Chapter 5: Parent Problems Therapy

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"Hey who was on the phone?"

"Just germany."

"Wait he actually called you! Is he coming over?"

"No he said he was busy."

"He's been so down lately. I think." Japan says and takes a bite into her bread. She usually came to vent and eat food. Russia comes by once in a while with his siblings if he didn't feel like cooking. But I haven't seen Germany sense my dad joined the allies.  "Anyways I'm having a party tomorrow and need to get the word out so I'll see you later."

"Yeah, I'll try and make it."

"If you do, could you bring some food!"

"Yeah sure."

~It's about a week later~


Flying was always a way to clear my head. The wind against my face, and the silence away from the world. I wish that every moment could be like this. But my wings get tired so I eventually have to land. I place my feet down and see that I'm near the supermarket. No-body seems to be around. I begin my long walk home. Jeez I flew way out this time. These alleyways near the place always freaked me out. I was careful to avoid them, but I couldn't help but notice something. 

At first it seemed to be a pile of clothes, but then it started moving. I saw it was a person, maybe a hobo. 

"Ow..." The figure stood up and grabbed a few things around him. 

"Are you ok?" I say and step a bit closer. He turns a bit towards me and I see that its...


"Hello Polen." He quickly turns back around and collects what appears to be his groceries. 

"Germany are you ok? What happened?"

"I'm fine.But I really should get back home."

"But you're hurt!" He stands up and I gingerly put my hand on his shoulder. 

"Don't touch me!" He yells and slaps my hand away. I just look back in fear as an angry expression faces my direction. I look back terrified. I was right all along, he's just like his dad. The German looks at me again but with more fear then down at himself.

"I-I'm so sorry!' He reaches his hand out before pulling it back. "I should just go." He says and runs off. I rub my hand a bit. He is just like his father

Isn't he?


What did I just do! That was way too uncalled for! He was just trying to help. So why did I just do that? Calming myself down, I slow down and take a few deep breaths. If I can just stay calm, I won't do it again.

"Hey Germany!" I jump a bit hearing my name. Something I thought I stopped doing. I turn and see Italy waving from a door. I just need to calm down.

"Hey Italy." I say as he walks up to me.

"What happened? Are you ok?" He says ad puts his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine." I say and brush it off. 

"You should maybe join us."

"What exactly are you doing?" Italy leads me into his house, that is connected to his restaurant.

"What I like to call therapy. And from what I've heard, you need it"

"Nien, I don't think I should-"

"Don't worry It all stays between us." Italy opens a door to another room and I see Russia and Japan.


I walk by and see Germany again but this time with Italy. Maybe he isn't like his father, and just hates me. I was kinda mean to him, but for good reasons. I don't trust him. Just a ticking time bomb waiting to explode, and I won't be caught up in it again.  My phone buzzes and I check to see who it is.

Ame- Hey have you seen Russia? Trying to do that hanging out thing and he won't answer my texts.

Pol- Oh yeah He, Japan and Italy have a kinda therapy thing once a month, it must be that.

Ame- Ok cool.

But if the therapy thing was today, why was Italy with Germany? I don't really know the whole story so can I really judge? Italy must have his reasons.


Italy comes back into the room with Germany. He looks pretty beat up.

"Welcome to the party Germs! Please, take a seat on this very comfortable floor." Italy said sitting down and patting a spot next to him. He and Japan are always so positive. It's really refreshing. Germany sets some bags down and hesitantly sits next to Italy. 

"Nice of you to join us Germany." I say. "Now Japan what where you saying?"

"Oh yeah right!" She says a but more exited with the new member. "Well as I was saying, ママ was always there for me, and I loved her. But, after ummm. Nazi died. She kinda went a bit crazy. She was left alone by the rest of her allies so she would just sit in her room talking to herself. The talking turned to yelling, then to just... destroying things. I was so naive trying to calm her down that..." Her voice trails off for a second, tears forming in her eyes which she quickly wipes away. "I thought she would surrender after the first bombing but she didn't. In the end she ended up dying." A few tears rolled down her cheeks. 

It's understandable, Her mom was really sweet when I knew her, but I never really heard it from Japan. I look over at Germany who is just staring down blankly.

"Hey Germs, you feel like sharing anything?" Italy exclaims breaking the silence. He looks up from his dae a bit startled. "It's ok if you don't want to,  but it is good to get some things off your chest."

"You can trust us we're friends, and we've all been through different experiences." I was never too keen on this either, but this thing that Italy is doing to help all of us, is really amazing.

"I-I don't really know what I would talk about." He says quietly. That seems normal to me, what doesn't seem normal is his very serious voice. 

"Well then let's talk about why you were always so quiet. If thats ok with you."

"Yeah, its fine." 

~1046 Words~

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