Chapter 02

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"I gave up, I gave up, I gave up!" I cried feebly before faking my sobs.

"We went to 7 convenience stores but non of them are looking for a part timer!" I cried again.

"It's okay, Seul. We'll somehow find-"

"Haksaeng, you're looking for a part time job?" We heard an old man asked, we both turned around to see who's talking and realised his face was just inches away from ours.

"GAH?!!" I shouted in horror.

His face scared me!!

"Lucky you! I'm looking for a part timer!" He gushed, my face suddenly brightened after hearing what he said.

"Woah jinjja?! Where and when can I work?!" I asked in excitement.

"Here, you can start working by tomorrow." He pointed me at the convenience store behind him. Not bad, plus it wasn't really far from where I live.

"See! I told you we'll find a job for you!!" Seokmin then hold both my hands and cheered along with me.

After discussing more with the old man which I should call Mr. Park, Seokmin decided to walk me home.

"Something is in your mind. What is it? Come on~ Cheer up! You got part time job now so you can pay for your rent bills!" He tried to make me excited again.



"You do know I really love writing."

"I know! And I support you! I read every chapters, I voted every chapters and I even commented on every chapters! I even wrote supportive messages on your message board!" I laughed so hard hearing him saying that. True, Seokmin's my number one loyal hardcore fan.

"But somehow.. I don't know what else to write. I mean.. When I got the idea, I tried to write them but somehow, I don't have the motivation. Even if I have the motivation to write, I don't have any proper ideas." A sigh escaped my lips afterwards.

"Like, if I write this part.. What will happen next? Why would I write it like that? Am I writing the right thing? Isn't it out of the story already? You know.. Those thoughts somehow made me stopped writing." I let out my concerns to him. Even if Seokmin is such a pain in the ass, but he is a very good listener. That's what I like about him.

"You know.. Try reading some books. You'll somehow get inspired." He smiled with a shrug.

"You think so?" I tilted my head slightly.

"Yea! Who knows by reading, it could inspires you. You even might get tons of ideas. You used to read books before, but why did you stopped?" He inquired with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Because I thought making a book by my own would be better. I want to create a story someone have never read nor write before." I shrugged.

"You're right about that. But anyways, I can always help you if you need my help." He grinned.

After like a five minutes of walk that was full of Seokmin joking and me laughing, we finally arrived.

"See you tomorrow, annyeong!" Seokmin waved his hand to me before running away.

"I never knew you got a boyfriend."

"GAH?!" I clutched my chest since I was shocked that there's actually someone beside me.

"Why are you here?! I thought you're working?!" I questioned him loudly.

"I have night shift today." He emotionlessly answered.

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