Chapter 21

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"Wake up, sleepyhead!" It was Suyeon, throwing a teddy bear to my face which woke me up.


"Mom's sleeping already, we should discuss now!" She yelled.

"Yeah but like, do you have to throw this teddy bear and yell?" I raised an eyebrow, she gave me a sheepish apologetic smile which annoyed me.

We went to my room, the two are either still awake or just woke up. We took seats in a small circle, with Mr. Jeon beside me..


"Well, our plan is that, tomorrow dad will bring mom to go shopping and meanwhile that, the four of us will decorate the house and buy a birthday cake. Dad will say things like 'seems like the kids forgot that it's your birthday today' or whatever, so mom wouldn't suspect us for making a birthday surprise for her." Suyeon explained about the plan.

"Well, that's a great plan." Is the only thing I said.

"You know you don't sound sincere." Mr. Jeon plainly rebuked which made me bewildered for a split second.

"Excuse me-"

"For not wasting time, I'll go buy the cake meanwhile you guys decorate the wall with balloons and anything else." Soonyoung stated, cutting me off from talking.

"What are you talking about? I'm coming with you." Suyeon muttered.

"Wait what? You can't go along with him. You can't leave the both of us to decorate. I'm a clumsy person." I shook my head as I raised both my hands.

"I'll go buy the cake with you." I said to Suyeon.

"We can't let the boys decorate."

"We can't let the boys choose and buy the cake."

"Ahh.. Erm.. Why don't we spin a bottle and see who's gonna buy the cake?" Soonyoung suggested. We agreed and Suyeon grabbed a bottle. If it points me, I'll go buy the cake but if it points at Suyeon, then she'll be the one buying the cake.

Soonyoung spinned the bottle.

And the bottle pointed Suyeon.

"Okay, you'll go buy the cake okay? Make sure mom likes the cake." I told her, she nodded as a respond.

"Shouldn't we buy the stuffs for decorations too?" Mr. Jeon who was being silent from earlier finally spoke.

He was right.

We made an eye contact and it was so awkward so I quickly turned my face away.

"Don't worry, Soonyoung and I already bought it last week. It's inside my room, I'll show you later." She said. Well, everything was so well planned, these two have been planning for the surprise since last week and that's just so impressive.


"That's not how you do it!" I scolded Mr. Jeon as I smacked his leg, who is now trying to stick the balloon on the wall. He have to stand up on a chair in order to stick it since we wanted the balloons to be a little higher.

"Then you do it yourself!" He scolded me back.

"Uhh, guys? Let's not bicker over small things okay. We have less than one hour now." Soonyoung stated as he stared at his wristwatch, I sighed as an answer.

Mr. Jeon went down from the chair and gave me the balloon, I snatched it from his hand harshly and stood up on the chair, I have to tiptoe since I couldn't reach it. When I tried to stick the balloon, I don't know what happen but somehow I feel like I'm gonna fall since the chair is shaking.

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