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There had to be a mistake. Namjoon, his own flesh and blood would not...could not have done all this. The texts, the picture, hurting Jimin. Namjoon would never! Someone was using Namjoon's name. Jungkook was sure of it.

He sighed as he called his cousin's phone for the 6th time and it went straight to voicemail. Something was off. He hadn't even showed up to the hospital with Jin, JK suddenly realized. Things were proving to be really complicated and Jungkook was overwhelmed as he pulled into Mercy Salvation Hospital.

He parked and sat there for a moment, resting his head on his hands that were on the steering wheel. He willed Jimin to be okay. He wanted to find the answers to this sick joke someone was playing at. Tears welled in his eyes when he thought of how devastated Jimin will be when he finds out he wont be able to dance...maybe for a while...maybe not ever. Jungkook wasn't sure of his injuries, but Katherine had said he had been twisted irregularly. Which could mean he had broken bones.

"Ah fuck!" Jungkook cried out and quickly stepped out of his vehicle. His frustration was eating at him. He needed a distraction. He needed to know if there had been any word on Jimin's condition.

He scampered inside after locking his vehicle and made a beeline for the waiting area to see if he could find Jin. He saw the tall man slummed in a chair, with his eyes closed.


He opened his eyes and stood when he saw Jungkook, "Kook. Hey. I-I haven't heard anything. I'm sorry."

Jungkook fisted some of his hair and heaved a sigh. "Where is Namjoon?"

Jin frowned, "I don't know. He dropped me off saying he needed to go somewhere and now he's not answering my calls."

Jungkook only nodded, "I'm going to the nurses' station. He turned and walked off. Namjoon was starting to look really suspicious. What the hell else would you have to do when you heard your friend was in the hospital? Or maybe it was true, and Namjoon didn't consider Jimin a friend at all. But...why? Everything seemed fine. They both got along well and everyone was happy. So what had changed?

"Uh, hi. Jeon Jungkook for Park Jimin. Can you please tell me if there are any updates?"

The nurse looked up with a soft sympathetic smile, "I'm sorry sugar but the doctors haven't come out yet. But I'm sure they'll be out to talk to you soon. In the mean time, the police came by. They're going to need to question him when he wakes up."

Police? Wow, things were really starting to get serious. "Did they leave a number or something?"

"Oh, yes. Here's the card. You can take off the number. You should call if you have any information."

Jungkook nodded as he copied the number into his phone. He handed the card back and pressed dial. He thanked the nurse and went to a corner to talk.

"Officer Mark Epps."

"H-hello. This is Jeon Jungkook. You were here about a case with Park Jimin, the college student that-"

"Oh, yes we just left not too long ago. I remember. What can I do for you?"

"Jimin is my boyfriend. I guess I just wanted you to know some things because Jimin isn't out of surgery yet."

"Of course. Anything you can tell us will be helpful. I'm guessing you know by now that the fall your boyfriend took was no accident. Did your boyfriend have enemies, anyone who was looking to hurt him?"

"Actually, Jimin had been getting some nasty text messages from an unknown number," Jungkook went on the explain the contents of the messages and how long Jimin had been getting them. He told them about the incidents with Pete and how it had been handled. He didn't, however, tell them about the picture and Namjoon.

"I'm sure you already know this but you should have reported this. If not to the police then at least to a teacher or something. It would have been better to have record of that. However, we do have your boyfriend's dismantled cell phone. We will get our tech team to pick it apart and see if we can find those messages. Is there anything else?"

"No. Look, Jimin had been having a rough time. It could literally be anybody."

"Don't worry kid. We are on our way to review the security footage of the area. We'll pinpoint anyone who went in the building and that will be our suspect pool. We'll find the suspect. I assure you."

"Thank you officer."

"Give us a call when your boyfriend is out of surgery. All the best kid."

"Ok." Jungkook hung up. He needed to talk to Namjoon. But he had no fucking idea where his damn cousin was holed up right now and it was making him look too fucking guilty.

What if Namjoon was the one who hurt Jimin? How would Jungkook really react to that? Namjoon was his cousin but wrong was fucking wrong! He had to admit, he was thinking maybe it was Pete or even Yoongi or Hoseok who had done it. But now, with Namjoon who seemed to be on the run, the arrows were definitely pointing in his direction. But it made no damn sense. What did Namjoon have to gain by doing all this?

Jungkook sighed and slid down the wall, pulling his knees up to his chest. He needed Jimin to be okay. He was the light of his life. Jungkook picked at the sleeve of the royal blue sweater he was wearing. Before Jimin it was only blacks and greys, navy blues and camouflage. Now his closet was filled with colour, just like his life. He had never been so happy before. Jimin was like a breath of fresh air in a cloud of fog. He couldn't lose him, not now, not ever.

Tears slipped from his eyes and a painful sob broke from his chest. His thoughts kept going south...the what ifs were tormenting him. But he just couldn't let it win. Jimin would be okay. He would take care of him and help him with physical therapy for as long as it took. Jimin would be okay.

His phone ringing snapped him from his thoughts. His sad face contorted to that of anger as he quickly answered the call.


"Where the fuck are you?"

"I'm in the parking lot. Please, calm down. I need to talk to you about something."

"Yeah, I'm sure you do. I'll give you two minutes to give me a good enough reason why I shouldn't bash your face in." Jungkook hung up and got up to go to the parking lot.

Namjoon stood right at the entrance waiting for him. He looked nervous, anxious even. Jungkook didn't go to close to him for fear of losing his temper too soon.

When his cousin saw him he started talking immediately, "Jungkook, oh man. I'm so fucking sorry about what happened to Jimin. I-"

"Tell me why you did it Namjoon!"

"It was your parents!"


Hey my loves! Only two chapters left! This book is coming to an end. I really hope you enjoyed reading it.

I appreciate all of you for the votes and comments!

Especially bbhae_jimin 💜❤

Borahae lovlies!

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