Chapter 2: Fighting Back

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"Oh my gosh Germany!" Japan runs up to Germany to give him a hug.HE gets a bit startled and looks a bit uncomfortable.

"So you guys have met before?" Germany adjusts his glasses and pushes Japan away.


"Our Parents were on the same side of the war, but we're gonna be good boi's right Germs!"

"Mhm." Japan leads Germany to a seat next to me and her. 

"So Germs was it." I say and crack a smile.

"Please, call me Germany." Wow so serious.

"Germs your no fun." Japan says and nudges him.

"Can you stop calling me that." There was a hint of annoyance in his voice, he isn't such a blank slate then.

"But you let me call you that before, why can't I now?"

"Because I never really liked it." Japan gasps in sarcastic betrayal.

"But you never seemed bothered by it before."

"I tried to tell you but you kept interrupting me."

"Yeah that does sound like Japan." I say and butt in.

"America you too!" Japan and I both laugh but Germany just stares. This kid is weird.


I walk out of school and see some commotion going on. Now like the model student I am I go to see what's going on. Unsurprisingly, North Korea was harassing somebody with his brother trying (And failing)  to calm him down. Todays victim, The new kid Germany. How did he already mess up with N.K. ? Nonetheless students were eager to see a fight, and the attention was only egging on N.K. 

"Any comments on world domination?"

"Unlike you I am not threatening the world with Nuclear war."

"Like your so much better." Germany continues to stand and adjust his glasses. 

"I'm not harassing new kids thats for sure." N.K. glares at him angrily. "Can you please get out of the way, I would like to get home." Germany tries to walk around the crowd but is quickly grabbed by the collar and pulled back, making papers fly out of his bag. At this point a fight has basically broke out. 

N.K. punched Germany in the face causing him to stumble and his glasses fall off to the ground . He goes over to pick them up only to be kicked in the stomach knocking him to the floor. he sat himself up some blood dripping from his face and only a stern death stare to return the beating. 

The German wasn't going to fight back. I decided to intervene and stop the fight.  stood between the two of them and N.K. resisted but was being pulled away by his now embarrassed brother. He reluctantly walks off. I wave off the other students and turn back to Germany who is collecting his scattered papers.i go over and pick up his glasses.

"Here you dropped these." 

"Thanks." he says and grabs them. His tone was very unemotinal, like it had no purpose at all. I help him pick up more of his papers and hand them over.

"We should take you to the nurse."

"That won't be necessary, I can do it at home." 

"Well then I'll walk with you to your house." He examines me the nods reluctantly.We walk out of school and are mostly quite. "Why didn't you fight back?" He looks at me like I'm stupid.

"Would you have fought back?" I thought about that for a minute. I've never been in the situation but...

"If it were to protect myself, yes."

"Well then that is a privilege we don't have in common." Now I'm looking at him like he's stupid. If you wanted to get out of there quickly, then you could have. He gives a sigh and adjusts his glasses. "What would people think of you if you fought back, versus what they would think of me."

"Well if I where t do, it I guess it would just be another fight in the school but that's the same for every student ven the reformed ones."

"You don't have a bloodline of murdures predecessors." That is true, I guess if he were to fight back, people would only compare him to his father more.

"i guess you get the short end of the stick there, I'm sorry its like that."

"It isn't your fault, it was always going to be like that."


My last house for tonight, that gives me plenty of time to study when I get back home. I nock on the door and take a step back. I really hope they aren't home, less interaction. To my disappointment, the door opened and a well put together Britain stood at the door.

"Ah Germany, what are you doing here?"

"Just came to drop off some letters disregarding the war."


"Apologies sir." I try to keep my serious tone but Britain is pretty intimidating, but it's not too bad.

"Why don't you come inside for some tea?"

"Oh no I couldn't, I've got studying to do back at home." I put on my best smile, but it's kinda hard. If my smile seems a little too off, it could be taken the wrong way. 

"Well ok then, have a good day." I take a sigh of relief and head back home.

"Germany!" I stop and turn and see a warm smile from France waving me over. I walk back and Brittain look slightly embarrassed. 

"Nice to see you again France." after my father invade her country, she spent a lot of time around our house.

"you've gotten so tall! I took at your letter and was very surprised by your penmanship!"

"You did help me with that." She smiles very warmly and excitedly.during the time of the war when she was with us, she was more like a nanny for me. She did talk a lot about her family though so i was prepared for what to come next.

"You must come and meet my family!"

"Honey I dont think-"

"les sottises! Come in!" France was kind to anyone she met, its sad that my father used that kindness against her. I was escorted into her house. It was messy but neat at the same time. "Boys come down, I want you to meet someone." Four boys came down. I recognized two from school, America and Canada. The other two I recognized from the many stories France had told me about them. The boy with the snake around his neck must be australia and the smaller one who looked very similar must be New Zealand. 

"Oh hey Germany, you seem to be doing better." Says Canada. I just nod, Cuts and bruises were no big deal. France continued to talk but I was getting slightly uncomfortable. Just like my father before me, I was kindly invited into they're home and met the family. Would I end up just like him?

No I knew I would be different, I would not be the a murder like him.

"America you better get back here! We weren't finished!" I look up and see Poland. Now looking shocked. I have been trying to avoid him. "I didn't think you would let him in considering what happened last time." Everyone was clearly shocked, I just got more uncomfortable.


"No, this was expected from the beginning. I'll just go." I get out of that house as quickly as possible. Stares burning the back of my neck. A sigh escapes, as if I've been holding my breath the whole time. It felt like it. What was I doing?! I felt my cheek, only to find out I was crying. So i take off my glasses to wipe away the tears then walk home. 

crying show weakness my father told me. I know I shouldn't take advice from him, but some things just stick with you.

~1272 Words O-O~

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