part 22 :

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(The red haired girl standing up dusting herself up.)

"He is properly from Naruto from the looks of it."

"Yes , I am and you are ?"

"Natsumi."I said as I shook his hand greeting up.

"Now if you would excuse me I -"

(A huge monster came running down the road. He look like a huge boar with thic spinty brown hair.)

"Aaaaa there you are !"

(Everyone looking at him confussed.)

"What are you doing ?" I asked.

"Getting some food duh."

"Wild poor would be delicous in some ramen." The man said barely drueling.

(Natsu popping out of nowhere )

"Did someone mention food ?"

(The man with the long brown hair turning around looking at him with a slit smirk.)

"Hee...I like the way you are thinking buddy."

(Doing hands signs)

"Wait I know what that is. Thats the wood release right ?" Erza ask.

(Turning around looking at the red haired standing with the sword.)

"Mmm not just a pretty face but got the brians too." He said with a smirk.

Tree brandges started growing out of his hands forming a big spear.

"Who's up for some food ?"

(Natsu popping up throwing his arms in the air along with Happy )

"Meeeeee !!!"

He toke the spear throughing it across the sky straight to the beast heart killing it instantly.

"Good. Now Natsu would you fo me the honer of roasting this baby for us would you ?"

(Natsu laughing evilly.)

"With pleasure." Natsu said as he set the hole beast on fire.

Just as I was on my way to tell them no in a split second pervy sage he made him a nice camp fire with a pot og water on leaving it to boil for cookkng his noodles.

(Happy crying)

"Why does Natsu always gotta get the meat he wants."

"Why does no one ever eats fish."

(A fish falling onto Happy head. The blue cat stared to the stranger with the long brown hair as the stranger gives him a salute.)

"Ohhh thank you !" The blue cat yelled grateful eating it raw as he believes it's beter.

(Natsu picking the beast up throuhhing it infront of the man.)

"Here you go ! Roast to perfection !"

"Now dig in Natsu."

"Hee!Don't mind if I do !" He yelled smiling wide as he started stuffing his face.

(The man ripping a few pieces of and putting it into his ramen.)

"Natsumi why don't you join us ?" He ask as he started chewing on a piece of meat.

"Ummm I love my eating thank you but we are in a moment of a crases. How could you boys eat like this ?"

"Easy , just eat." Natsu said with his mouth full of food and pervy sage nodding his head agree.

(Loud crash )

"Abnormal ahead !"

I heard someone yelled.

"Abnormal what ?"Happy asked.

"Abnormal titan. Guys prepare yourself." I said as I look at my right sides.

Everyone had their serouis faces on knowing what must be done.

"Ah sounds like a fight." Pervy sage said with a slight smile taking out a executioner blade.

"Oh yeah !Now I am all fired up !" Natsu yelled with his fist lighten up in fire.

"Well lets go kick some ass guys. "I said with a smirk.

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