Chapter 15

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I started writing with my own without the help from Mr. Jeon. He've been working night shift lately so I don't really have time to see him since he's already out when I just came back from school.

So, I updated chapter 7 today. I've wrote up to chapter 13 now. That's when @guywithw voted and also commented. This W guy is seriously a mystery, I wonder who he really is? Or is this person a she?

Anyway, despite of what happened between us that day, we're still the same us, getting onto each other's nerves everytime we met, fighting, bickering and just everything.

Just like today.

"Don't you have eyes?! You wet my shoes!! AHHHHHH!!!" I cried loudly, he covered his ears.

"Can you not?! My eardrums, oh my god!" He shouted in disbelief.

"Wonwoo ssi!! This is my only school shoes!!" I cried again, for real, tears streamed down my cheeks, I can't believe I was actually crying.

"And now I remember why I hate you!!" I yelled sharply before running away.

"Ugh, stupid old man. Is he blind? Can't he see the difference between SHOES and FLOWERS?!" I yelled angrily to myself, people around are giving me weird looks but I seriously don't care.


"Look, I'm sorry." He approached me just as soon as I entered the frontyard.

"Which one are you sorry about?"

"Which one? Like I made a lot of mistakes." He retorted, crossing both his arms.

"Like you ever apologize when you made mistakes." I retorted back.

"Name me all my mistakes."

"I can't name it! It-it was too many! Too many to remember." I mumbled the last part before turning my face away, he leaned closer as he gave me a teasing smirk. My cheeks suddenly went hot with his action.

"What?!" I pushed him away.

"Nothing~" He seems to be so happy.

"I've read chapter 8. You edited some of them and I can see Saerin's starting to grow feelings for Jeonghan. I wonder if that's what your heart exactly said when I did just like what Jeonghan did that day?" He smirked, I became so bewildered with his statement.

"How do you know I changed some of the parts..?"

"Hahah! Nothing, nothing! I'm sorry, I don't know what I was talking about." He covered his mouth with his hand. I motioned closer to him while squinting my eyes, he avoided any eye contact with me.

"I knew it, you're the W guy!" I pointed out.

"What are you talking about? W guy? Pfft." He shook his head.

"Guy with W, W stands for Wonwoo and that's you. You're that creepy person!" I exclaimed.

"How dare you called me creepy?! I voted and commented to motivate you and you called that creepy?!" He rebuked angrily.

"Oh, indirectly confessing you're the W guy.. I see, I see.." I smirked as I poked my cheek twice.

"You're so unpredictable, you know that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I know." He proudly agreed, I rolled my eyes since I got really annoyed with that answer.

"Saerin really reflects you, you know that?" He chuckled.

"And Jeonghan really reflects you, you know that?" I rolled my eyes before crossing both my arms.

"Ugh, I don't need your help anymore. Thanks for helping me up to chapter 10 and thanks for sacrificing your time just to help me." I grinned before walking away.

"I'll pay for it, don't worry!!" I shouted.

That's when I received a text from someone. I checked my phone and it was from him.

Wonwoo ssi ☠️👻: you're unpredictable too, you know?

I snickered reading that, I decided not to reply him and leave him on read.


"Wait what? So that user is actually Wonwoo oppa?" Yena asked me for a confirmation with her eyes widened, I nodded as an answer.

The three of us just got out from our own classes and decided to walk together.

"Daebak! I can't believe he was actually the W guy! I didn't even notice that. I never even suspected him to be that user." Seokmin said in disbelief.

"He's so-"

"Unpredictable." I cut off what Yena was about to say.

"Well yeah, you're right." But she agreed anyways.

"What will you do now?" Yena queried me.

"What will I do now? I can't do anything, I can't report his account just because of that. Telling him to stop reading my books won't help, he'll gonna read it in secret." I facepalmed as I heaved a long and deep groan.

"Wait, look at that." Yena stopped walking as she pointed at someone, we both stopped walking too and looked who she's pointing at.

It was Mr. Jeon standing while leaning his back against his car, both his hands inside his jacket while staring at me with his head tilted a bit to the left side.

"He's not here for me, right?" I asked them while still looking at him.

"Stupid, of course he's here for you. For who else?" Yena smacked the back of my head.

"Seulbi ah! Don't just stand there and stare at me, come here!" He shouted, I quickly covered my face since the other students are starting to turn their gazes at me and mumbling things.

"That crazy old man, does he really have to shout?!" I shout-whispered.

"Haish, just go already. I'll just walk Yena home." And by that, they two left as they said their goodbye to me.

I slowly walked to him and stopped when I was a meter away from him.

"I got my salary, wanna go out?" He asked with a smile.

"Aigoo, you stupid wench. Save your money for important things like foods! Don't waste money, seriously." I rolled my eyes.

"I guess I'll watch movie alone then." He pouted before walking away but I quickly grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"You said 'movie' just now?" I asked him with my puppy eyes, he nodded.

"Why don't you tell me about it earlier. Okay, I'll go out with you." I gladly accepted his offer.

"As a date." He mumbled before going inside his car. I blushed. I was standing here dumbfounded, my brain cannot process what he just uttered. He horned the car making me to flinch. I got in and he started to drive.

"Wait, you told me that we only go on a date with someone we like, not just any random person." I furrowed my eyebrows as I stared at him.

"You told me you wanna go out on a date so I'm gonna let you experience it." He shrugged.

Oh.. Right.

"Anyways.. How can I go out as a date with you when I'm wearing a school uniform?!" I whimpered, he flinched a bit because of me suddenly yelling.

"Do you really have to change?"

"Of course!!"

"Tsk, fine."

He stopped the car right in front of the house.

"Ten minutes." He warned me.

"Five minutes would be fine." I stucked my tongue out before running to my room.


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