Chapter 06

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I spent my recess on the rooftop of my school, writing my new story.

I named the girl character as Lee Saerin while the boy character as Yoon Jeonghan. Yoon Jeonghan was my senior before but he graduated high school already so I didn't get to see him ever since.

I used to be his secret admirer before, but after a long time of not seeing him, I don't think I still admire him anymore. I couldn't think of any name that's why I put his name as the name of the boy character.

Besides, making it as a memory?

"Yo Seul, at least don't skip your lunch. We know you love writing but your health is still number one." Yena scolded me softly.

Both Seokmin and Yena came to the rooftop, bringing me a melon bun and a bubble tea. Nobody cares more about my health other than the two of them.

"Yena was right. Get enough sleep too! You have work later so after you finished your shift go straight to home and sleep, don't write. You can write it tomorrow." Seokmin added.

Aww.. My friends are so concerned about me.

"I need to write while the ideas are still in my brain. I have a good feeling about this story." I smiled to them reassuringly but they both gave me death glares instead.

"Arasseo, arasseo! I will get enough rest and take care of my health so don't worry, okay?" I smiled convincingly to the both of them. They both gave me the doubtful look.


Close my eyes. Took a deep breath.. Inhale and exhale.. Open my eyes slowly, open the envelope, peek and see how much my salary is..

"AHH?! AHHHHHH!!!!!" I started to yelling like a mad hyena while jumping up and down in excitement. I turned on my speaker and blasted musics with the highest volume possible and started to dance randomly.

I can finally pay my three months rent bills. So, I will not have debts anymore! Living with debts sucks you now? Pay right on time from now on, get it, Seulbi?

Mr. Jeon's gonna get mad that I'm producing loud thuds and that I'm blasting the musics loudly at midnight but I don't care, I'm too happy to even care about him.

Knock! Knock!

That stopped me from dancing.

I rushed and opened the door only to see this guy giving me a death glare with messy hair, he must be sleeping but to his unfortunate I woke him up from his lovely dream.

"IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SLEEP AT LEAST LET ME SLEEP." He bellowed indignantly. I closed my eyes and wiped his dirty water that hit my right cheek before shooting him my nefarious death glare ever.

"I GOT MY SALARY TODAY SO I CAN FINALLY PAY MY RENT BILLS!" I suddenly beamed as I exclaimed that briskly.

"Then pay me."

I handed him the envelope, he checked inside it just to make sure before nodding.

"Nice to do business with you." He patted my shoulder before walking away.

What the?

"Oh, I forgive you so you can party all night!" And by that, he's out of my sight.


I was sitting on the square bench with my laptop on my laps, writing the second chapter for my story.

"Lee Seulbi?"

Wait, that voice.

I gulped.

I am so damn doomed. I slowly turned around and it really is my mother.

"Oh, hey mom.." It was evidently awkward greeting my mom like that after lying to her.

"How do you know that I'm here?" I asked her as I stood up. She was giving me a warm smile which I found creepy and sly.

"You told me that you're living with Seokmin! You brat! How dare you lied to your mom?!" She nagged as she keep slapping my back which hurts a lot.

"Ah! Ouch! Mianhae eomma! Aw! Aw!" I keep squealing and wincing in pain while keep struggling to let go of my mom's hand from gripping my hoodie.

"You called Seokmin?" I asked.

"Ye, and he told me where you live."

I apologized to her for lying and I even explained everything to her and she finally calmed down now.

"So you rent only the rooftop?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yeah, he offered me with the lowest bill possible. He was desperate for money." I replied bluntly.

"Quit your part time job." She instructed sternly making me having my eyes widened.

"Wae? How would I pay him if I quit my part time job?" I questioned.

"I'll pay for the rent. Let me meet him." I gulped hearing my mom's statement.

I thought that she told me to quit the part time job because she wants me to move in to Seokmin's house or move in back to our house. But instead, that shocked me.

"Quit your part time job, okay? I'll pay for your rent bills two months in advance. You're still a high school student and I don't want you to overwork yourself." She said as she massaged both my shoulders.

"Wonwoo ssi!" I shouted as I saw him down there, he just got arrived. I signaled him to come up, not knowing anything and cluelessly, he came up.

"Omo." My mom put one of her hand on her chest while she used the other to cover her mouth. Like you know, she looked taken aback.

"You're so handsome!" She squealed, I facepalmed hearing that. Ye, that's my mom. She can't see handsome guys or else her fangirl mode is on. She fangirls to literally every handsome dudes.

"Oh please, he's not even that handsome." I rolled my eyes.

"But he's more handsome than Jeonghan for sure." She smiled. I got my jaws dropped as I heard what she uttered.

"HOW DARE YOU SAID THAT?! JEONGHAN IS MORE HANDSOME!!" I fulminated furiously, I got really mad when someone compared Jeonghan to the other guy. Jeonghan's incomparable, got it?

"Jeonghan?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Omo! He even got a manly voice!" She fangirled.

"She's your mother?" He asked me.

"I guess." I shrugged but that was when my mom slapped my arm real hard making me to squeaked in pain.

"Don't be rude! I never raised you up just to make you a rude girl." She scolded me. Nyeh nyeh, whatever you say.

"Mom, his name is Jeon Wonwoo and he's the owner of this house." I introduced him to her feebly, wearing my uninterested face.

"How old are you? You look young, like you're somewhere around my daughter's age." She smiled.

"I'm 26."

"No way.." She covered her mouth.

After like thirty minutes of them chatting, or should I say mostly my mom complimenting Mr. Jeon, my mom is finally about to go. And, my mom also paid my rent bills for two months in advance.

"Nice to meet you, Seulbi's mom." He smiled and bowed.

Fake enough.

"Aish, just call me mom."

"Mom!!" I whined.

"What? Anyway, please take care of my Seulbi, she could be very clumsy sometimes." And by that she went away.

This guy stared at me with a sly smile, I gave him a frown as I stared back at him.

"What?" I sternly asked, deepening my voice.

"Your mom's liking me." And that was when he received a punch on his chest, he squawked in pain as he rubbed his chest and wincing in pain.


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