Chapter 20: School Counseling

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There was the loud sound of glass breaking , I knew I should've been asleep. But it was hard to when your dad couldn't help but yell 24/7. I knew something bad had happened, he kept cursing and breaking things, but I hadn't been out of my room all day so I had no idea what it was. The silence for a few seconds nearly killed e before I heard heavy pounding of boots coming up the stairs. Very quickly I tried my best to look asleep, it was a 50/50 chance he would leave me alone or just force me awake. I braced myself as the door swung open, heavy breathing being heard from the towering man, angry huffs and loud boots clambered their way across my room before I felt myself getting pulled out of my bed.

"You did this didn't you?!" He said through clenched teeth. I tried to wiggle my way out but that only made his grip harder.  "Where is he?" My eyes widen immediately knowing what he was talking about. Poland. I catch myself smiling, the others face turning into a scowl. "If you know anything you tell me now!"

"I swear, I don't!" I say through pained gasps.

"You lie!"


I quickly blink my eyes open, not realizing I was sleeping through class, again. Luckily it was only history which was super easy to miss out on. I look over at the clock getting ready for the bell signaling lunch. The worst period of the day. I quickly look up at the board and not down some quick notes so I can study next period. The bell rings and I neatly gather up my stuff and place it into my bag.

"Germany, can I speak to you for a moment." The rest of the class bolts out the door as the teacher waved to me. I slip on my messenger bag and walk towards the front where the teacher is busy grading papers.

"You wanted to see me sir?" The red country looks up when he realizes I'm there.

"Yes, I wanted to talk about you sleeping through my class."

"I'm sorry sir, I haven't been getting much sleep-"

"Do you think this class is a joke?"

"No sir." He sighs getting up from his chair.

"You know Germany, I have been alive for a long time. Yes, china has been alive longer than most other countries. "I don't think you can quite comprehend how long."

"It is hard to imagine sir."

"Is that sarcasm?!" He says slamming his hands on the table. I do my best not to flinch.

"No sir." He sighs smoothing his hair back with his hands. He hands me a slip which I look at curiously.

"I want you to go see the school counselor."

"Not to question your judgment, but I don't need counseling sir." I say setting the note back on the table.

"Many students at this school are afraid to talk to you, and you act like half your classes are a joke by sleeping through them." I'm about to say something but he quickly cuts me off. "Going to the councilor isn't a suggestion, I'm telling you that for lunch you are going to spend your time with them." I sigh grabbing the slip and heading out. I stare at it frustratingly as I walk through the halls.


I'm late to lunch but that doesn't really matter. The teacher made me stay after class because I got a bad  grade on my last homework assignment. I knew I should have studied with Germany. Speaking of Germany, I see him walking down the halls holding some yellow price of paper.

"Hey Germs!" He looks up a bit startled when I catch up to him.

"Where in the world did you come from?"

"Down the hall."  He sighs shaking his head.

"How do you still have so much energy, I don't even know." He says with a smile.

"You wanna hang out at lunch?" I sighs shaking his head.

"I have to go to the counselor this period." I can hear the annoyance in his voice. I feel my face turn to a frown, even though I don't want it too. "Hey! But we can hang out after school if you want." He uses a tone that makes it sound like he's trying to cheer me up.

"Y-yeah! That sounds great!" He smiles and pats my head.

"I'll see you later then." He gives me a warm smile before walking off. I feel heat immediately rush to my checks, I just stand there before rushing off to the lunch room. I sit down at the table sighing and placing my head in my hands.

"What's wrong Pol?" I look up at America who is looking at me with a smile.

"Oh my gosh! Are you blushing?! Is that why you're late?!" Japan says pushing Ame out of the way, who just looks at her annoyed.

"W-what?! No?! Of course not!"

"Your stutter tells me otherwise~" Japan coos flicking her tail. 

"Who is it?!" Ame asks getting into my face. I groan burying my face further into my hands.


I quietly open the door, the counselor is already staring at me. I can't really see their face, because apparently they're a vampire who covers the windows and won't turn on the lights.

"Germany I've been expecting you, places take a seat." I walk over to the chair motioned in front of the desk. "Now what seems to be the problem."

"There isn't one. I was sent here because of my poor sleep schedule."

"That sounds like a problem to me." I hear the click of a pen and my guard immediately goes up, anything written down can be read.


After being bombarded with questions for who knows how long, I was finally left alone. Well I was warned that Japan was now going to be watching me, but she is always watching everyone so it's not much of a threat. The bell rang and I made my way over to my next class. Math, which sucked but I least I had a friend. I see Germany already sitting down and pulling out last nights homework. I make my way over and sit next to him.

"So how was it?"  He lets out a loud sigh and leans back in his chair.

"Remind me never to step anywhere near that place again." I let out a light laugh.

"That bad." He rubs his temples and nods. "Well next time just go to lunch." I say giving him a smile. He gives a tired smile back.

"How was lunch anyways?"

"Complete and utter pain." 

A bit of a shorter chapter but I hoped you enjoyed it anyways :> author out-

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2021 ⏰

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