Chapter 01

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"Aish, jinjja. How many times do I have to tell you? I don't have money. I'll pay you once I get money, okay?" I cooed with a smile and was about to close the door but he seriously kicked the door, making it wide opened.

"Your room's a mess." He pointed out, what a basic and common statement.

"Ye, just like my life." I nodded with a fake smile.

Oh yeah, I rent his rooftop since I have nowhere to go. My family live somewhere quite far from my school so I'm finding a nearer place to school to live in.

And I found this man.

He offered me to rent his rooftop with the lowest bill I could ever get so I got really interested and agreed.

But in the end..

I still couldn't pay him. It's been three months since I last paid him. Why? I lost my part time job three months ago because I slept while working.

I've never get enough sleep since I got really interested to write. Yeah, I write stories in this app called 'Wattpad' but I wasn't famous. I don't have much followers, votes and even readers. But I don't care, I love writing. I write for fun, not for votes or comments or anything.

But I got stuck.

I have only one completed stories and four incomplete stories. I stopped writing because first, I don't have the motivation. Second, I don't have any ideas. Third, I need inspirations but nothing seems to inspires me.

Sometimes I just persistently stare at my work for hours only to end up sleeping.

"Then change your life." He made his voice sounded stern as he furrowed his eyebrows.

Oh? This guy?

His name is Jeon Wonwoo. A 26 years old cranky guy you'll ever met. He's tall to be honest and I hate tall guys. Tall guys looked down on me just because they're tall. And I hate that I have to lift my head to talk to tall guys.

He used to be really kind to me. Trust me, I thought I was lucky to find someone as kind as him to even let me pay at the lowest rent bill. But as I stopped paying for the rent, he somehow showed me his real personality, he became a lion now which I'm still not scared of.

"Meh, nothing seems to be working in my life. I lost my part time job, I can't write, I can't even study! Gosh, I am so dumb." I mumbled the last part as I stared at somewhere else.

"Then find a new part time job and pay me! I need money too, okay?!" He chided furiously.

"I won't steal your rooftop. It won't go anywhere anyways even if I steal it. So, wait patiently until I get my part time job to pay you, okay? Can't you see I'm broke financially?" I raised an eyebrow while giving him my not-so sincere grin.

"You think you're the only one who's having a financial problem but I am too. I have to eat ramyeon everyday to keep my budgets enough until the end of the month." He purred plainly, I got infuriated so I crossed both my arms together as I blew my hair away.

"Look who's talking?" I gave him my disbelief look.

"Ahjussi! You're not the only one who's eating ramyeon everyday here." I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I heard him snickered after hearing my statement.

"You called me what just now?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Am I wrong? We're 8 years apart so it's not wrong for me to call you ahjussi, ahjussi." I grinned again.

"Girl, I slept late last night because of you. Stop throwing party okay? No one is even coming." He carped like a pouty little kid he is.

Yeah, I blasted musics last night and I'm sure I made loud thuds since I was dancing randomly. I was just so stressed so I listened to musics and danced to make me feel better.

I did that once a week anyways.

So he got annoyed once a week too, I guess.

"So what? Who said we can't have a party alone?" I rolled my eyes.

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood today or else I would've kicked you out." He pointed his eyes with his two fingers before pointing my eyes and walked away after giving me a scary death glare and rolling his eyes.

"You called that good mood?!" I hollered sharply, he ignored me and walked away.

"Gosh, I might be late for school!" I finally realised that I have school today.

I quickly took a shower and wore my school uniform. I don't have time to do my hair so I just let it be as it is and rushed down the stairs.

Anyway.. The stairs to go down aren't from the inside of the house, it's from the outside so yeah, I don't have to go inside his house just to go to my so-called room.

"Omo kabjagi! Yah! You almost bumped me!" I heard him yelled. He was busy watering his so-called tiny garden.



Pfft, who cares? Nobody cares if I have messy life just like my hair is. No one's gonna make my life any better. And him? Sure he let me rent his rooftop with the lowest bill ever but my life's still messy.

"Woah woah, look at that grumpy face. Someone's dealing with shits early in the morning~" My cousin, Seokmin gibed me while pinching both my cheeks.

"It hurts you idiot." I grumbled.

"Wow grrr, scary." He teased again and I gave him this 'really?' look. His face suddenly turned to the serious one as he let go of my cheeks.

Lee Seokmin is my cousin and we both attends the same school. Honestly, he's the only person who could bare with my non constant personality which I'm glad about. Even if I got mad at him he's still there to make me be even more mad.

I know.

"Tell me about it." He smiled, I heaved a frustrated sigh.

"You know, same old shit." I laconically responded and by that he understands. He knew everything about me renting the rooftop from the beginning to now.

"You should really find a part time job and pay him. If you keep postponing to pay him, the bills will somehow got higher." He was right. I should really find a part time job so that he don't have to knock on my door early in the morning just to ask me to pay for the rent.

"You're right. Why don't you help me find part time job later?" I asked with a bright smile, but I know his smile is even more brighter than anyone else.

"Sure!" He gladly accepted my request.


hi! i am back! *u*

ps. okay so i started to write this book in the late 2019, i know seulbi wasn't supposed to call him 'ahjussi' but 'oppa' bc i didn't really know what it means by that time. just to clear some things off bc everyone is literally complaining and i'm tired of it.

started: march 27, 2020
ended: january 3, 2021

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