Chapter 16

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"Wow, that was four minutes and ten seconds." He said in awe as he stared on his phone, he did actually used the stopwatch on his phone.

I ended up wearing a light blue hoodie with white shorts that's why it didn't take me long to just change.

"Told you."

"Anyway, you should not waste your money. Save at least $25 a month. Also, you should do some grocery shopping later to buy for your needs." I instructed.

"Okay mom." He teased.

Soon we arrived at the cinema. We have exactly seven minutes left before the movie starts.

"Do you want popcorn?"

"No, we're not buying any popcorn and drinks. Save money." I reminded him.



"Just one popcorn and one drink, we can share." He gave me puppy eyes with a pleading smile.

"Ain't cute."


"Ugh fine, but just the small size." He nodded understandingly.

I waited for him and there he came with large cup of drink and a large cup of popcorn, my eyes widened not that I was shock but I was angry at him.

"Alright, let's go." He said.

"I told you-"


I seriously can't believe him.

We went in and took a seat. The movie will be starting really soon. He handed me the drink so I have a sip before giving it back to him, I was staring on the screen but I noticed he was staring at me while smirking.


"We just kissed indirectly." His smirk grew even wider. I have the urge to really scream right now but it'll be very embarrassing.

"You're lucky we're in a cinema now." I gave him a grin, fake grin to be exact.

"You want another indirect kiss?" He gave me the drink again.

"Shut up, the movie's starting." I started to ignore everything he is doing.

During the movie, we're eating the popcorn but everytime I was about to grab some, his hand would touch mine, I don't know if it was just a coincidence or it's just him being silly.

So, this time when I tried to grab the popcorn, he did it again, he brushed his hand against mine and there I saw him smiling like a lunatic, but his eyes was nailed on the screen.

"Is that your point of buying this popcorn and this drink? Just to have indirect kiss with me and to brush your hand against mine?" I raised an eyebrow to him.

"What are you talking about? You shouldn't talk during the movie." The emotionless him said. How could he acted so innocent? God, I really can't believe this guy.

After the movie that was full of Mr. Jeon getting onto my nerves, we finally went out. Seriously, I am never gonna watch movie with him ever again. He keep moving consistently, he don't know how to sit properly, he keep distracting me and he keep pissing me off.

I don't even know what I was watching.

I don't even understand a single thing of that movie and all thanks to Jeon Wonwoo.

Somehow, we went to the arcade.

"Nope, not here. Trust me, you'll spend a lot once you step a foot here." I was about to walk away when he grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him, he tightened his grip. My cheeks went hot with his action.

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