Chapter 16: Man in the Mirror

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(Yes dear viewers I did have to make a Michael Jackson reference. What chu gonna do about it?)

Italy was the first to leave.

"Italy, your so lucky to get to go to normal high school!"

"Japan is right, it's only been two months and you're already leaving."

"Don't worry guys! I'm sure you'll get out soon and we can hang out again!"

"You better not forget us!" The memo girl said punching him in the arm.

"Ow, I won't!" Japan and Italy go keep going between arguing and talking about how much they'll miss each other.

"W-when we get out, are we even sure if anyone will like us?" Germany asked.

"I'm not sure." Italy replied. "But even if they don't we still have each other."


I my eyes flutter open when I hear my phone buzzing in the back of my pocket. I pick it up to see who it is.


"Heyyy Poland."

"Who is this?"


"I should've known, no one answers to at obnoxiously."

"Anyways, I was walking to school when I got a text that we have some sort snow day. And Canada doesn't believe me. Can you talk to him."

"You called me for this?"


"Wow, I could've been sleeping."

"Cool anyways here's Canada."

"Hi, who did he call?"

"Poland." I say tiredly.

"Oh hi Poland! Did you get a text about a snow day?"

"I literally just woke up when America called me."

"Oh." For some reason I could tell he was glaring at his brother. "Anyways just look outside and tell me the snow isn't that bad." I get up off the couch and take a look out the window.

"Well by Canada standards no there shouldn't be a snow day."


"But if you were a normal person like the rest of us you would realise yeah, Ame get your phone checked the snow is not that bad." Just to make sure I check my phone for any texts from the school or anyone else. "Also yeah no text."

"Thanks Poland!" Canada says and hangs up the phone. I stretch realising that I should also probably get ready for school. Wait where am I again? Oh yeah Germany's. Is he still asleep. Well at least he got it, I think, last night was mostly a blur after we watched a movie or something. Even though I respect that Germany was smart enough to get some sleep, I should probably wake him up for school. I wonder aimlessly around the house until I find his room, by slowly creaking open the door. Germany was asleep which was good. I step inside and carefully close the door behind me.

"Wow his room is really nice." I mumble to myself. The room was a greyish blue with a wooden framed bed and desk. In the corner there was a stand up mirror. Wow I look like I slept funny. My hair was standing up and my wings were frizzy. Still looking in the mirror I try and make myself not look like I get hit by a car when I see something. Something moved in the mirror. I check behind me but there didn't seem to be anything there. I must still be half asleep. I walk over to where Germany was still sleeping. He looked so peaceful. But I had to ruin it.

"Hey Niemcy, get up." I say slightly shaking him. He mumbles something before turning away. I huff, before shaking him again. this time he just pulls the blankets over his head. Jeez this guy is a deep sleeper. Or maybe he's a light sleeper who hasn't slept in a month. Yeah that sounds about right. I go back and look into the mirror. I'm not sure what I was waiting for, but I guess I just wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy. After a few minutes of pure starring I just sit down by the bed. I guess I was just cra-

"Boo!" I figure slams on the mirror. I flinch and accidentally slam my head against the bed, waking Germany up.

"Polen, are you ok?" I rub the back of my head and, just continue to stare terrified at the mirror. Laughter seemed to come from the room. God I haven't felt this scared since... no no no! I close my eyes and force it all out of my head. "Polen!" I open my eyes again, Germany was kneeling in front of me, both of his hands were on my shoulders and our eyes just stared at each other.


I stared at him in his light amber eyes. All of a sudden he leaps up and hugs me. He's shivering, scared. I hug him as well and rub light circles on his back.

"What happened Polen?"

"I looked in the mirror and I thought I saw something move so after you didn't wake up I went to investigate it then he came and-"

"Slow down, what do you mean you..." I turn and look back at the mirror. Could, he see him too?

"I know, you must think I'm crazy but..."

"No, I don't. I'm just surprised I'm not the crazy one."

"W-what do you mean?" I take a deep breath and hold Poland out in front of me.

"Ever since the picnic... my vather has been... following me." I turn to look at him, he just stood there, grinning. "It's become more annoying more then anything." He mumbled to himself.

"Wait.... Nazi is alive?"

"No, he's just..." Poland tenses up a bit more. He didn't have the best experience with him so it would not go down well. "Come on, I'll get you downstairs." He just nods and I help him up. I never thought he would show his ugly face to anyone else. I lead Poland back down to the couch and set him down while I go back away we upstairs.

~992 words~

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