Chapter 6: Vather

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Wait what's going on?

"What happened?"

"Не волнуйся, это не займет много времени"

"I know you, where is my Vather!"

"Don't worry, that guys gone..."

What. He's gone what happened? Where am I?


What a boring vacation this has been. And it's almost over! I have barely left the house. Why does no-one want to hang out with me!

Italy- Hey Pol I'm throwing a picnic, want to join?


Poland- Yeah sure what time?

Italy- today around 1:00

Poland- I'll be there


Yes! Plan Throw a Picnic so Germany Can Meet New People and Not be a Socially Awkward Dork is a go! Yes it's a long name and I am bad at naming things. BUt maybe Poland and his overly welcoming energy could help! My phone buzzes signaling a call and I look to see who it is.


"Hey Germs what's up?"

"I, don't think I can make it to the picnic."

"Wait, what?!"

"I'm not feeling the best, I just dont think it would be a good idea for me to be over there."

"That sucks, maybe next time."

"Y-yeah maybe next time."

I quickly hang up the phone and sink further into the wall.

"What, you want to spend more time with me?" I lift my head up to face the mirror and stare back at the figure. He stares back, smiling.

"Just keeping them away from you."

"That school couldn't have changed you that much. The Deutschland I know is still there." I bury my head into my knees, I shouldn't listen to him. "That same scared little boy is starting to peak his head out."

"Shut up." I mumble.

"Now you speak back to me I see." He can't hurt you anymore. He can't hurt you anymore. "Let me out Deutschland, I can help you get through all of this."

"You left once, go leave again."

"Deutschland, that is no way to speak to your Vather!" I lift my head slightly to meet his mirrored gaze. he stands there smiling back at me. This man is not my father, he is a monster.

~340 Words~

~Sorry it was so short I ran out of ideas -w-~

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