Chapter 18: Eyes

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The teacher decided to place me in the front of the room. We never really had assigned seats so I would always sit in the back. I really didn't mind where I would sit but it was a bit scary being stared down by the teacher. She would always glare down at me when she was talking, like she was waiting for something. I never liked to be stared at, but this was just...

A bit much.

Russia had been getting letters from some of his relatives who have been attending normal school. (I know this because someone always shows up during class at some point to deliver one. Otherwise I would have never guessed.) We haven't spoken much, if at all. I don't know what I did, or if he's still angry at my dad. I knew that he and his dad were close but I was never sure how close. Not like I could talk to him about much.


Poland and I continued our walk, still a bit shaken by what just happened. Poland stared down at his feet mumbling something I couldn't quite make out. He fiddled with the strings on his backpack seemingly fixated on the ground.

I noticed that whenever he felt any sort of strong emotion his wings seemed to convey that. Be it flapping slightly when he's nervous,or like now stiff against his back. I never really took I. All of there features, they appears to be a crystal white gently glinting in the sun. It amazed how he managed to get them through the tiny holes in the back of his shirt. He looks up from the ground and my eyes meet his hazel ones before I quickly turn to the snow by my feet.

"Were you staring at me?" He asks. I feel my face heat up realizing I was caught before I quickly regain most of my composure.

"No." I replied simply. Usually I tried to be honest but I was a bit embarrassed. We stand there quite for a minute before I hear him shuffling through his bag.

"So uhh, how are you?" He asks still looking for something. I raise an eyebrow wondering what he was looking for.

"Fine I guess." I say rubbing the side of my neck. I stop quickly feeling a scar and pull away lifting my shirt a bit. I don't need anymore bad memories. "Are you ok? You seemed to be a bit angry with your friends."

"Yeah I guess. I was just really annoyed that America just kinda went to my house without even telling me." He sighed.

"Should I be glad that I've avoided him enough so he doesn't go over to my place?" I say smiling a bit trying to lighten the mood. Poland seems to find this amusing letting out a small chuckle.

"I guess you can be grateful for that!"


We finally made it too the school. For the first time in a while, I wasn't late. Poland and I continued out small talk and sat down in our first period class. We had a few minutes just to chat.

"Have you ever cried?" He asked. I flinched a bit.

"I mean sure I did like when I was a baby or something. Why do you ask?"

"I don't think I've ever seen you cry and trust me, I've seen everyone cry at some point."

"Everyone?" I question raising an eyebrow.

"I count tear slips." He says a bit too proudly.


We decided to sit an the side of the school for lunch, just so we wouldn't draw any unnecessary attention. Poland had asked weird questions all day. The ones that you would be generally concerned for their well being and/or sanity if they asked you. Or just personal questions in general. But now it was my turn, I think I might have thought of a good one.

"Do you have any birthmarks?"

"I guess, I didn't get it from birth but it is a mark" he says flipping up his hair showing a faint mark across the center of his head.

"What are you, Harry Potter?" I say a bit jokingly.

"I see you are a man of culture." Poland flips his hair back down. "You got any marks?" I feel like I can trust him at this point, I think to myself turning my head to the right making sure to slightly lift up the back of my hair so he could see. I feel his soft breath against my neck as he moves in closer to get a better look before I lower my hand and turn around again.


He turns what looks to be a symbol similar to something of the Soviet Union. I lean in a bit closer picking out the smaller details before Germany turns again out faces now really close. I quickly back up feeling my face heat up.

"S-sorry!" I stammered feeling my face turn a warm pink. His eyes darted to the ground seemingly more interested in the snow beneath his feet. "What that from anyways?" He looks up again starting into my eyes. Like he's asking if I'm going to tell anyone, or maybe he's wondering if he can trust me. His eyes were like pools of silver. They seemed relatively dull with just a small glint in them. He lets out a deep sigh moving his head down to the snow once again.

"It only appeared after the Soviet Union was destroyed and me and East was gone."

"East?" I ask questioningly.

"I..... split after the war." My eyes widen and I look to the ground. I had no idea. He was split like I was, except at one point I was reunited again, not exactly sure when that happened.

If I had known this back when he first came back, I would've said he deserved it. I can't bring myself to those thoughts now. I almost feel, bad. Knowing what it's like firsthand. I reach my hand over to his out of instinct giving it a tight squeeze, looking to his eyes letting him know that I understood. He looked up and smiled, genuinely.

There might have even been a brighter glint in his eyes.

~1044 words~

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I don't know how many more there will be but we're getting close to what I was going for. Gotta take it slow even though it's painful to write lol.
Anyways hope you guys are having a great day/night and stay tuned for the next chapter! (Even though I update once every hundred years -_-)

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