Chapter 11: Truce

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I small light illuminated the room from a small window. It was perhaps the cruelest thing about this place. I could only get a small glimmer of the sun outside. If only I had gotten there, I was so close. I go wipe away the tears from my face when I notice my shoulder had been bandaged up. It still hurt, but at least this guy had enough sanity not to let me die.


Oh this was so weird. Why didn't he just leave, now I'm, being hugged.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I thought you were gonna be like your dad or grandpa, but you just kinda look sad." Was that a compliment?

"You don't know that."

"You're right I don't." He says releasing means looking me in he eyes. "But I shouldn't assume the worst of people."

"That's really nice of you Polen, but I'm fine with people not liking me."

"You're so sad!"

"I am? I personally think I'm plenty happy." I turn back to my computer. I kinda just stare at it, not doing anything.

"Why do you keep the basement boarded up?"

"I don't have enough money to wall it off. Why?"

"Wouldn't you want to go down there and change stuff around?"

"I've been down they're four or five times and that was enough for me."

"What was it for?"

"The last time was for cleaning."

"What about the other times."

"Uhhh none of your business." I get up and walk over to the kitchen. He's asking so many personal questions. What's next? Going to ask what happened in the reform school? Like I would answer anything about that.

"Why do you have a gun?" I turn to see him over at a small coffee table in there corner by the basement. "Is it loaded?"

"Not anymore." I mumble.

"Do you know how to use it?"

"Well, my dad taught me."

"So is this yours or, his."

"What do you think." I say and walk over to him turning the thing over for him to see.

"Oh...." He looks down and fidgets with his hands. "Why do you keep that?"

"None of your business."

"Well what if it is my business?"

"But it's not."

"But what if it is!?" He says a bit annoyed.

"My god you're stubborn!"

"Well so are you!" We both stand there silently angry. I hear a small giggle.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, you and I just remind me of America and Russia when they're fighting."

"Those two can't seem to get it together." I say and rub my temples. Poland laughs a bit more.

"Yeah, I guess that is kinda like what we're doing." Poland calms down a bit.

"Hey you're smiling." I am?! I quickly cover my mouth and look away. "It isn't that bad, don't worry!"


"Don't be, I guess you're just a bit uncomfortable with it."

"Yeah." I say and give a nervous laugh.

"I'm sorry for judging you too quickly. I was scared if..."

"No it's ok. I understand. I'm sorry for being so rude, I was just a little paranoid."

"This is a really stupid rivalry."

"Most likely."

"What do you say? Truce." He says and puts his hand forward. I stand there just staring. He really changed his mind thy is fast? It could be a trick, I know all about those. But his smile seems genuine.


~566 words~

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