Chapter 17: Run in

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Just want to thank you guys for 1.3k views on Reformed Student! I never thought that my story would even get recognized but THANKS SO MUCH!!! Annnnyyways, back into torturing the characters >:) {also I got a new laptop yay so that means that Stories are going to be a lot easier to do! Yes, I was writing on my phone before but now I have a laptop!}

I was between classes when it happened. A sharp pain in my chest. I new something must be wrong with East, but what was it? The pain just got worse for the next minute. I felt like I was going to just explode right then and there. Someone was talking to me, I assumed it was Japan, but I couldn't hear anything, the world was spinning and going blurry.

The next thing I know, I'm waking up in my room. My head still stings. How long have I been here. Not thinking anymore on that thought I head over to the classroom. Quietly opening the door, I surprisingly see U.N again. I might have flinched a bit.

"Glad you're up Germany." Two faces turn towards me.

"You missed a lot." Japan says rolling her eyes.

"Sorry I'm late, I had no idea you were coming today."

"Well of course you didn't, you've been out for two weeks!" What two weeks?! That makes no sense!

"W-what happened."

"The Soviet Union collapsed, meaning that Germany was reunited again." East was, gone... I never really knew him, but we were sorta connected. Is it possible to be sad for someone, you never really knew? But if Soviet was gone, that means... Russia and I make eye contact and I jump back bit. He got a lot taller and a lot grumpier.

"Haven't seen you in a while Germs." He said in a monotone voice.

"Yeah...Its been a while."


I sat back down on the couch, still shaking. So much had just happed in a short period of time. And at the same time so much made sense, Germany coming in late, not getting any sleep, that one time he came in with a bandaged hand. His father never really left him. Why hasn't he told anybody? This was some really serious stuff. Did I want to be involved in it? My phone buzzes again, I see another call from America. I take a deep breath and pick it up.

"What do you want?"

"We're at your house!"

"WHAT?! why are you at my house!"

"We were going to walk to school with you."

"You didn't even ask me if I was there!" I say giving myself a light facepalm.

"You... Are at your house right?"

"Uhhhh no actually"

"Where are you then?"

"A friends house!"

"Cool then we can all walk together!"

"You don't even know who I'm talking about."

"I have connections I can just text everyone to see where you are, unless you tell me" Germany walks down the stairs and sees me on the phone.

"Who are you talking too?" He says quietly.

"An idiot."

"Hey!" America says from the other end of the phone, causing me to pull it away from my face from the sheer volume.

"Can you not destroy my eardrums?"

"Just tell me where you are."

"no, see you at school." I say and hang up, stuffing the phone back in my pocket. I look back up at Germany who looks like he is just staring into space, but that space is me. "Sorry about that." I say knocking him out of his trance.

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