Chapter 10: Hugs

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I carefully creaked the door open. Good he wasn't here. I carefully step into the dark room and shut the door. It's pretty dark, but I can just barely make out a small limp figure. I quickly turn on my lantern and set it down. If I do this correctly, maybe I won't feel so bad.


Germany seemed to be off. He nearly fell asleep twice in all the classes I had with him yesterday. That jerk, as soon as I was considering being friends he just, tells me we can't be! I was just trying to be nice. The teacher keeps rambling on when suddenly the door quietly opens. We turn and see that Germany was the one walking in late. Wait he wasn't here?

"Care to explain why you're late?"

"I had an accident with some glass at home." He says and holds up his bandaged hand. Some of the blood seeped through at his knuckles. The teacher just nods and he takes a seat. I never took him for someone to be so careless like that. Maybe it was just an accident. He did seem pretty tired. I turn and see that he has fallen asleep again, the teacher doesn't seem to notice. Doesn't this guy know what a sleep schedule is?


The bell rings signaling the end of class. I let Germany sleep through class, but as soon as the bell rang he jolted up and started to put his stuff away. He's a light sleeper.

"Hey Germany, are you ok?"

"I'm fine."

"You slept through class, and you came in late."

"I was resting my eyes, besides I know the material." He grabs his stuff and quickly exits the classroom.


"Hey Germany."


"You've been off recently." I say and he groans. "Do you think you're going through some sort of PTSD?"

"What?" He says and looks up at me shocked.

"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?"

"I know what it means, but why do you think I have that?"

"I mean a lot of counties who were involved in the war had some form of it." He bites the end of his pencil. "Maybe you should talk to Pol-"


"Why not."

"I'm not crazy Russia!"

"That's not what I'm saying!"

"Sorry. Could we just drop the subject." I nod and take another bite of my lunch. We stayed quiet for the rest of the time. Soon he gets up and exits the cafeteria. I get up as well and over to we're Poland is sitting.


"Aaah! What do you want." He jumps up a bit at turns to me. "Don't you eat lunch with depresso?"

"He's my friend and he left earlier then usual. Can I talk to you?"

"Sure, what do you wanna talk about?"

"Follow me." He gets up and we walk into the halls.


"So, why did we have to get out of the cafeteria to talk about."

"I'm worried about Germany."

"Why? Do you like him!"

"What no! He's like a little brother to me." Ok then.

"Why did you get me then?"

"I think he's going through some sort of weird PTSD. You've seen it right?"

"He looks a lot like every other student here, tired."

"Yeah but he's acting weird. Maybe it's something with his dad."

"I'm sure his dad was plenty nice to him, I mean he had plenty of prisoners to torture." Russia bites down on his lip.

"You know it's rude to talk about people behind there back." I jump back a bit and see Germany going through his locker barely glancing over.

"When did you get there!"

"A few seconds ago."

"When did you get so quiet?" Russia asks.

"Practice." He says and gently closes his locker. Russia was right, he looks horrible, well he had massive eye bags. Hmmmm. Maybe he just lost track of the time, for several nights.


I carefully knock on the door. This might be stupid, he did say we shouldn't be friends. The door creaks open, see a tired Germany peek through before closing the door.

"Can I come in?"


"I brought coffee!" The door opens and I see Germany. He's wearing a hoodie over his clothes from school.

"Fine come in." I smile and step in the house. Germany walks back over to a coffee table with a laptop and papers.

"Are you just gonna do work the whole time I'm here?"

"It's a good distraction."

"From what."

"Nothing." I hear him mumble.

"Well you're gonna have to come over here to get this coffee!"

"I can just make my own."

"Yeah but I got this coffee for you." He freezes up a bit.

"I thought I told you that, we couldn't be friends."

"You did, but you just seem pretty stressed and I thought it would be helpful to talk to a non-friend."

"You're so stubborn."

"Well so are you!" I hear him mumble something else, but I couldn't really make it out. This is going to be a lot harder then I originally thought.

"Well, then I guess I'll bring the coffee to you!" I walk over to the desk and set down the coffee. I see him take off his glasses and gently rub his eyes. Is this all he does? I see him take a glance to an empty area of the house then quickly back down. I decided pull over a chair and sit next to him. We sit there silently, I feel I slight chill pass through my body. This place still gives me the creeps.

"Are you ok?"

"Y-yeah, this place still freaks me out a bit." He just nods and looks down a bit. "It looks a lot neater though."

"Thanks, I guess." Oh my god he is just so sad. And it's making me sad. How do I cheer him up?

I hesitate a bit before I gently wrap him into a hug. (You're welcome!)

"W-what are you doing?"

"You looked like you needed a hug."

~1007 words~
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Finally yes I think it's time for Germany to get a hug! Let's hope it stays that way (he he he he)

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