Chapter 19

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"Tell me what your mom likes." We're at the mall right now. I was clueless after hearing what he just had uttered.

"I seriously don't know what my mom likes." I raised both my hands above my shoulders level. He have this disappointed look as he sighed.

"Anything? Foods? Clothes? Accessories? Shoes?" He raised an eyebrow.

Something suddenly clicked in my mind.

"I know! She used to really want a necklace, a silver necklace if I'm not mistaken." I stated.

We both then went to the accessories shop nearer and we went to the necklace section. I was in awe looking at all these shining and beautiful necklaces. I'm not really girly so I don't really like wearing accessories like necklace and bracelet but I do still found them beautiful.

"May I know what you're looking for?" The female worker suddenly came to us and asked Mr. Jeon. I was kind of two meters away from him, still looking at all the necklaces.

"Yeah, I'm looking for a beautiful necklace." I heard him answered.

Of course, everyone's looking for a beautiful necklace, no one looks for the ugly ones. Duh? Think.

"Oh, I'm guessing it's for your girlfriend?" She asked pointing her finger to me.

"Wait what? No, no, no! I'm not his girl-"


My eyes widened hearing him said that while at the same time my heart fells like it's gonna burst any time soon because of the rapid increase of throbbing.

"Here is the three most suitable ones. The butterfly, the star and the flower." She showed us the three necklaces.

"But I think the flower one would suit your girlfriend better." She smiled reassuringly.

"I'm not his-"

"Mind to explain why you picked the flower one?" Mr. Jeon queried her, I got cut off.

"Because she have these cute pinkish cheeks which reminds me of flowers." She chuckled, was that a compliment?

"I'll take the star one." He said and I was like.. Bro, you asked question regarding the flower one yet you ended up choosing the star one..

"Oh, sure." She smiled.

"Oh, I also need a necklace that would look good for a middle aged woman." He told the worker.

"But you already choose the star one." I raised an eyebrow.

"Who said I can't buy two necklaces for my future mother in law?" He gave me this creepy yet weird smile or smirk, I can't differentiate whether it's a smile or smirk.

Wait what?

"Future mother in law? How dare you-"

"I think this would suit your future mother in law." The female worker showed him a flower necklace with small diamond at the center of the flower, it doesn't look like teenagers would wear it since it looks like only middle aged woman would wear it but still, it's kinda beautiful.

I don't even know why Mr. Jeon even bother to buy two necklaces for my mother.

We're now at the park, just chilling while walking. It's not sunset yet so there's still a lot of people in here. I felt very uncomfortable with the awkward silence but he doesn't seems to be bothered by it at all.

"Will your mom celebrate her birthday tomorrow?" He out of nowhere asked, shattering the super awkward silence.

"Probably. Usually we'll just do a simple birthday celebration." I replied him.

"Oh, come on! Why would you even be excited for it." I shook my head. I was wondering why he isn't answering me so I turned my gaze on him only to see him having this sombre look while staring at a mother playing with her son.

"Because I considered her as my mother." His answer stiffened me.

"It's fine, right? If your mother adopt me, so I could be your big brother." He chuckled softly.

"Yah.. Don't joke when you're sad. It'll make you be even more sadder." I mumbled.

"At least when I joke, I laugh."

"You're making yourself looks stupid. You laugh to make yourself feel better but you ended up feeling even more sad to know you have to fake your happiness to be happy." I shook my head.

"Whenever you talk, you created a quote." How dare he still managed to joke around when I'm being serious..

"Shut up, I'm just saying the truth." I rolled my eyes.

"Anyway, I want you to test the necklace, try wearing it. I wanna see how it'll look like." He took the necklace earlier out of the box, it's the star one. He stood behind me and wore the necklace for me.

I. Felt. Really. Nervous.

The moment his hand brushed on my neck.

Oh god.

"I don't think my mom would like this one, I think she'll-"

"Then you take it."

"What? No!"

"I was just joking. I bought that one for you." He giggled.

"Why would you bought it for me? I don't really like wearing this kind of thing even though they're beautiful." I muttered.

"Girl, try to appreciate okay?"

"Geez, fine. Thank you very much."

"Anyway.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you about you getting excited for my mother's birthday.." I murmured.

"It's okay.."

"I always hurt your feelings, I know I shouldn't be talking about it but I still mention it. Maybe if I'm in your feet, I would know how you feel but-"

"I said it's okay." He put both his hands on both my shoulders.

"You said it's okay but who knows what's really inside your heart?" For real, I got tears in my eyes.

"Can you tell what's inside my heart?" He stared at me deeply in the eyes. I can see the sadness in those sorrowful eyes. I shook my head as an answer.

"Remember that day when I said I like you? I meant it, I really really meant it." He said convincingly, my heart started to throbs quickly.

This is so crazy and sudden, seriously. I'm really not ready and really wasn't expecting him to say that just now even though I like it and has always been waiting for it. But since I wasn't even ready, I don't even know how to react and answer him!


i'm sorry it's been almost a month since i last updated :(

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