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The silence was like a wet cloth over Jimin's face. It was hard to even breathe as his heart beat erratically in his chest. His blood ran cold as a blood curling scream pierced the air, alerting him there was danger.

He quickly got up and fumbled his way to the wall, desperate to find the lights. Relief washed over him as his fingers grazed the contraption and he flicked them on, revealing his stone white skin, washed with terror.

"Kookie can we please watch something else? Our first night back here and you want me to be afraid to walk the damn campus?" Jimin whined, folding his arms.

They were finally back at school. They had a few more days before it officially started and they'd have to attend classes. The two were cuddled up in Jungkook's bed for movie night and this time, it had been Jungkook's turn to choose the movie. Much to Jimin's utter dismay, he chose a scary college movie. Ugh!

He glared as he watched his boyfriend pause the movie to laugh at him, "Baby, that wasn- You know what? We can always watch something else. Or we could do something else." The taller smirked, eyeing his gorgeous boyfriend. Jimin looked like a colourful lollipop. His hair was cotton candy pink, he had on a yellow skin tight crop top and a red leather skirt. He was absolutely breathtaking, but also very delicious looking in Jungkook's eyes. "Come here beautiful. Who told you that you can look this good, huh?" He stretched his arms out to a pouting, blushing Jimin.

"No. You made me scared. You know I don't like scary movies." He looked away from his boyfriend, playfully teasing him.

Jungkook closed the laptop and pushed it aside, "Let me make it up to you."

Before Jimin could answer, his phone pinged with a message. He tensed for a split second, heart plummeting to his toes. Lately, he hated receiving text messages. They had gotten to campus two days ago and apparently this person who kept texting him was stalking him because they knew he had come back and welcomed him with a chilling message.

Oh Homewrecker, we're going to have so much BLOODY fun this semester! Tell anyone of your stupid friends about me and I promise you will hurt like you've never hurt before. And trust me, I'll know if you tell them. I'm always watching you.

Up until this moment Jimin hadn't answered any of the messages. He had just read them. So far all this person had done was text him. He figured it was just a coward hiding behind a screen. He had asked his mother for some money to get a new number and he couldn't wait till she sent it. He was seriously over this stalker.

"Are you gonna check that?"

Jimin shook his head and got out of his thoughts. "Uh, yeah." He quickly fished out his phone and sighed internally when he saw that it was Taehyung. "Oh, Tae has arrived. He wanted to see me."

Jungkook tilted his head, "Okay. Are you going? I'm sure it can wait till in the morning."

Jimin punched a few things then nodded, "I told him I'll be there in the morning. I'm staying with you tonight."

Jungkook smiled, "Is it because you're too afraid to walk across campus? Did the movie spook you that much Tiny?" The taller laughed when his boyfriend threw his phone at him. He caught it effortlessly.

"I just don't want to face him tonight. I'll be fresh and ready to talk in the morning." Jimin went to sit on the bed and JK pulled him into his arms, kissing his forehead. He leaned back on the bed head with Jimin between his legs.

"You make it sound like you guys haven't been texting all this time. Aren't you basically friends again now?"

Jimin shrugged, "It's not the same. Plus we haven't really talked about everything. He hasn't even told me about him and Hobi and what happened. Everything just feels...weird."

"I get that. Well...at least you've spoken to him. Yoongi and I haven't spoken at all and we live together. Now that's gonna be weird." Jungkook chuckled nonchalantly.

"I hate that."


"You and Yoongi not speaking because of me. I don't want to break up friendships. I feel like I ruined a lot of things." Jimin sighed.

"Well I did tell you to stay out of people's shit."

"Jungkook! You aren't helping!" Jimin whined, turning to slap his boyfriend. "Plus maybe Yoongi isn't that bad if he actually went and told Taehyung the truth. I respect that."

JK hugged his boyfriend tighter, "You always want to see the good in people, love."


It was the next day and Jimin had gone back to his dorm to talk to Taehyung. Jungkook was bored. Jin and Joon had gone to visit Jin's parents for the weekend and would be back on Sunday before classes began. So basically Jungkook was all alone for the time being. He decided he'd eat a sandwich and go down to the garden to skate.

He made a peanut butter sandwich and sat at the table to quickly scarf it down, scrolling through Instagram.

Just then, the door opened to reveal Yoongi. Jungkook watched as the man just walked passed him and to his room without so much as a greeting or a glance his way. JK scoffed and shook his head.

Of course he knew Yoongi was still upset about the whole Jimin situation, but it was uncalled for. Jimin had done nothing wrong and that was the exact reason why JK would stand by him instead of keeping up with Yoongi's immature behaviour.

He looked up when said man came into the kitchen and opened the fridge, studying it's contents.

"Wow. So that's how it's gonna be now?" Jungkook questioned.

Without looking at him, Yoongi closed the fridge after taking out a bottle of water, "Are you still with that twink?"

Jungkook glared at the back of the man's head, "I would appreciate if you don't refer to my boyfriend as a twink."

Yoongi chuckled and turned to him, gulping down water, "How hypocritical of you." He scoffed, "Well if you're involved with him then we are no longer friends."

"Why Yoongi? Please tell me why! All Jimin did was help you find out the truth. Why are you so hell bent on hating the one person who did right by you! Obviously that hookup of yours didn't have an honest bone in his body!" Jungkook yelled, anger beginning to pulse in his veins.

"Fuck you! Everything was fine until your stupid-"

"Watch your fucking mouth! Everything was not fucking fine! I'm sure you would have found out he had a boyfriend eventually! Then what? Huh? I don't even know why we're having this conversation when clearly your fucking delusional!" Jungkook stood up, completely over the conversation.

"You wouldn't even understand. I really liked Hobi."

"Well that's too bad Yoongi because obviously he didn't really like you back! He didn't even have the balls to be honest. You were just a fuck buddy to him. Get over yourself and stop taking your anger out on Jimin!" Jungkook seethed. He shook his head at the glaring man and began to walk away.

"Fuck you Jungkook. You and your stupid boyfriend better watch your backs. I wont be around to save you anymore." Yoongi fired.

Jungkook spun around, "Last time I checked, you were the one always getting to trouble and I had to be saving your ass! Don't get it twisted!"

"Yea well Jungkook, that was before you found yourself a boyfriend who just attracts trouble! You think I haven't seen your Instagram posts? Your boyfriend looks like a walking Christmas tree and everyone just loves Christmas. Don't they Jeon? I hope you love competition." Yoongi chuckled as he passed him, bumping his shoulder, "You should watch him carefully, not everyone loves the flashing lights."

He walked to his door then added, "Lights out you fuckers."


💜 Borahae my loves. I know I've been inconsistent but please bear with me. I update as soon as I can. And you know when I'm mediocre I always have a surprise. So look out for that soon😘🥰

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