Chapter 05

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I rushed to my room soon after I finished my shift. I quickly changed to my purple sweater tucked in to my jeans. It's almost autumn so the weather was getting cold.

I went downstairs and saw both Seokmin and Yena talking to Mr. Jeon.

"Oh, you're done?" Seokmin waved his hand to me and that was when Mr. Jeon turned his head to me. Why is it suddenly awkward between us? What happened on the last time we met?

Oh yeah.. Wonwoo is a joke.. I shouldn't feel awkward then.

"He's coming along with us!" Yena gushed.

"Wait what?! He is not!" I protested.

"Seulbi ah, you didn't tell me Wonwoo ssi is this friendly!" Seokmin exclaimed which resulted me to have my jaws dropped.

Friendly? Oh please, he's just being fake.

"Sorry kids, I can't join, I have work later." He said, then we have both Seokmin and Yena being sulky, they pouted. Not cute guys, not cute.

Mr. Jeon gave them an apologetic smile before he entered his house.

"You guys crazy? Why would you guys wanna bring him along?" I scolded them.

"Oh, come on! I feel like he's the same age as us! He's so damn friendly." Seokmin asserted briskly.

"I know right, can I call him oppa? Wonwoo oppa~" Yena hugged herself while closing her eyes, imagining things that will never happen between her and Mr. Jeon for sure.

Seeing my friends, it disgusted and peeved me.

Like please, that guy is so fake.


I had morning shift today and luckily it ended after I feel like I've been working for twelve hours instead of six. I layed on the square bench near my room and stared at the blue sky.

I really miss writing.

But when I tried to write, I became blank.

I went inside my room and grabbed my laptop before taking a seat on the square bench again. I write by laptop and not by my phone.

Okay.. Take a deep breath.. Inhale.. Exhale.. I got the motivation to write! I can do this, what's so hard about writing? I mean, you just write whatever that comes to your mind! Ideas will come to you!

But nothing seems to come to my mind.

I heaved a long sigh as I stared at my blank laptop.

Write something!

Oh god.. I need a serious help. I need ideas! Why can't I think of any ideas? Even the simplest ideas? Come on, come to my brain dear ideas. I want to write, I need to write, I have to write!

And something hit my head.

"What the fu-" I bit my lower lip to stop myself from uttering that word. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before I opened my eyes to look who threw the ball to my head.

Well, of course, it was no one other than Mr. Jeon.

"Ahjussi!" I yelled sharply.

"What? I saw you staring at your laptop so I thought about snapping you out of your thoughts." He shrugged, how could he act so innocent when he's guilty?

"Stalker much?" I raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean stalker? I am not." He turned his head away, liar.

"You're checking on me, like a stalker."

"Coincidentally checking on you."

"But everyday?"

"Coincidence happens everyday, kid."

"Ohhh~" I nodded understandingly, trying to be sarcastic.

"What are you doing anyway? Was it your school project or something?" He asked as he took a seat beside me, trying to peek onto my laptop.

"It's wattpad. I'm trying to write a story, but I haven't even write a single word." I muttered as I covered the screen with my hands.

"Think of an idea." He shrugged.

"Don't you see that I'm thinking?" I raised an eyebrow.

"It was useless, I bought this book so that I could get some inspirations or ideas, but it's not working." I muttered as I showed him the book that I bought at the book shop he work at.

"Reading isn't the only way to get inspirations and ideas. There's so many other ways." He stated.

"Like what?"

"Observing things around you like the people or your friends, but you'll have to understand it first before you write what you've observed." He smiled.

That wasn't even helpful.

"Or you could write about yourself. I mean like.. Write about yourself and add some fictional scenarios or whatever, be creative." He shrugged before he walked away.

Thanks but, you're not even close to being helpful.


I finished my night shift today so I was heading to my so-called tiny house.


I suddenly understand about what Mr. Jeon told me the other day.

I can write about myself! And as for the additional scenarios, I can get the idea by observing things around me! I finally understand! Seriously, what he said to me had been stucked in my mind ever since, I couldn't even focus on my work just to understand it.

I arrived right in front of the door of his house and knocked. He opened the door and gave me a skeptical look.

"I thought about what you said yesterday and I are finally able to understand it. Thank god I have a brilliant brain." I knocked my head twice softly, he sneered at me.

"Is that all? Okay goodnight." Before he could even close the door, I went inside.

"Don't you want to hear some more?"

"Urgh.. Fine."

He went to the living room so I followed him, he sat down so I sat at the sofa opposite of where he was sitting.

"So.. I'm gonna write about myself." I stated.

"And?" He showed me how he got no interest at all to hear me. But who cares? I'm still gonna talk since talking is free.

"I'm gonna write a story about a girl renting a rooftop and was not being able to pay for it.. Just like me." I flashed him an innocent smile.

"Glad that you know. So pay your rent bills quickly." He said emotionlessly.

"I will pay once I receive my salary, don't worry about it, ahjussi." I smiled and bowed while sitting down.

"So back to my story-"

"Start writing, don't talk about it or else you'll forget your ideas. You should write it down the moment you got the ideas." He instructed.

"Are you an author or something.." I murmured.

"I am not an author but I do know how it is to be an author, I could relate so much to an author." He gave me a convincing smile.

"You can't relate to me. I'm different from the other authors out there." I bleated blatantly.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say as long as you'll be happy and live a long life.." He mumbled.

That angered me, honestly.

"If you don't wanna talk to me then tell me so that I don't have to bother you." I rolled my eyes and went out from his house, going straight to my room.


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