Chapter 14

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"Follow me."

"To where?" I didn't answer him, he didn't protest but he just followed me without even bothering to ask again. The rest are inside, watching a movie but I decided to bring him to somewhere else.

"Where are you bringing me?"

"To my neverland." I responded with a smile, a sincere smile to show him that I wasn't joking. He gave me a dazed look as he tilted his head.

"Nah, to my favourite place." I ended up telling the truth.

Soon we arrived to an abandoned beach.

"Abandoned beach?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I always came and play here until it got abandoned when I was 9. People said there was a murder that's why people never came here until it became like this." I notified while my eyes wandering around looking at the surroundings.

"Let's go, I'll bring you to my exact favourite place." I grabbed his arm and bring him to my favourite spot which was beside the big tree.

"I always came here, alone." I remarked.

"Even after it got abandoned?" I nodded as a reply.

"But why? Aren't you're scared?" I can see how curious he really is by the look on his face.

"Nah.. Not really. I came here to look at the sunset." I sat down and patted the empty space beside me, he then took a seat.

"It's almost sunset now, you'll see how beautiful it really is when watching it from here." I purred before looking at the sea view.

"Want to hear a story?" He suddenly gave me a smile, I nodded enthusiastically.

"Of course! What story?"

"The girl that I dated."

"Woah, that sounds just like a book title you know? Maybe by telling me that story I could make it into a book!" I joked before laughing.

"Don't you dare." He warned me.

"Okay, okay, tell me about it." I bent my knees and hugged them, focusing on him, my eyes glued on him.

"So one day.. Just like any typical romance novel, there was a new transfer student-" I faked my vomit making him to stop from talking, he gave me a death glare.

"I don't wanna talk about it anymore." He crossed both his arms together, I laughed seeing him being like that.

"Aww~ Come on!! I won't stop you again, I'll keep quiet, I promise!!" I whined while keep shaking him.

"Fine, fine."


"So, she was a new transfer student, my junior to be exact. After like.. Four months? She joined the netball team. She was pretty good at it, everytime our school held netball competition, her team would always win and she gained popularity because of that. Everything about her got spread, so does her name." He started the story.

"Hwang Sumi." When he uttered her name, I can see a sad smile on his face and it's making me curious.

"She wasn't the queenka type of girl though she was quite popular, she was very kind and friendly. She would always have two pigtails hairstyle everyday, not forgetting to smile." He added.

"Fast forward, one day I got to talk to her only to found out that she actually had been crushing on me. We became friends for like three months before I confessed to her, she gladly accepted me." He cooed before his lips formed a smile.

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