Chapter 4: Memories

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"Dude what is with you?!"

"Can't I be nice."

"You can but just not to me, it's too weird"

 I decided to invite Russia and America to my house After school, just to make sure they could hang out without arguing. I wasn't going well, but it was very funny to watch.

"What are you laughing at." Russia says quickly turning to face me.

"Nothing, you two just need to stop flirting with each other." I see then both go red in the face.

"We are not flirting." America says and angrly starts to shake me. his only causes me to laugh more. America is very flustered and Russia just pulls his Ushanka down over his eyes. 

"I'm sorry but I had to." I say still laughing.


Winter break was so far incredibly boring, nothing to do but review topics from school. I sigh leaning back in my chair. I look over and see a photo of when I was a kid, hanging out with Russia, Japan and Italy. y eyes close remembering that time.

"What do you suppose they're doing in there." asked Russia.

"I have no idea, but I'm pretty sure we had a picnic planned!" Italy says holding a basket. He places it down and rummages through it pulling out a container of Pasta and some sauce.

"Isn't that a bit much?" I say fiddling with the cuffs of my hoodie.

"You can NEVER have too much pasta! Germs I thought you knew this." 

"I guess you're right." I say and smile.

"Anyways-" Italy looks down to see his food is gone. I look over and see Japan scarfing it down. "JAPAN!" She stops eating to look up at him confused.

"What? Your dad makes the best food."

"Give me back my pasta!"

"Never!" After a few minutes of running around, Japan reluctantly gives back the food. They both sit down as Italy portions out the remaining food. We sit in a bit of awkward silence before Russia brings up a conversation.

"I saw that kid America the other day. God isn't he just stupid!"

"Yeah, my ママwas planning on attacking him soon." 

"That'll be fun to watch."

"Yeah it will." Japan says and takes a bit of the food. America didn't seem that bad, but dad didn't really like him. I heard he was a powerful country that shouldn't be messed with. Maybe if America was dragged into the war, my dad would be defeated.

"Oh I almost forgot!" Japan rummages through a small handbag she carried around. "Look what I have!" She pulls out a small camera and holds it close to her chest excitedly. "I wanted to get a picture of all of us together!"

"Yeah but who's gonna take the picture." Asked Italy. Japan sat in disappointment for a minute, before her ears perked up signaling she had an idea. 

"Let's get our parents to do it!" 

"Sounds good to me." Russia stands up and so do Italy and I. Japan starts to run inside, the rest of us barely keeping up. We reach the door and Japan knocks impatiently.

"Calm down girl." Russia says a bit out of breath.The door opens revealing my father and four other figures sitting at a table behind him. Dad looks a bit annoyed but he sees us and puts on a smile.

"Kids, I thought you were out having a picnic." I pull my hood over my head, my dad never likes to be interrupted.

"We were wondering if you guys could take our picture!" Japan says holding up her camera. Japan's mom walks over to the door giving her a pat on the head.

"Ok let's take one outside." We all go outside and stand in front of a patch of cornflowers. JApan gives her mom the camera and we all smoosh together. "Big smiles everyone!" I put on my best smile, although it's hard to do in front of my dad. There's a flash, and then Japan goes to see the picture.

That was a good day. I haven't spoken to Italy in a while, and only a few words went between Russia and Japan. Our group was mostly split up. Do I miss them? Maybe. Japan always had her crazy energy, which she still has now. I'm really glad it wasn't dulled. Russia seems to be more down than the kid who would always cheer one of us up. He was so understanding. I hope Italy still is hot headed over his food.

~A few minutes later~

What am I doing? The phone that was up to my ear was still ringing.

"Hello?" A familiar accent answered.

"Hey Italy." I reply with my best not tired voice.

"Who is this?"


"Germany?! I haven't seen you in forever! How's it going?"

"Pretty good."

"That's awesome! You should totally come over to the restaurant, Japan is here just hanging out!"

"You have a restaurant?"

"Oh yeah! I set it up last year and business is going great!." I pull the phone from my ear to look at the time. It wasn't too late, I could probably make it. Maybe it would be a good idea. I pull the phone back up to my ear to respond.

"Sorry Italy, Not today."

"That sucks, well maybe next time."


"Well I gotta go, it was nice talking to you again Germs." He said and hung up the phone. I tossed it onto my bed and slouched down into my chair. Should I have gone?


That's a shame he couldn't make it. I haven't seen that guy in forever, I miss the old days of our group. Well I would if I didn't know what was going on at the time.

~951 words~

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