Chapter 12: A Blossoming Friendship

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Everything was blurry, I was still tied to the same chair. But something felt different.

"What happened?"  I hear some voices outside the room.looking over to my side I see something else, someone else. "Who are you?" The figure moves a bit. There is a faint light coming from a window in the center of the room. I try to get closer so I can see better.

"I don't know." They said. "But I think I'm you." I wince a bit in surprise. "They separated us so that each of them could have control over an area.

"Great." I mumble to myself. Suddenly the door swings open, and I see one of my fathers former allies Soviet.

"East, your coming with me." The boy and I look at each other, then back at him. He grumbles something to himself before walking up and picking the boy up by his arm. I can tell that his grip is strong, it's hard to explain but I can feel as if he were doing it to me as well. He drags east out the door and shuts it, leaving me once again. Alone in the dark.


It was the strangest thing. One minute they hate each other, and now they're talking to each other in a non mean way.


Russia was out sick today, so that left me sitting alone at lunch. Well at least now I could focus completely on my work. That is until I hear the click of a lunch tray.

"Can I sit here?" I look up and see Poland smiling down at me.

"Sure." I look back down at the papers I was working on.

"How do you understand any of that?!"

"It's just math..." I say and raise an eyebrow.

"Can... you show me how to do that?"

"Sure let me see what you have so far." He grabs some papers from his backpack then moves to sit next to me. He slides the paper over and I take a look at it. "First of all you've copied some of your negatives as positives."


We spent the rest of the lunch period going over the math homework. I put my head down on the table, all this was giving me a headache.

"Are you ok?"

"Math is hard." I say and turn my head. Germany is already packing up. "How are you so good at it!"

"I have a lot of spare time."

"Are you a workaholic?"

"I don't think so." I highly doubt that.

"Soooo Germany, do you have a crush on anyone here?"


"You know a crush? Someone you like like?" He gives me a blank stare.

"I don't."

"Hm cool."

"That was a weird question."

"I guess I just wanted to make normal conversation!"

~464 words (aka I didn't know what else to write)~

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