chapter 12 :

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The ambulans toke us to the hospital but...she was in real bad shape.

She was unconsions. They talk about her neck has been very badly hurt cause of the air bag. And glass  shattered pieces in her forehead with a few bad wounds.

I was okay. My arm was hurt but not atleast broken. I had small cuts and wounds.

So all they needed to do is just stitch me up and just put a cast on my arm. Luckily just for a few weeks.

But they need to keep her in the hospital for a few nights now.

(Sitting besides her hospital bed. Holding her hand.)


(The red haired turning her head looking at and older man and women.)

"Mister.Kobayashi and miss Kobayashi?"

"How have you been dear ?"

"I am fine thank you ma'am." I said as I stand up giving her a hug.

"What happenend?"

"She said that earlier she was feeling bad. She was at the school nurse, but she said she was fine. She talked that she was dizzy and didn't felt well. So...and then she past out sir...and the car then..."

(Grapping me into a hug.)

"Don't worry it's okay. I am not mad."

"We are just glad your safe sweetie." Miss. Kobayashi said as she also gave me a hug.

For the first time in a very long time I have felt the comfront of older people...enough to make me cry.

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