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Jungkook ran out of Jimin's building and skated back to his dorm, feeling a whole lot better as the wind blew in his face.

He tried to get the pictures of the sultry male out of his head as best as he could. He was grateful that his belly and groin had gone back to normal. He needed to get his head together.

He stepped into his dorm and found Yoongi in the kitchen.

"Yoongi, can I talk to you?" JK placed his bag down and sat on a stool at the island.

Yoongi turned to him with a raised brow, "What about?"

"Jimin. He-"

Yoongi held up his hands, shaking his head, "Fuck no. If this is about the punch-"

"Well no it isn't about that. But maybe it should be. You're being stupid about the whole situation!" Jungkook spoke out sternly, remembering how Yoongi had punched the little blond.

"Look, it's not my fault your boyfriend can't keep out of other people's business alright!" Yoongi turned back around to the stove and stirred what he had been cooking.

"Man fuck you! I'm sure you didn't go punching Hoseok and he's the one who lied to you! How messed up is it that you punched Jimin for telling your boy toy to be honest!?"

Yoongi was silent.

"Right! I thought so. Even his best friend wont talk to him and for what? For being a good person? Maybe you should try being that sometime. And I have a sneaking suspicion your name hasn't come up in any of Hoseok's conversation with his boyfriend." Jungkook got up and took up his bag.

"You know what Jungkook? You have no right to lecture me on being a good person because you're just as bad as me." Yoongi responded without turning around.

"The fuck I am! I am nothing like you! I don't smoke and drink and fuck around with people's feelings. Ever! I am always there to clean up all the messes you get yourself into. Don't for one second think that because we are friends and we get along that means I am anything like you! Jimin is suffering because you assholes can't get your fucking shit together! But fuck it! Do what you want. Just leave Jimin out of it." Jungkook headed to his room and put down his bag.

He sighed. He hated arguing. It was never really his thing. But some things needed to be said. He looked over to his bed and all he could picture was a pretty blond in nothing but a baggy sweater. He felt a shiver run down his spine and he groaned. His fingers shoveled through his hair and he turned and headed out the way he had come, thinking maybe he could go talk to Jin or Joon.

He passed Yoongi who had sat down to eat what he had cooked. He didn't bother saying anything to him as he went out the door.

Joon and Jin shared a dorm room. They were like a married couple who already lived together and shared everything. Jungkook wondered what Namjoon was waiting on to just propose already. But he had never cared enough to ask or push. He knocked on their door and waited for a moment.

The door opened to reveal Jin, "Hey Kook. What's up?" He stepped aside to let in his friend.

"Well, lots to be honest." Jungkook responded as he went to sit on their couch.

"Well lucky for you I'm free for the moment. Joonie is at the studio. Did you need him or...?"

JK shook his head, "No. You'll do."

Jin scoffed, "Right. Do you want a drink?"

The raven haired male shook his head again, "Nah, I'm good."

Jin shrugged and went to sit beside him, "Okay. So what's up then?"

Jungkook sat there, quiet for a moment. He didn't really know what to say, where to start or how to express what he was feeling.

"JK? Are you good?"

He nodded, "Yeah. I just...I don't know where to start."

"Well, the beginning would be nice."

"Well in the beginning I called him a hooker."

Jin tilted his head, then it dawned on him, "Oh, so this is about Jimin?" he chuckled, "I see. Finally realizing what he means to you, huh?"

Jungkook looked up at his friend, "Don't act like you know everything Jin. It annoys me."

Jin scoffed, "I do not!"

"You're doing it right now. You're acting like you knew I had some kind of feelings for Jimin and when I ask how you did you're going to say some sappy motherly shit."

Jin gave him a look, "You can be so dramatic sometimes. Jungkook the only person who didn't realize the feelings you have for Jimin is you. The rest of us could see it blatantly. It was surprising at first because we never saw it before but...as time went by we could tell it wasn't just a glitch."

Jungkook sighed and deflated, rubbing a hand over his face. "I don't know Jin. He makes my skin crawl. I feel like my belly is turning inside out every time he's around. Or like I'm having a fucking heart attack. I start sweating sometimes or I feel this weird feeling in my gut like something is awfully wrong. That can't be normal, right? It just feels like all of that is telling me that he's bad for me. He's the only one that makes me feel that way."

Jin was awestruck, "Wow. Just...wow!"

Jungkook looked at his friend with a frown, "This is serious Jin!"

"Jungkook! You just described the feeling of attraction. And it sounds like it's even sexual too," Jin giggled as he wagged his eyebrows.

Jungkook grimaced, "What?"

"What you just described my friend is called goose bumps, butterflies and sexual attraction. Once I hit puberty, when Joon came around me, that's exactly how I felt. It was frightening at first, but then it got exciting. My heart would rise in my throat when I caught a glimpse of him. When I saw him walking my way I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. I could feel the butterflies dancing in my belly when he spoke to me. The goosebumps would line my skin wherever he touched me. It was heaven when I finally accepted my feelings for what they were. And look at us now." Jin shrugged with a thoughtful smile.

Jungkook thought for a moment. "But...why him?"

"Why not him? Think about it Jungkook. Think about how you feel when you guys spend together. Or how you felt when you didn't hear from him. He's a really great guy." Jin said gently, patting Jungkook's back.

"He..." Jungkook sighed, running a hand over his face, "I think he's beautiful. His eyes are stunning and I like the way they disappear when he's smiling or laughing and his cheeks just puff up. He's adorable. He's sexy. He's kind and genuine. He sees beyond my rudeness and tolerates me even when I'm grumpy. And I think it's just fucking cliche because I don't understand why he's the only one I've ever felt that way with."

"Jungkook, you realize you never give anyone a chance to get to know you, right? You wouldn't know if you would have felt this way for anyone else because Jimin is the only one you've ever let get so close to you. And I think that means something. I'm sure you wouldn't have let him in if you didn't see something special in him." Jin smiled. He could see an array of emotions dancing across Jungkook's face.

"But I'm asexual."

"And maybe you still are. Who knows? But what we do know is that you like Jimin. Maybe it's not in a sexual way but you do like him romantically and that's a good thing. I worried you were going to die alone." Jin shrugged.

JK glared at him, "Well what if he doesn't feel the same?"

"Have you spoken to him about your feelings?"

Jungkook blinked. Feelings? Since when did he start having feelings for people? He was asexual for God sake! All his life that was what he was. He had convinced himself he knew he could change in the future, but now that he had spoken about it, he didn't think he was ready for change. "No. And I wont tell him. We'll just be friends. We're good as friends."

"Fine. Well, I hope when he gets a boyfriend you'll be able to handle it."

Sk-hate-r (Jikook) *COMPLETE  Where stories live. Discover now