Chapter 13

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"Story time. Who's him?" Suyeon shattered the silence.

"Wait, mom didn't tell you? He's Jeon Wonwoo, I rent his rooftop." I frowned.

"Oh yeah, I remember. How did he ended up coming along? You bring him?" She queried curiously.

"No, mom told me to bring him along."

"How's you and Soonyoung been doing?" I suddenly asked.

"We're doing fine to be honest. Well, you know how a tease and playful Soonyoung is so, I often got annoyed." She averred, we both chuckled.

I remember back then how Suyeon always got home with a frown because she used to hate Soonyoung very much to the point she wanted to kill him. Soonyoung always teased her and bullied her but not in a bad way, just a good, funny, friendly and teasing way of bully. She would always tell me everything about what Soonyoung did to her to me every single day.

But two months after, things changed.

She started to like him.

Of course, I teased her how she used to hate him and now how she's liking him.

Soon we arrived at the market, I bought two bottles of coca-cola and two bottles of lemon tea. After that, we headed back home.

"Why didn't you tell me you're going to the market." Mr. Jeon suddenly said emotionlessly from behind me, he then grabbed the two bottles from my hands and put it on the table, the other two bottles are with Suyeon.

"Where's Yena?" I asked him.

"She's in the kitchen, cooking with your mom." He answered.

I grabbed a glass of water and gave it to my dad.

"Thank you." He smiled.

"How have you been?"

"I've been doing good." I smiled to him.

"You like that guy?" He asked as he pointed Mr. Jeon with his eyes. My eyes got really widened hearing him asking me that ridiculous question.

"Wait what? No.."

"He's a good guy. We talked a lot while you were away." He gave me a teasing smile. I snickered as I waved my hand.

"No, no. That's fake." I shook my head and walked away to the kitchen.

"We're almost done! Now, help Yena bring all these out." Mom instructed. My eyes widened as my jaws dropped seeing the foods. My mom prepared spaghetti, lasagna, fried fries, sausages and also baked potato, my favourite!

I helped Yena carry everything to the table outside. We prepared everything and when everything was done and settled, we took a seat. Mr. Jeon sat on my left meanwhile both Suyeon and Soonyoung sat on my right side, the others sitting in front of us.

"Jalmeokgesseumnida." We all said in unison before we started to eat.

"Soonyoung will sing for us after this." My dad said, Soonyoung choked on his food so he punched his chest which made us chuckled.

"Alright, alright. Seokmin should sing for us too!!" Soonyoung pointed his finger to Seokmin.

"Okay, okay. I'll sing after you." He agreed.

Trust me, this will be fun.

"What about Wonwoo?" Mom asked, everyone nailed their eyes to him.

"I can't sing." He gave them a sheepish smile.

"Guys with deep voice are best singers." Dad shrugged.

"I agree!!!" Suyeon, Yena and me shouted in unison, the three of us stared at each other before laughing.

"Nyeh." I turned to look at Soonyoug, I chuckled, he's jealous? Hahaha.

After eating, we all started to clean up everything. I was carrying all the plates when suddenly someone grabbed it away from me and it was Mr. Jeon.

"Stop stealing my job!" I nagged, he keep stealing my jobs everytime and it's annoying me because it's making me feeling useless, he stucked his tongue out before going to the kitchen.


After everything are finally done and settled, we all sat on the ground with Soonyoung standing in front of us, getting ready to sing.

He started singing, we girls started to do the hand waves listening to his melodic yet cute voice. Suyeon's so lucky to have a boyfriend who could sing. Next is Seokmin, once he started to sing I shivered. His voice are really sweet and it gave me goosebumps everytime. My smile never fades away whenever I listen to Seokmin singing.

"Wonwoo! Wonwoo! Wonwoo!" The four of us chanted together to make Mr. Jeon sing for us.

"I can't sing." He smiled sheepishly.

"Come on, just sing for fun!" Seokmin grabbed his hand making him to stand up, we all paid attention to him and focus. He was standing there, scratching the back of his head.

"Do you think he can sing?" I asked Suyeon as I turned my face to her.

My eyes suddenly widened, so does Suyeon's too the moment we heard a deep voice started singing. I turned my head to look up to him and it really is him who's singing right now. I literally got goosebumps hearing his voice.

He locked his eyes to mine as he sings.

What is that.

Why does my heart feels like this?

Yena closed her mouth with both her hands as she stared at him in awe meanwhile both Seokmin and Soonyoung was enjoying it. My parents are also smiling seeing him singing.

After he finished, they all cheered and clapped their hands for him. Mr. Jeon is still with the sheepish smile as he bowed before taking a seat back beside me.

"Woah, why hide such voice?" I queried, still in awe.

"Like I have someone to sing to." He retorted before giving me a disgusted face which resulted me to giggle.

"You can sing for me everytime before I go to sleep." I shrugged.

"Bring the music!" Seokmin exclaimed and that was when Yena turned on a music.

Both Seokmin and Soonyoung started to have dance battle. We keep laughing and even screaming, they're so funny I swear!

"Seulbi!!!" Seokmin grabbed my hand making me to stand at the middle and I do the hammer dance without any hesitation and wasting of time, everyone starts laughing.

"Wow, wow. You guys continue the dance battle, I'm getting dizzy." I took a seat and pinched my temples, hammer dance are making me feel dizzy everytime I do it, I should never do it exaggeratedly ever again.

The five of them continued to having fun meanwhile I'm here with my parents, sitting few meters away from them. They're playing the guess what I am game. I keep chuckling seeing them. It's Mr. Jeon's turn now, I don't know what he is but he keep acting like a monkey so I assume he is a monkey.

"He's a good guy." Mom suddenly said.

"Huh?" I turned to face her.

"Wonwoo, he really is a good guy." She reiterated while smiling so proudly.

"Well yeah.. Wait what?" I turned back to look at Mr. Jeon who's laughing while still struggling to make them guess him right.

His nose scrunched everytime he laughs and that's cute..

Wait no, he's not cute.

"Guess who's liking him now~" My mom teased me while wriggling her eyebrows teasingly which got me niggled.


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