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Jimin was glad that he didn't have any early classes the next day, so he slept in.

At about 10 o' clock, he woke up to the loud velvety voice of Taehyung.

"Jimin? You here?"

The blonde groaned and popped his eyes open, using a hand to swipe across his face. "I'm here Tae."

The blue haired male pushed into the room, "Hey Min. Sorry about last night. My phone died."

Jimin nodded with a yawn, "It's fine. I actually-"

"Good Lord! Jimin what happened to your arm?" Taehyung dashed forward to inspect the angry red gash on Jimin's forearm.

"Uh, yea. Last night I ran into a bit of trouble." Jimin scratched the back of his head.

Tae frowned, "What kind of trouble?"

"Pete. I remembered I hadn't bought groceries so I went to the store. On my way back Pete and some of his asshole friends tried to hurt me." Jimin relayed the whole incident to his friend, leaving out the cheese burger part.

"Oh my fucking God!!! We need to go report this! You are so lucky Yoongi and Jungkook were there or who knows what would have happened! I feel like such an asshole! I should have been here and I hadn't even gotten your call. Shit!" Tae got up and started pacing.

"Tae it's not your job to protect me you know. But I'm going to the office after this. I do want to go report them."

"Good, I'll come with you. Get dressed.  I'll run down and get us some coffee." Tae said, walking out.

Jimin shuffled out of bed and made his way to the bathroom to freshen up and get ready.

He made sure to clean his wound and put the ointment on it. Then he went to his closet.

He sighed, pulling out a shirt and jeans. He made sure the shirt was short sleeved just in case they wanted to see his cut for proof of what had taken place. But he also grabbed a jacket, just in case.

He knew it was because of Jungkook, but he didn't want to think about it. He went to look in the mirror. Somehow he didn't recognise the dull person staring back at him. He ran his hand along his chest, feeling the small bumps of his nipple piercings. He felt like that was the only thing about him that made him different now.

His blond hair was shaggy around his make up free face. He had on a regular shirt and jeans with sneakers. His hands and neck were free from jewellery and he had on no other accessories that made him stand out.

This was him now. Not skater Jimin or hooker Jimin or the boy who flaunted his body. It was just regular dull Jimin. A Jimin who no one would spare a second glance at. Deep down, he felt maybe Jungkook had been right. If he hadn't worn his usual clothes maybe those assholes wouldn't have even noticed him.

But Jimin hated being regular, normal, dull. He wanted to express himself through dress and not have to worry about what people may think or what they would do. He hated that he couldn't do that anymore. He hated the feeling that somehow, Jungkook had won and he had been right.

"Min? You ready?"

"Coming." Jimin glanced at his reflection once more, heart quivering as he walked out.


"I'm so glad most of it was caught on camera and they'll be expelled. I don't think I could ever be able to leave you alone knowing guys like that lurked around." Tae said. His relief was clear as they walked out of the administrative building.


"Are you okay? I'm sorry something like that had to happen to you Jimin." Taehyung stepped up to stop in front of his friend, using a finger to tilt his chin up. He could see the sadness in Jimin's eyes and he hated it. He hated himself for not being able to protect his friend.

Sk-hate-r (Jikook) *COMPLETE  Where stories live. Discover now