Chapter 07

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I was just laying on the square bench while playing with my phone.

Reading comments from @guywithw is so fun! It makes me smile and sometimes it would make me laugh.

It's not that his comments are jokes, but they're cute and amusing to me! It makes me want to reply to all of it but it's too much and the others would find it unfair that I replied to his comments but not the others.

I feel like I want to write more stories for him to read and comment.

Oh yeah! I titled my story as Rooftop since that's the only story name title I could think of at the moment. I might change the title once I get a better one.

I'm up to chapter 4 now.

I still got stuck sometimes. Thinking of what scenes should it be next.

I haven't publish it yet. I planned to publish it once I reached chapter 05. I also don't have a proper summary to even publish it.

"Yo Seul?" Seokmin out of nowhere popped out making me to scream in horror. I quickly sat down on the square bench and saw both Seokmin and Yena, holding snacks and sodas.

"Look who's abandoning us." Seokmin muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Oh come on~ I was busy, I would never abandon you guys." I smiled warmly.

"You spent most of your time writing than being with us." Yena are the one who muttered now.

"Okay, okay.. I'll put my phone and laptop down now. Let's chat and have fun, okay?" I raised an eyebrow with a smile.

And we spent our afternoon chatting and having fun together.

"Anyway, I realised this one person.. He commented a lot on each chapters of your story.." Seokmin mumbled.

"Yeah, guywithw, right?"

"Yeah! That guy!"

"Come on, he's probably just a fan. He could not be a stalker. Also, you should be happy about it! You gained reads, comments and votes!" Yena exclaimed.

"No one ever stalk a person by wattpad. People usually stalk by twitter or instagram." I rebuked, rolling my eyes.

"It could be! You don't know how dangerous online apps could be." Seokmin suddenly shivered and hugged himself making me to facepalm.

"You said that as if you're not using wattpad." Yena jutted her upper lip as she glanced at Seokmin from head to toe, disgusted.


"Woah~ Look who's drinking bubble tea now." I mocked him as I saw him entered the frontyard, I'm at the rooftop, looking at the view and suddenly saw him.

"You couldn't even afford to buy a bread before but now, bubble tea? Daebak!!" I ended up laughing.

"You should be like your mom, paying rent bills in advance so I could use the money to satisfy my cravings." He's joking, right? He is a joke.

"You must still have a lot more on your craving list." I mocked again.

"Very a lot." He corrected me.

"I'm craving for burgers.. Could you take me to Burger King? Or, you can just order for a take away so that I could eat while writing here." I flashed him an innocent smile.

"You can't eat burger, you'll gain weight, you'll become chubby and you'll be ugly." Is that a joke too?

"Why do you think that I'm single?" He gave me a puzzled look when I asked him that.

"Because I am already ugly!" I slapped my forehead.

"Glad that you already know." I heard him said that to himself. I swear, I'm not hurt hearing what he had just uttered because it was the absolute truth.

I'm ugly.

"Anyway, how's your story going?" He asked, changing the topic.

"Going fine, just need some ideas." I replied.

"Let me read!"

"Hell no!"

"Just the first chapter! Or the summary at least?" He gave me the puppy eyes which I could resist, that puppy eyes won't make any difference, I won't change my mind.

I rolled my eyes and sat on the square bench, continuing to write. I was watching the view earlier to observe the people and the surroundings so that maybe I could get some ideas.

But I didn't.


"GAH?!" His sudden appearance and voice scared me.

"Just the first chapter! Jebal!" He pleaded as he keep rubbing both his palms against each other.

"What will you give me if I let you read?" I smirked.

"What do you want?"

"I know right, what do I want?"

"Nah, since I want nothing then you don't have to read it." I grabbed my laptop and he gave me this 'bitch, really?' look which made me laugh because he looks so funny, I swear!

"Alright, alright. You can read the first chapter. But with one condition, don't judge. Also! Comment it to me sincerely and honestly, you don't have to lie so that I could fix it." I handed him my laptop.

"Alright, will do as what you said." And by that, he started reading.

I'm watching him reading but his face expression didn't even change at all. You know, he always have this emotionless face which I assume to be his natural face since they are people who suffered from resting bitch face syndrome and I guess he suffers from that syndrome too. Like you know, poker face, straight face, annoyed face yeah whatever that is meanwhile it was just his natural face expression. So yeah, he's having that face right now.

He handed me back my laptop after he finished reading. He doesn't seemed to be enjoying my story, it must be lame then. Or not funny, cliche, less jams?

"First, who is Yoon Jeonghan? Your mom even mentioned him the other day." He frowned.

"Why would you wanna know?"

"Your ex?"

"I told you, I've never dated any boys before."

There was a moment of silence, he have his eyebrows furrowed as he stared at me, looking so curious.

"Fine, I used to be his secret admirer but he graduated already, so I don't think I still admire him. I couldn't think of any name so I ended up naming the guy as Yoon Jeonghan." I shrugged at the end of my statement.

"Okay, okay. For me, the first chapter was fine. You wrote it exactly the same just like how we met, the conversations, movements and everything was what exactly happened to us." He said which made me smile.

"It reminds me of how polite you are before." But that turned my smile upside down.

"Excuse me? I am still polite."

"You still are? I didn't notice that."

He is so unbelievable. I wonder how could I deal with him for the past 5 months? I can't believe I can go this far still dealing with him, with the same old shit repeating in every single day.

"I suggest you write about us."

"You're right, that way my fiction would be a bit realistic." I never knew I would agree with him, after 5 months of getting onto each other's nerves?

He ended up reading up until chapter 4 and helping me on writing the fifth chapter. I actually got a really hard time writing since he keep messing around at me which annoyed the hell outta me.

But yeah, we did the fifth chapter together.


Rooftop | Jeon WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now