Chapter 13: Secrets in the Basement

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I'm alive! Yeah sorry for not updating sooner but I have been having the worst writers block and then school came along. So I hope you enjoy this chapter! Sorry if it strays a bit from the story I had going last chapter.


The room was dark and cold, much like the one he had been in a few days prior. But there was something scarier about this place. There was no window to illuminate any form of light. The rooms walls and floor felt like yoga mats. Germany felt along the walls before feeling something cold. A metal door. After feeling a bit more he found a doorknob. Click. Of course it was locked, but it was worth a shot.


I sat staring at it, with a key shaking slightly in my hands. I wasn't in my right mind to even think about going back down to the basement. None the less, I turn the key and the door clicks open. For the first time in a while the basement sees slight rays of light. I reach over for the light switch, I click it a few times finally telling myself that the lights must not be working. I turn on the flashlight from my phone and make my way down. The musty stench of dried blood and mold grows stronger the further I go down. The light from my phone glides over the mostly empty room. I walk over to a small desk that my father had down here. I never bothered to touch it before but now, it had my curiosity. It was still littered with papers, most of which were scribbled over in black ink. I start to move a few papers when I feel a soft leather cover. A journal? I flip through a few pages, some were ripped out, others looked to just be filled with doodles or something similar to that. But the rest of the pages were written on. Some talked about military strategies or alliances. Others looked a lot more personal. Describing his hate for the Soviets, the Polish corridor and some guy who I'm assuming was his father, or some other relative. I continue reading through when suddenly I feel a cold hand on my shoulder.

"Germany?!" I turn and see Poland, standing behind me, well flying sorta. Hovering?

"Polen you scared me!"

"I know, sorry! It's just we were supposed to hang out today, and you never showed up, so I came here because I was worried and then I saw the basement door was open and you said you don't go down there and well-"

"Ok slow down. How did you get into my house?"

"I opened the door."

"Isn't that illegal?"

"Well I was worried when you didn't show up!"

"Oh right sorry, I didn't realize I was down here for that long. I was only going to be down here for about a minute."

"Yeah well you probably have been down here for about an hour."

"It doesn't feel like it's been an hour."

"Yeah well, I've only been here for about a minute and it feels like years so can we please get out of here?"


"ok then!" Poland quickly makes his way back up the stairs. I grab the journal and head up as well, closing the door behind me.

~558 words~

Sorry if the chapter is a bit short I kinda wanted to get it out fast and i didn't want my writers block to stop me!

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