Chapter 18

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I waited for him but he's still not home yet. Where could he be? Most importantly, where did he sleep? I keep thinking about what possible favourite place Mr. Jeon could be right now.

My two months rent is over by today. I'm at my parents' house right now, asking for money to pay for another two months rent bill. But I'm still thinking whether I should keep on renting his rooftop or just go back here.

"He was nowhere to be found?" Suyeon suddenly asked me.

Yeah, I told her everything that happened between us.

"I tried to look for him." I mumbled.

"God, you look so miserable. You should go out and take some fresh air." She shook her head.

"Yeah, Suyeon was right. Do you want us to come along?" Soonyoung asked.

"Yea sure."

I brought the two of them to the abandoned beach. The two are dating at the playground meanwhile I wandered somewhere else far away from them. Yup, to my favourite place.

I sat on the ground and stared at the sea.

"Want to hear a story?" I gasped loudly as I heard the familiar deep voice said, I turned to my left side and saw the both of us sitting side to side.

"Of course! What story?"

"The girl that I dated."

Pfft, memories.

Somehow, I really thought it was Mr. Jeon talking right beside my ear but sadly it was just a piece of memory.

"Seulbi ah! Lee Seulbi!"

"Sister! Sis Seulbi!"

I heard the two shouted. They must be looking for me. I stood up and walked to them.

"There she is!" Suyeon shouted as she pointed her finger to me, the two ran to me.

"Where have you been? We're looking for you!"

"Yeah, we thought you went missing. I nearly called the police." Soonyoung joked, Suyeon nudged him as she death glared at him.

"Relax, I'm very familiar with this place." I smiled assuringly to the both of them.

"We thought that bringing you out for some walk would help you feel better.." Suyeon mumbled.

"It's okay, I'm a bit better now." I smiled as I patted her head.

"Now let's head back home."


I don't have any chance to see him. I don't know if he's avoiding me or what but I somewhat felt like he really is avoiding me. Then, I remember I got his phone number. Stupid me, right? I can just text him.

I wasted three weeks?

I'm so dumb.

Me: hi?

I waited for his reply for around two minutes but I receive none.

Me: i want to see you

Wonwoo ssi 👻☠️: see me? why?


It seems like he doesn't even want to see me anymore. That question hurts me. Maybe his feelings for me faded away since he thought that I don't feel the same way.

Me: i want to pay for my rent bills

Wonwoo ssi 👻☠️: my shift ends at 4pm today

Me: okay

I heaved a deep sigh. It's recess right now and I'm at the rooftop sitting alone.

"Hey, I like you too." I smiled, imagining Mr. Jeon was standing in front of me.

"No, that's.. That's just not right." I shook my head.

"Someone's planning on how to confess~" It was Seokmin teasing me with Yena beside him.

"Tsk, I just don't want to be late." I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, we'll help you!" Seokmin exclaimed while clapping his hands.

"How?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, imagine I'm Mr. Jeon. Let me see how you confess." He stood up in front of me.

"Hmm.. Maybe I'll be like.. Actually, I kind of like you too.." I scratched the back of my head, the two bursts out into laughter which made me left dumbfounded.

"No, no. Watch me." Yena said.

"Mr. Jeon, I want to tell you something-"

"That's common!" I yelled at her, the two laughed real hard.


The two wasn't even being helpful seriously. How will I face him? I didn't even prepare any speech and I don't even know how to confess to him!

When I was walking, I saw Mr. Jeon waiting there outside the gate of the school. My eyes got really widened seeing him. I wasn't even ready!

I admit, I really did miss him and I really did wanna see him but this is so unplanned!

Erm, why do Mr. Jeon suddenly looks so good looking? I haven't seen him for almost four weeks, nothing really changed on him, but somehow I found him more good looking now that I have feelings for him.

I hide behind the gate since I don't wanna see him right now at this moment.

Then suddenly my phone buzzed.

Wonwoo ssi 👻☠️: fyi i saw you??


I slowly walked to him while fiddling my fingers. I'm feeling somewhat awkward and shy.

"Hey." He greeted me.


"Isn't it your mom's birthday tomorrow?" He asked me, I got confused as to how did he knew so I shoot him my perplexed look.

"How'd you know?" I asked him back.

"That day during barbecue, she told us her birth date." He replied.

Oh yeah.. mom.

"Aren't you're thinking of buying a gift for her?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Honestly, I don't even remember tomorrow is her birthday." I scratched the back of my head while wearing a sheepish smile. He was somehow shocked with my answer.

"Come on, we'll buy her a birthday gift." He offered me with a smile.

I scanned myself from my toes up to my shoulder and I guess he did the same to me before we both made eye contact. He got this blank and clueless look on his face.

"Why do you always bring me out when I'm in my school uniform?" I have this whining face which made him chuckled.

"Alright, let's go home first."

During the ride to home, it was so silent and awkward.

"It's hard to see you." I suddenly shattered the silence.

"Yeah.. You miss me?"


I heard him laughed.

"Wait no! I mean, I miss seeing you watering your flowers and I also miss bickering with you every morning before I go to school." Hearing that, he bursts out into laughter which made me feel embarrassed.

"You and your reasons." He shook his head.

"Anyway, how's your story going?"

"I'm stuck with the last chapter, I couldn't think of any ending.." I mumbled. When I replied him, I saw him smiling slyly which I found weird. Just what is it now that's inside his mind right now?


heyyy sorry for leaving you guys hanging _

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