Chapter 19: The Plan

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What? I'm Updating?! What a shock! It must have been a century! But I hope this satisfies you guyz. :3

In all seriousness I really am trying to get back to writing this I just you know, fell out of the fandom for a bit. But now I'm back and not canceling this story! (I also have a bad habit of not feeling like writing trust me I really wanted to give you guys something good for such a long wait <3)

By this point I had learned to stay quiet. The teacher would smile when I turned in my assignments now. It's a lot nicer then than the scowl I usually would receive. Right now we were learning about history, again. I'm pretty sure we already learned about the Mongol Empire a few months ago. Maybe they're running out of history to teach.

My brain just stuck to the schedule at this point, its not like there was anything else to do. Wake up, get coffee, go to class, do homework, realize its 3 am, go to sleep and repeat. I actually enjoyed the simplicity of it all. It made me feel almost normal.


Somehow he was getting stronger. Before only I could see him but Poland seeing him a few days ago meant that something was up.

"What are you planning." I mumble yo myself. I was back down in the basement shuffling through all of his papers. The light I had brought downstairs flickers over the papers and I continued to read through them. They were really messy and unorganized. I had started to keep a notebook of all of my findings. First it was just a reflection in the mirror, then he could travel along with a Spirt like form and now others can see him, but I'm assuming only through reflective surfaces.

"You're not looking in the right places." I flinch accidentally scattering some papers on the floor.

"I would ask where the right place was but I would figure you won't tell me." I kneel down picking up the parts and stacking them neatly into a pile.

"That's not true." He says in a sickly sweet tone. His form comes into view. It appears to be less floaty. But light doesn't reflect off it him and so a shadow does not cast. "I can give you the information you need in return for a favor."

"Not happening." I don't want to owe him anything. I don't even want to remember he existed. I open his journal again flipping  trough the pages to see if I missed anything. The cabin drawing comes up again. It feels more important then just something out of random inspiration. Maybe I should head up there.

"It's shame that you didn't carry the same talent for art." I don't acknowledge him as I close the book. I scribble down the cabin in my book so I wouldn't forget again. A lot of the papers here were getting me nowhere. Out of harbor I chewed on the end of my pen. "I remember when you first started doing this and got ink all over your face." He says lightly chuckling. "You still kept doing it and I see you still do it." His tone seemed more light then before.

"If you think being sentimental is going to change my mind then quit while you still can." I turn to stare him dead in his cold eyes.

"Tell me, does it feel good?" He smiles in an unnerving way. His transparent skin enveloping the darkness.


"Standing up to me, not caring about what I could do." I hesitate a bit forming a frown and looking away. "Feels good doesn't it? Being in power." I grab my notebook and walk back up the stairs. I need to take my mind off all of this. I go over to my desk opening up my laptop. I don't have any homework but I could go review all of the topics from earlier again. Soon I might be able to rewrite the whole curriculum. I don't get very far when I feel my phone buzz in my pocket.

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