chapter 11 :

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(Smoke cavering the sky and the sent of burning dyers in the sky.)

(The red haired eyes slowly opening.)

"Ugghh...ouch. Katsumi ?"

The moment I turned my head on the search of my browned haired bestfriend. The feeling of death past through my hole body.

"Katsumi, Katsumi."

"Oh no , no ,no not now !"

"Why now !"

The car was upside down but I kicked my door open and grapped my phone and kicked my window open and get out of the car and the moment I got out of the car I phonend 9-1-1 .

"Hallo ,Hey . friend and I have been in a serouis car accident. Ummm...on 9 th road south . "

"Please hurry up. "

"She has a serouis wound injury on her head"

(The phone hanging up .)

I went standing next to her door sitting on the ground. Staring into the car. I broke the glass of the window reaching my hand in holding her hand as her body was upside down. With the blood slowly dripping down from her head.

"Don't worry help is on the way."

(Sound of ambulans sirens.)

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