Chapter 11

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"How's your story going?" Yena asked me.

"It was good, nearly finish my chapter 10." I replied before stuffing a spoon of bulgogi into my mouth.

"When will you update chapter 3?" Seokmin is the one who asked me now.

"Probably next week."

"Wait what? You told us that you'll update once a week!" He retorted.

"Okay, okay. Maybe later."

"What is wrong with you? You don't seems fine." Yena furrowed her eyebrows as she squinted her eyes, concerned enough?

"Pfft what? I'm good." I smiled convincingly to the both of them. But both of them gave me a skeptical look in unison instead.

"Oh my god, I am really fine." I facepalmed.

"Anyway, my mom called me last night." I told them.


My phone rang so I picked it up since it's my mom who's calling.

"Hello, mom?"

"Make sure you're free this saturday okay? We're going to have barbecue, bring Yena and Seokmin along." She informed.

"Huh? Barbecue for what?" I frowned.

"Nothing much to be honest, just a simple barbecue and oh! Bring that guy along!" She exclaimed, she sounded so excited.

"That guy?"

"Aish, what was his name again? I forgot."

"You mean, Wonwoo?"

"Yes! Bring him along too!!" And she ended the call.

"Wait what? Mom? Mom! I'm not going to bring him along!!" I cried to myself in despair.


"Barbecue? Nice!!" They both cheered happily while keep clapping their hands against each other and then there's me here watching them with a poker face.

"Ahh wae? Are you not excited? The last time we had barbecue there was so fun!!" Seokmin exclaimed.

"I am excited but, I don't want to bring Mr. Jeon along!" I slapped my forehead.

"Who knows he don't want to come?" Yena smiled.

"He'll come obviously, he was friendly with my mom anyways." I mumbled in annoyance.


"Wait so, my mother-in-law wants me to come along?" He asked as his eyes widened. His question angered me so I pinched his ear, he squawked in pain while struggling to let go of my fingers from pinching his ear.

"I'll tell them you can't come along because you're sick." I grinned before walking away but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me until I bumped to his body, my eyes got really widened as my cheeks went hot in all of the sudden.

He quickly pushed me away slightly.

"I want to come."

"Why would you wanna come?"

"It must be fun spending time with family. My family wasn't really a happy family like yours so, I thought I wanna come and see how family really looks like." He scratched the back of his head with a sheepish smile.

"I never really know how does it feels to be spending time with family." He added before smiling, but I know it's a sad smile.

I don't know why but I felt a PANG going straight to my heart after hearing his statement. It makes me sad to hear that and he must be more sadder. He must have always wanted to enjoy spending quality time with family even just for a while.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad-"

"It's okay." He patted my head which made me blushed.

"You hungry?" He asked me, I knew he's changing the topic on purpose.

"No, I'm fine. I.. I'll just go to my room." I bowed before going straight to my room.

I feel really bad. Why do I always make his good mood turned upside down? Stop joking about unnecessary things, got it? And don't ever joke about family at him anymore, it'll make him sad just like now.

I layed on my bed and grabbed my phone that was inside my blazer pocket. I decided to update chapter 3 and that was when @guywithw became the first one to vote chapter 3. He even commented that he can't wait for the next update.

Just who is this guy with W?

W must be the first letter of his name.

Hmm.. I never got curious of someone from wattpad before.. I never really care about it. I mean, this is normal but.. I don't know why but I just found this one different.


"I'm stuck on chapter 10. Uwaa~" I started to faking my cry while bumping my head for consecutive times on the table, I'm now at the canteen with my two friends.

"Stop it! You're hurting yourself!" Yena scolded as she keep protecting my forehead by covering it with her hand only to end up getting hurt because it got bumped to the table.

"How long has it been since you're stuck on chapter 10?" Seokmin asked.

"Probably almost four days now?" I muttered before continuing to bumping my head again. I heard Yena heaved a peeved groan as she cupped her face.

"She's done with you. I'm the only one who can deal with you, you know?" Seokmin scolded me. He was right, he's the only one who could bare with me when I'm being like this.

"But you're not making me feel any better." I rolled my eyes.

"At least I am still dealing with you and your tantrums." He raised an eyebrow.

"Tan..trums?" I gave him my scariest death glare as I leaned my face closer to him. He suddenly let out an awkward chuckle while scratching the back of his head while leaning backwards.

"Stop it, you guys look like you'll gonna kiss." Yena pushed the both of us away.

"How dare he said I was throwing tantrums?!" I whimpered indignantly.

"Shhh!! You're catching everyone's attention!" She shout-whispered.

"Mr. Jeon is the one who always helped me and even gave me brilliant ideas. But I haven't seen him since.. Since.." I stopped.

"Since when?"

"Long story. The last time I saw him was on Monday."

"Tell us!!" They whined. I gave them disgusted face but these two gave me puppy eyes so, I ended up telling them about it.

"Aww~ Poor him.. Why not just bring him along? Who knows he'll be enjoying it and feel happy?" Yena suggested.

I thought about it and she was right.

"Come on, he was so friendly! I'm sure he'll be able to have fun." Seokmin agreed.

"Yeah, you guys are right." I smiled.

I should probably apologize first before offering him to come along. Even if he don't want to, I can just force him.


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