chapter 25 :

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The mha hero's was there with Natsu , Gray and Erza standing there while Alex was exsplaining his plan.I was standing there in a corner my back against the wall with my arms crossed looking down just wondering...

What was going to happen next...

"This time Alex plan sounds like it's going to work." Erza said as she came standing besides me.

"Natsumi you okay ?"

"Yeah , I am fine just having a exstremely sore headache. "

(Placing her hand on my shoulder.)

"Stop worring , everything is going to be okay. "


"Okay. "


"Time yo go ! I am all fired up now !"

Natsu yelled excited as can be.
I was just standing beside looking at him with a smile but deep down I didn't feel like smiling.

(Walking towards me.)

"Hey don't forget I still know whats going on in your head." The pink haired idiot said smiling.

"Oh really." I said with a smirk as I teased him.

(Him standjng stil for a moment and slowly his face turning redder as Erza's hair.)

"Ewwww thats cross !"He yelled standing in a weird position with his red face causing me to laugh.

(Came walking closer towards me as I was still leaning against the wall.  Resting his arm on the wall and leaned his head against mine. I turned my head or cheeks against each other. )

"Everything is going to be alright , promise."He softly whisperd in my ear.

Slowly my arms started to wrap under his arms all up onto the bavk of his shoulders as I was standing on the tip of my tose with my head leaning on his shoulders and my eyes closed as his arms slowly started wrapping around me.

(Alex placing a hand on his shoulders.)

"Time to go buddy."

Natsu looked at me one more time as he held my hand giving me a warm smile. He walked away as I blow him a air kiss.

Alex also just smiled and turned around walking away.

(Grabbing the man with the long brown hair by the wrist.)

"Natsumi ?"

"Just look good after him out there , please. " I ask as my voice started to crack.

"Ofcourse." He reassured me with a smile as he walked away.

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