Chapter 3: Rainy Days

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"Poland that was really uncool." I grunt and take a seat back on Americas bed.

"I don't trust him! Am I the only one who sees that!"

"You aren't the only one, but we've gotta give the guy a chance."

"I'll give him a chance once you give Russia a chance." We stay silent for a second.


"Wait what!?!"

"Winter break is coming soon, so I'll try hanging out with Russia then." I stare at him dumbfounded.

"Ok, but if after winter break you aren't friends. My point will still stand."

"Fine by me." America smiles at me nervously, not really knowing what he just got into.

After a while I left the house and head home. It was raining out but luckily I was wearing my hoodie. he rain still seeped through it, but it was better than nothing. Lighting stuck and thunder followed, sending shivers down my spine remembering the night, I lost my freedom. he lighting struck again and I saw a figure in the distance walking towards me. It couldn't be him, but I was too scared to move.  Before I could get my mind straight I was forcefully shoved to the side, causing me to fall and scrape my knee.

"Sorry Polen." I look to see Germany next to me. "But you shouldn't be standing in the middle of the road." I flush in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry I didn't notice." He gets up and picks up his umbrella from the side of the road. I look out and see a few cars drive by. Did he just save me when I was so mean to him? 

"Sorry about that." I look over and see that he is looking at the cuts on my knee, wincing a bit. "y house is not to far from here, I could help you clean it up." It would be nice, my house is pretty far from here. But I don't know if I would be comfortable going back there. "I understand if you would rather not go."

"No it's ok, these really do sting." He nods and I stand up to follow him back to his house.

I take a look around, looks a lot more different from the few glances I got before. It was neater, with no alcohol bottles and less of the portraits where up, although a lot of them did have Third Reich in them, so I'm glad those were gone. 

Germany came back with a small med kit, and what looked to be an old hoodie. He opened it up and took out some bandages along with some alcohol wipes. I took a seat in one of the chairs. Germany came over and opened on of the alcohol wipes.

"This may sting a bit." I winced a bit as he gently wiped away the blood and dirt from the wound. The alcohol stung, but I could tell he was trying his best not to hurt me. After that he gently placed a bandage over it. "Ok your good." He said and closed up the kit. 

"I noticed your hoodie got wet, so I found and old one you can use." I stare at him dumbfounded. He was being way too nice. "Sorry if it's a bit big." He walks to the other room leaving me with the hoodie. I decide to put it on. So I slip off my one that was soaked from the rain to  the black one from Germany. He was right it was a little big, but I didn't mind. I reached into the pockets and felt that there was something inside. I carefully pull it out. 

It was a photo. A girl holding the camera, making a peace sign, A tall boy smiling with a crooked ushanka,  and a small beat up kid in the background looking a bit shocked. I recognized all three of these kids as Japan, Russia and Germany. They all seemed so different (well except for Japan). Russia seemed to smile a lot more and get along with everyone and Germany just seemed a bit more timid and scared. The thing that really confused me was how Germany seemed to be the only kid who was beat up. Maybe it was just from playing around, but I couldn't be so sure. I hear a door open as Germany comes back into the room. 

"this is cute I say and hold up the picture."

"Where did you get that." He says a bit shocked.

"You left it in your pocket."

"Oh." I hand the picture over to him and he takes a look at it, then he places it face down on the table. I noticed a small date inscribed on the back, but I was too far away to read it. Feeling a bit awkward, and really wanting to get out of the house I decide to leave.

"Well thanks for helping me, I should get going." He turns to me and gives me a nod. I let myself out back into the rain. Maybe he isn't that bad.

~Time skip to last day before break~

"Hey Germs how about you sit with us!" Japan says when she sees Germany walk into the lunch room. He stares at her and just shakes his head. He goes to sit at the lunch table he usually sits at, Russia moving to join him. They don't talk much together, but I guess they enjoy the others company. Japan and America get up and move to the other table, Dragging some others alon, including me. We sit down at the table, and I can tell Germany is getting really uncomfortable. He just looks down and concentrates on studying. 

"Hey Ruski how's it going."

"Since when do you like me." America not expecting this just continues.

"Since now, deal with it."  America keeps trying to make a conversation with Russia, only making the situation more confusing. Clearly a one sided conversation, but it's a start.


I look up only to see the once empty tbe, now crowded. Im sitting between Japan and Italy, with Russia sitting across from me. I smile in my mind remembering us four during the war. Everything just went downhill for my dad when he decided to attack USSR. He was stupid, but at least Russia and I were on good terms. Still feeling uncomfortable, I chew at the end of my pen. A nervous habit that had a bonus of dulling down my teeth. I hated the teeth that my father had bestowed upon me. HIs smile was always cruel and uncaring, I did not want to share a smile with him.


I glanced over and saw Germany gnawing at his pen. Perhaps a bad habit, or something was on his nerves.I see him stare off into the distance, only to quickly look down. Yeah looked to be nerves. Crowding the table was not really a good idea. He didn't want to sit with us anyways. I see him look up at me and our eyes make contact for a second before I look away. That's been happening a lot, he must think I'm weird. I look up again and see him gone. Maybe ran off somewhere, away from us. It was the craziest thing, I felt... hurt?

~1213 Words~

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