Chapter 8: An Almost Connection

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"Hey looks like Germany did show up after all." Russia says. "Italy said he wasn't coming."

"He was invited?" I mumble under my breath.

"Well yeah, Italy wanted him to be more social." I didn't think he could hear me. Besides, I'm sure he's fine with having the few friends to hang out with. You don't need a ton of friends to have fun all the time (cough cough America cough cough). I shouldn't let his presence ruin my fun, it's not like I have to hang out with him.

"Then we should get to know each other better!" Ame exclaims.

"You guys can go do that..."

"Come on Poland, he can't be that bad."

"You think that, but then the next thing you know, your being invaded and tortured in a basement for all of eternity!" America and Russia stand a bit shocked at my outburst. "Not everyone can be a big powerful country like you two, just sucks for the rest of that you can't get along."

"Poland, don't you think your being a bit... rude?"

"You're one to talk Russia! Can't even go around the hallways without picking a fight! The truth hurts but stop clinging onto people who are already dead!" Russia goes stone faced. I quickly cover my mouth realizing what I just said. When did I get so mean? Lucky we're at a park so that I can quickly bolt away.


I finally get the chance to get away from Japan and Italy when someone breaks out into an argument. This crowd is making me really uncomfortable. I rush over to the almost frozen pond and just sit down to collect my thoughts. Although he doesn't say anything, staring at me is not doing much to help me.

"Mind if I sit here?" I don't look to see who it is, I only nod. I need to make sure he doesn't do anything weird. "What are you, looking at?"

"Nothing..." I murmur. Was that too edgy, I don't want to seem off putting. Just take a deep breath and regain your composure. I look to see who sat next to me and I nearly jump back. "Oh Poland, I didn't realize it was you."

"It's, fine. I just needed to go somewhere quiet." He stares down into the cup of hot cocoa in his hands. This is really awkward. This was the last guy who would want to hang out with me.

"So uh, did you see who was fighting?" He sits silent, giving me a blank stare.

"America Russia and uh, me." He says quietly. I decide not to go further, it's not my place to pry. We sit there for a while each staring out into the lake. It was quite beautiful if you look at it closely, with the gentle frost covering the top and the ice lining the perimeter. The outside nipped at my skin, I didn't really have time to get a jacket when Japan rushed me out of my house. So I was still in my  sweater and jeans.

"What's that?" I run and see Poland staring at me, how long has he been doing that?


"This, scar." He says and points to a mark on the base of my neck.

"Nothing." I say pulling up my sweater, pushing back memories.

"It looked pretty bad." He says turning back down to his drink.

"Not as bad as there ones you have. Especially that one on your forehead." He just nods. Looking at him now I can see some of the scars from when he was with us. Ones the resembled cuts from knives and iron tipped boots.

"This one is the worst one I got over the years." He says pulling down his jacket to reveal a long scar. I remember that one. The one time he tried escaping, earning him a deep cut in his shoulder. The screams were really loud that night. Not like my dad cared.

"I wish I knew about medical science back then." I mumble instantaneously. He gives me a weird look and pulls his jacket back up. I guess he drops it because he continues.

"I'm glad he at least had some fraction of a heart not to cut my arm clean off, and bandage it up." I nod, though most of his statement is untrue. "You must have seen that side of him a lot more then I did." My body goes frigid from something other then the cold.

"Polen, why are you talking to me?" He looks away not sure how to answer.

"I made a deal with America-"

"You can tell him that I have no interest in that."

"What?!" I turn to see him give a surprised look.


"We both know that you don't like me. Why try to make a connection that has no chance of existing?" He says looking me dead in the eyes. Did I say something? I thought we where having an, ok conversation. "Now I think it would be best if you tell anyone who is telling you to talk to me that I want to be left alone."

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