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"Seriously? How can someone that attractive be fucking asexual?"

Jimin looked over his book to peer at Taehyung. It had been almost a week and he was still on the same topic. They were sitting at the kitchen table doing some studying, or rather, Jimin was trying to study while Taehyung bickered.

"Why are you still on that?"

"Why are you not? Honestly, if I didn't love my scrumptious Hoseok I'd be all up on him!" Tae threw up his hands, not at all impressed with his friend's lack of enthusiasm.

Jimin only shrugged, "Hobi says he's mean. I'd rather not get bullied thank you very much."

"Ugh. But you can't deny he's gorgeous!"

Jimin rolled his eyes and placed down his book, "Fine. Yes, he is. But he's mean, a loner and asexual. I don't see why I should let him pique my interest when there's Pete, Kai, Eric and so many more hot guys out there who happen to openly flirt with me."

Taehyung soured, "But...they're so...easy. Don't you just love a challenge?"

"Leave me alone Tae. They're all creepy anyway. I'm not interested."

Taehyung pouted and leaned back in his chair as he took his phone out of his pocket.

Just as Jimin was about to take up his book, his friend hollered.

"Hobi says there's a party across campus." Tae grinned.

Jimin perked up an eyebrow, "And?"

"And we're going."


"Nope. I'm not listening. It's a freshers welcome party. The first party of the semester and we are going. It's Friday for heaven's sake!"

"But we were studying. It's almost 10." Jimin grumbled, trying to find every excuse to not go. It wasn't that he didn't like parties, he just wasn't really in the mood.

Maybe it was because he had barely made friends and most of the guys who spoke to him just wanted his ass. College was off to a dull start and he wasn't here for it.

"Even better! We'll get there when the party is pumping! Hobi is coming to get us in 15 minutes. Good thing we already showered. Go look for a sexy outfit!" Tae's excitement was barely containable as he shot out of his chair and hurried to his room.

Truth be told, he was having a much better time at making friends than Jimin was. Plus he had his boyfriend.

When Jimin wasn't third wheeling he was mostly by himself or trying to hide from Pete or some other guys who were just dying to get into his pants. He knew college guys were horny, but damn. He wasn't interested in bloody one night stands and the casual shit. Call him a hopeless romantic but he loved being in love, loved having that one person to call his own, to cherish and have happiness with.

Taemin had been a nice boyfriend, but after the initial attraction had died down, they realized all they had in common was dance and nothing more. Jimin wanted passion and excitement.

"Jimin! Are you getting ready?" Tae yelled from his room.

Jimin sighed and scooped up his books off the table. He hated that he was so comfy in his sweater and now he had to change and get all glammed up.

He headed to his room, mind already picking out what he would wear. He placed his books on his work table then made his way to the small closet.

He scanned its contents and picked out a pastel purple long sleeved crop top and black leather shorts. He quickly made his way to the bathroom and put on some make up. He decided to just wear his blond hair messy as he put on his clothes and paired it with some black ankle length lace up boots.

Sk-hate-r (Jikook) *COMPLETE  Where stories live. Discover now