Chapter 20

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"Hahaha, forget it." He then walked away leaving me here dumbfounded, or trashfounded. I'm a trash by the way, a piece of trash.

Why did he said 'forget it' when I was already ready to tell him how I feel for him. Ugh, I'm always a second late, I'm so unfortunate. I didn't know liking someone would be this complicated. I mean, I had crush before but it was not as complicated as this.

During our ride back to home he was talking to me. I didn't expect he would talk much to me, even talking about his works and his fellow workers.

"And you know what? I got suspended for a week!" He then laughed, I wasn't even listening to him since I was busy thinking about how I can be his, how I can be his girl.

I'm desperate to have him as my boyfriend.

No, husband.

I chuckled at the thought of that.

"What's funny?"

"Huh? The story you told me just now?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Anyway, let's just sleep there." He suddenly got excited.


"Your house. Since tomorrow is your mom's birthday, I think she would be happy if we sleep there." He smiled.

"Uhh yeah, okay."

When we arrived, I went to the rooftop and I packed my stuffs. When I was packing, I suddenly looked at myself on the mirror. I walked closer to the mirror and stared at the necklace. I smiled as I keep rubbing the necklace softly.

Just when will I be his girlfriend?

I mean, look.

He kissed me. He confessed to me. He've been treating me foods and stuffs a lot. He bought me a necklace.

And he confessed again for the second time.


No way..

There's no way I rejected him twice, right? I never say 'No, I don't like you'. Or.. Did I rejected him indirectly without my notice..? No, right? I just simply didn't answer him because it was so unexpected that I wasn't even able to think of how to react and answer him.

After I've done packing my stuffs, I bring my backpack to downstairs. He was already waiting for me. He went to me and took my backpack away from him and put it inside the car. That actually made me blush.

Even when we arrived, he brought mine and his backpack along, he wouldn't let me bring mine.

"Oh, Seulbi, Wonwoo!" It's my mom who was at the frontyard watering the flowers. I went to her and hugged her before I let go.

"I didn't know you guys would come. Go inside first, I'll come in later. Suyeon and Soonyoung are inside by the way." She stated.

We went inside and was greeted by the couple who was watching a movie.

"Woah, you're gonna sleep here?" Soonyoung asked Mr. Jeon and the two started to chitchatting about boys stuffs or whatever I don't even know.


"Wanna help prepare dinner?" It was Suyeon. I have to share room with her since Soonyoung and Mr. Jeon will be sleeping in my room.

I repeat, my room.

I hope the two wouldn't stalk my wardrobe.

"Yeah, let's go." When I was about to stand up, she hold my wrist, telling me to sit down back so I did. She sat beside me.

"So? What's up between the two of you?" She asked smiling. But seeing my face, she knew there's something wrong.

I explained everything to her.

"Bruh, you should answer him the moment he said that!" She scolded me as she pushed me away.

"Geez chill, I know. I was stupid, and still am stupid." I muttered.

"The necklace is beautiful anyway." She stared at my necklace.

"So, what you gonna do?" She asked me while raising an eyebrow, smirking.

"I'll wait until he said 'Will you be my girlfriend'." And I ended up laughing.

"That, wasn't supposed to be funny." She rolled her eyes.

"I just don't understand why it has to be this complicated? Was you and Soonyoung complicated too before you guys are together?" I questioned her curiously.

"It's not complicated, you're just making it complicated. You see, he confessed twice and you didn't answer him twice too. Your reason? Don't know how to react and answer. Stupid. You can just say 'I feel the same way', easy." I went speechless hearing all of that.

"I told you, I'm dumb."

"Alright, whatever you say. Let's just help mom preparing the dinner."

We went downstairs and we both started to help mom cooking. My father was just sitting, talking with us. I missed this moment, the four of us talking while being in the same place.

"Call the boys." Dad said.

"You call them." Suyeon nudged me.

"Why me? You go call them." I rolled my eyes.

She didn't even reply me. I groaned and went to upstairs to my room. I knocked the door.

"Dinner's ready." I told them. Soonyoung opened the door.

"Alright." He then walked passed by me to downstairs leaving only me and Mr. Jeon, in an awkward silence.

"What's for dinner?" He asked me as he stood in front of me. I found it hard to breathe.

"I forgot." I was evidently avoiding eye contact with him.

I walked away to downstairs leaving him. My heart beats faster the moment he stood in front of me just now. He's killing me slowly.

I was in relief that Mr. Jeon didn't ended up sitting beside me. But the thing is, he's sitting in front of me.

"Aww, having two beautiful daughters and two handsome son in laws are sure awesome." My mom chuckled.

What the actual..

I can see Mr. Jeon smiling sheepishly and that was when we made an eye contact. He smiled to me softly before he stared to his foods. They all then continued talking and joking meanwhile I was just busy enjoying the foods.

After eating, Suyeon and I are washing the dishes together meanwhile the rest are watching tv while chitchatting.

Life as a girl.

"Do you know?" Suyeon out of nowhere asked.

"Know what?"

"Soonyoung and I planned on how to celebrate mom's birthday but we'll discuss it again later with the both of you when mom's sleeping. In case you guys have better ideas." She stated.

"Okay, we'll discuss later."


i'm sorry that i made you guys waited for five months just for an update :(

i've been sooo inactive but now i'm back hehe *u*

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