Chapter 14: Fourth Reich, Then and Gone

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The dorm was small, if he stretched his arms out his could touch each of the walls. The only thing that was in there was a bed and a desk. Germany grazed his hand across the wood. The only good thing about this room was right above the desk, a window looking out onto a thick forest. Was it there for insurance of a student not leaving?
How long are going to keep me locked up here? The country thought. "Tomorrow is class, better make myself at home."


I sat at the desk in my bedroom, reading through the notebook. The further I got through it, the more horrifying the entry's got. Finally I had gotten to the end.

April 30,
This, is my final entry. Tonight, it ends. Victory or death. My forces cannot hold off the troops much longer. Those blasted Soviets will be at my doorstep any day now.
But when I fall,
Another shall rise in my place.
The Fourth Riech.

That was the last of his entries. That last line stuck with me, what did he mean by a Fourth Riech? I couldn't think too much of it now. I close the book and head off to bed.

But I couldn't fall asleep. I told myself I wouldn't think of it, but that's all I could do. Finally I sit up and turn on the lamp beside my bed. I walk over to the bathroom and splash some water on my face.

A small gasp escapes my lips. My flag it was....

Just like my fathers, but inverted. No no no I can't be like him.

"Oh my son, you found my journal." I see his figure faintly through the mirror. I close my eyes and open them again, nope still there. "You're wondering what I meant in my last entry, who is this Fourth Reich?" I see him come closer through the mirror. I feel a hand on each of my shoulders. His hot breath down my knock.

"It's you."

"N-no, I'm not like you!"

"You're my son! Your everything like me." A smile creeps up onto his face, his teeth sharp and yellow.

"No I can't be like you."

"Look at your flag Deutschland."

"NO That isn't me!" I close my eyes and turn my head away.

"Keep telling yourself that."

My eyes open up and I'm back sitting at the desk. I had fallen asleep. It was all just a dream. Just to make sure I look over at the mirror in my room, my flag looked like it used to.


Germany came rushing in through the doors of third period.

"Germany, nice of you to join us. Care to explain why your 20 minutes late?"

"No." He mumbles and takes a seat.

"Well then I'm sure you won't mind writing a 2 page essay about the importance of being on time." I hear him mumble before resting his head down on his desk. "I expect it by the end of the week." She says and goes back to her lesson.


I place my head down and look at the notebook I brought with me. I needed answers and so far this was all I had. Somewhere amongst the doodles and scribbles there was something I was missing. Wait. One of the drawings took up a whole page. It was the cabin I used to go to when I was little. I didn't know dad drew this well. But that wasn't the point, this cabin had to mean something. I could visit it during a weekend or break.

"What do you have there." I look up and see America looking over my shoulder.


"Wow did you draw that."

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