As I got older I started doing my own research on my sexuality and figured I was asexual since no one really got my dick hard." JK chuckled.

Jimin bit his lip, "Do I...make you hard?"

Jungkook smiled, his white teeth glistening in the darkness, "Every time we make out. You've gotten a lot of my firsts Park."

Jimin giggled. "I'm glad."

"How about we go to sleep and continue on our date tomorrow beautiful?" Jungkook scooped Jimin closer to him and settled in.

The small male stifled a yawn, "Ok, goodnight Kookie."

"Good night Tiny. Sweet dreams." He bent over and placed a gentle kiss on Jimin's forehead.


Sk-hate-r (Jikook) *COMPLETE  Where stories live. Discover now