Chapter 7: The Picnic

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The picnic was going great, but my plan had crashed and burned. How dare sicknesses take my friend Germany in this day!

"Hey Italy, do you know when Germs is gonna get here?" Japan asks. I turn and give her a nervous look before shaking my head.

"Sorry Japan. Germs couldn't make it."

"WHAT!" She explains giving us a few stares.

"Calm down, he said he wasn't feeling the best." Japan gives a pouty thinking look.



"Lies I say! He's so antisocial! And if he really is sick, we should go make sure he can take care of himself!"

"Japan wait!" But I was too late, Japan was heading towards Germany's house, dragging me along with her. "Japan my phone is sitting on the picnic table, can I get it?"

"I have mine so don't worry." She didn't release her grip on my sleeve. Damn this girl has a strong grip.


This picnic was so beautiful. There was a light snake ground, the trees made beautiful shapes with there branching next to the prominent evergreens and best of all, there was hot chocolate. I head over to America, the hot chocolate in my cup warming my hands.

"Hey Ame!" He turns and greets me with a smile.

"Hi Poland, how you doin'?"

"Pretty good, this picnic is amazing isn't it!"

"Sure is."

"By the way Ame, hows our deal going."

"Pretty good, lets just hope you can fill your side of the bargain."

"Only if you can fill in yours." He says a smirk resting on his face.

"Did you become friends with Russia?"

"Not friends, but we won't kill each other." I bite the inside of my lip. It's hard to believe that America and Russia are actually getting along.

And it sounds selfish but I really don't want to talk to Germany, or be around him. But I can't help it. I won't deal with being torn again.

No no no! Push back the memories. I bite harder into my lip. The Metallic taste of blood pills me back into reality and I quickly cover my mouth

"You ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine!" I say a bit muffled. "Let me just find a napkin real quick." I quickly run over to the picnic table and get a napkin and a cup of water. Carefully dipping the napkin in the water and placing it on my lower lip. Well this sucks.


I sit in silence with my coffees for reviewing some notes on my laptop. My Vather looming over me. What was he doing here?

"Deutschland!" I flinch, spilling coffee over my keyboard.

"Shit." I mumble to myself barely audible. I quickly grab a rag and try to clean it up as best I can.

"You really have to get out of that mumbling habit of yours. It really annoys me." I feel my body tense up. He can't hurt you in his state. He's dead, he can't do anything. My shaky breath calms down as I clean up the rest of the spilled coffee. I pick up my spilled coffee cup and head over to the sink. I pause right after putting it in. He can't hurt you.

"Why are you here." My voice comes out shaky, and I don't dare look at him.

"Wouldn't you like to know~"

"Yes actually I would." My voice calms down and becomes more firm. Like the way they taught me in the school. I need to get back into that mentality.

"I'll tell you if you help me with something~" his voice much closer now. I'm sure if her where alive he would be breathing down my neck.

"Never mind." I mumble and go back to my computer. Luckily the coffee didn't soak into the keyboard too bad, I would just need to give it time to settle down.

There's a knock at the door and I quickly close my laptop. Who could be here right now? Everyone I know is going to that picnic. I look around only to see that my vather is know where to be seen. Better for me I guess.

Cautiously I make my way over to the door. Making sure I don't look to crazy I open it.

"YOU'VE GOT A LOT OF NERVE SKIPPING OUT ON OUT PICNIC!" Japan angrily yells causing me to back up. I think she got a reaction out of me but I couldn't tell. Japan can be scary.

"I'm so sorry Germs, I tried to tell her." A thick Italian accent rung. "But anyways we wanted to make sure you're ok."

"Y-Yeah I'm fine." I say my composure slowly coming back to me.

"Do you think you can come to the picnic then?" Japan said reaching her hand out.My body wanted to do everything to get out of the house. To get away from him. But my words betrayed me.

"I don't know, I've got some stuff to do around here." God damn it Germany. What are you saying? Go to that picnic and be free for a few hours!

"Stuff can wait, you are going to socialize." Japan said to my relief dragging me outside.

"If you don't fight it it will be better." Says Italy speed walking to keep up with Japan. I just nod in response. Maybe I could be free for a few hours.

Ha ha nope. As soon as I get there, the icy pond shows a reflection of someone who I wanted to get away from. Just ignore him. But can anyone else see him? Or am I crazy? Just taking a quick look around, this picnic had a lot of people.

Which is good if you want to stay alone. Be unnoticed. People usually stuck to groups. One I noticed seemed to be Poland, America and Russia. I'll try and stay away from Poland. Just in case he can see my dad. And because I don't really want to talk to him.

Poland never liked me before, and after I lashed out at him, I bet he never wants to look at me again. Even if at school he still keeps staring at me. It makes me really uncomfortable but I haven't confronted him on it. And I don't think I will in the future.


I notice Japan and Italy come back to the picnic, Japan dragging Germany by the arm. They left? And to get, him?! I mean as long as I don't talk to him I guess it's fine. But I'm still annoyed that he's here. I just won't show it since I know Italy is is his friend or something.

"Hey Poland, Thais would be the perfect time to start your end of the deal!"

"What deal?" Asks Russia.

"Oh nothing you need to worry about, nor should Ame!" Winter break wasn't over yet, so it was plenty valid that I didn't talk to Germany. And I didn't. Maybe I just won't.

~1159 words~

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