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Jungkook paused. It was almost as if his world had turned into slow motion. "W-what?"

Namjoon sighed heavily, dragging a hand over his face. "I'm sorry Jungkook."

"You're saying my parents hurt Jimin? What the fuck Joon! Wha-"

"Shit no Jungkook! No! I honestly have no idea what happened to Jimin." Namjoon corrected, clasping his hands in a begging motion.

"Then what the hell did my parents do? They don't even know Jimin yet. What the fuck are you saying Namjoon?! The clock is fucking ticking and all you're doing is spitting nonsense!" Jungkook cracked his knuckles and neck threateningly.

Namjoon gulped and took a step back, "Th-they do know him. Or rather they've seen him. Someone showed them a picture of the two of you on an insta post and well...they didn't like him."

"What do you mean?"

"They called me to ask about him. I told them yo-you have a boyfriend. They asked if it was Jimin and I confirmed. They think it's bad enough you got a boyfriend but they're furious it's one that dresses up like a girl. They don't approve Jungkook. Th-they threatened to tell my dad to stop funding my schooling if I didn't do something to break you two up. I'm s-sorry. Looking back at all this now I realized how stupid I was. I should have just spoken to you so you could speak to them. Then all this happened to Jimin and I feel fucking terrible. I swear I'd understand if you hit me-" Namjoon fell to the ground holding his jaw, groaning in pain. "Fuck! I didn't actually mean-"

"Fuck you Joon. Why the hell wouldn't they just call me and ask me about it? Why you? Fuck! This is so fucking messed up!" Jungkook screamed, punching the air in anger. "I don't fucking care what they think! I love Jimin. This is my final semester and they already paid for it. After I graduate I'm going to get a job and get my own shit together."

"Kook...you should really talk to them. Explain how you feel."

Jungkook glared at his cousin, "Don't give me any fucking advice when you couldn't execute simple communication that would have avoided all this bullshit!"

Namjoon nodded, ashamed.

"You better not be fucking lying to me Joon!"

"Why would I lie Jungkook?"

"Oh don't start! You've been doing some shady stuff it seems! That picture could have broken us up! Why would you of all people! I went to that money hungry photo shopper for a name. Imagine my surprise when I heard my own cousin had set my boyfriend up! You piece of shit! I thought if anyone could defend my honour in such a case against my parents it would be you! You're not only gay but you're here and you see how much I love him. I thought my happiness would have meant something to you at least Joon!" Jungkook ranted. His disappointment was shown blatantly and the other male hung his head.

"I tried Kook. They just...they didn't want to hear. I-"

Namjoon was cut off when Jungkook's phone started ringing. It was Jin. Jungkook wasted no time in rushing back to into the building as he answered the call, not even bothering to tell Namjoon.


"Jungkook the doctor is here."

"I'm coming, I'm almost there." He hurried inside to the waiting area and instantly spotted Jin standing solemnly with the doctor.

"Doctor..." He greeted the man who was still in his scrubs.

"Dr. Wang. You're Mr. Park Jimin's boyfriend?"

Jungkook nodded, "Yes. His parents won't be here until early tomorrow. How is he?"

"He's very strong. He had a very small brain bleed which we patched up. He has a fractured elbow, a broken wrist and knee, a few cuts and bruises but amazingly we think he'll be fine. However we won't know for sure until he wakes up. But with some physical therapy he should be able to gain full motion and all with his limbs. But he will need a lot of rest. Well...he wont be able to move with al the casts so him resting will be easy. But it might take a while before he can do any strenuous activity. He's a dancer I heard?"

"Yes Dr. Wang."

"Well, he'll be greatly disappointed for a while when he wakes up. It might take him a good few months to fully heal. But I'm sure you'll see to it that he doesn't push himself too much, yes?"

Jungkook nodded vigorously, "Of course. Thank you so much."

"No problem. They'll bring him down to Room 4 in a minute. The nurse will advise you when you can go see him." The doctor left and Jungkook sighed with relief.

"Thank heavens he's okay. I was so scared there for a moment. Who the hell did this to him?" Jin wailed, wiping a stray tear from his cheek.

"I don't know Jin. But the police said they're doing the best they can to find the culprit. I just hope they do."


Jungkook woke up groggily the next morning. He was seated beside Jimin's bed, holding his hand. His heart had broke last night when he had seen the state his baby boy was in. He had cried so hard he fell asleep. He was angry that he wasn't able to protect his love. He was angry at whoever thought they could get away with such a monstrous act.

The door to Jimin's room opened suddenly, "Oh my baby!" A woman came in and rushed to Jimin's side. Jungkook assumed it was his mother. She was followed by an older looking man. Jungkook stood up hastily, catching their full attention.

"Oh you must be Jungkook." The woman said as she patted Jimin's head and held his hand, staring at Jungkook.

"Yes ma'am. I'm terribly sorry that this happened. I hate that I couldn't protect him. I'm sorry we had to meet under such circumstances." Jungkook wiped his hands on his pants nervously.

"Call me Ji Mae and that's Wonsoo. What happened to him? He fell down a flight of stairs?" Jimin's mother asked worriedly.

"Uh...well the police think it wasn't an accident. Someone...pushed him probably."

"What?!" The parents yelled.

Jungkook sighed and nodded, "Someone hit him on the head. We don't know if he was pushed or if the force caused him to tumble, but the police are working on it. I'm really sorry Mr. and Mrs. Park."

"It's Lee."

Jungkook winced, "I'm sorry. I forgot. I-"

"It's okay dear. I know we're all just shaken up. I can't believe someone would do this to my baby." Tears cascaded down Ji Mae's face as she leaned over to bury her face on her son's good shoulder. Her husband came up to rub her back and comfort her. His face looked a little distraught and angry.

"Have you spoken to the police? What are they doing about this? And what the fuck has the school said?!" Wonsoo raged.

"Wonsoo! As soon as Jimin wakes up we'll deal with whatever. But right now you're scaring the boy and I just can't think about anything but my baby right now," Ji Mae weeped softly.

Just then, a knock came on the door and a police officer walked in. Jungkook immediately read his badge. "Officer Wang."

"Good morning. I see he's out of surgery. I hope he makes a full recovery. You must be Jungkook and you must be Jimin's parents." 

They exchanged greetings then Jungkook spoke, "Is there something new on the case? Any suspects?"

"Actually, I came to tell you that we have a confession. The person came in early this morning with the phone that was used to send the messages and the weapon that was used against Mr. Park." Officer Wang said.

"Oh my God! Thank heavens! Who is it!? Who is the monster that hurt my child!?"

"Well, his name is Kim Taehyung., he's a student from the same school and apparently Mr. Park's dormmate."


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