Chapter 09

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"Welcome back to home sweet home!" Mr. Jeon greeted me just as soon as I entered the yard of his house. He was there, watering the flowers.

"Don't you have work today?" I queried as I raised an eyebrow.

"I finished my shift already."

I was about to walk away but stopped even before I took a step forward and made myself facing him.

"By any chance.."

"Help you with your story?"

"Ani, what I mean is.."

"You want to party alone again?"


"Then what?"

"By any chance.. Hmm.. Do.. I mean like-"

"Just what is it?"

"Do you have ramyeon?" I dared myself to ask. He was taken aback with my question, probably that's the first time ever I ask him that.

"I mean it's okay if you don't have any. I understand your situation, you don't have money so does me too so, it's okay. I'm just asking." I gave him a straight and awkward smile, bowed and walked away to my room.

I slapped my forehead for consecutive of times as I keep mumbling curses for myself. Why did I even ask him that? Of course he wouldn't give me since he also need ramyeon, he's broke financially like me too so I should understand his situation.

But.. I'm just so hungry..

My stomach is grumbling.

Maybe I can text Seokmin that I'll be having dinner at his house. I fished my phone out from my pocket and was about to text Seokmin. No, I can't just go there just to eat. I then keep bumping my head again against my pillow.

Knock! Knock!

I quickly stopped bumping my head to my pillow as I heard someone knocking on my door. It is obviously Mr. Jeon but I seriously don't want to open the door, it'll be really embarrassing!

God, I am so shameless for asking such question.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

I gasped.

I opened the door and it really is Mr. Jeon.

"Let's work on chapter 8 while eating ramyeon." He offered with a smile, my eyes landed to the two cups of ramyeon on the square bench.

"Y-yeah, s-sure." I quickly grabbed my laptop and sat on the square bench, he sat next to me, so close that our knees touched.

"You don't have food left in your room?" He asked.

"H-huh?" I turned my head to him and that was when our faces nearly touch each other, my cheeks went hot as my eyes widened so I quickly leaned backwards as I pushed him away softly.

"The heck?" I said to him.


"Anyways! Ye, I don't have food anymore. Not even snacks." I replied his previous question.

"Tsk tsk tsk. So what I'm gonna feed you everyday now?" He shook his head as he crossed both his arms together.

"A-ani! You don't have to. I understand your condition so.. I can just go to my cousin's house whenever I'm hungry." I grinned, an awkward grin to be exact. He snickered as he pulled my arms, bringing me back to my earlier sitting position.

"You've been acting so awkward around me. What's wrong?"

"Nothing! Obviously nothing." I smiled.

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