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"Wait wait." Yena tapped my shoulder.

"So you're telling me you and Wonwoo oppa is STILL NOT OFFICIAL?!" Yena shrieked as she keep shaking my body, her eyes enlarged. She literally look like she's possessed by the demons.

"Did I tell you the otherwise?" I rolled my eyes, peeved.

"Oh come on Seul, just tell him that you want to be his girlfriend. What's so hard about that?" Seokmin raised an eyebrow, annoyed.

"Mr Jeon, I want to be your girlfriend." I said with my monotone voice, looking so soulless.

"Like that?" I raised an eyebrow while wearing a disgusted face.

"Yes!! Like that!" Seokmin shouted, evidently agree with me saying that to Mr. Jeon. I mentally facepalmed.

"That would make me look so desperate." I shook my head.

"I don't understand you." Yena murmured.

"I know, I don't understand myself either." I sighed and bumped my head to the table for three consecutive times.

"You keep bumping your head that's why you're dumb." Yena stated the truth.

"I'm not gonna bicker about that since you're saying the truth." I smiled, but the fake one before I continued bumping my head on the table again.

"Speaking about this.. Does that mean you don't have any idea for the ending yet? For your story Rooftop?" Seokmin suddenly asked the thing I've never thought about for the past few days.


He's right.

"Wait.. You're right! Not until Wonwoo oppa and Seulbi got official, then that story will still be hanging, no ending. The ending depends on both of them." Yena then poked her cheek twice, pretending to actually think.

"Then make it quick, everyone wants to know the ending." What they said made me heaved a long and frustrated sigh.

"Lee Seulbi, no matter how desperate you'll look or how embarrassing it will be, it's better to make it quick before it's too late. Just what if he became tired of waiting for you, wouldn't you regret it? My advice is that, take the chance when you have it. Don't just waste the chance. You wasted most of your chances before." And she was so freaking right. I've wasted too many chances.

And I'm not gonna waste my chance again.

Later after school, I saw Mr. Jeon who just came out from the house.

"Hey, Mr. Jeon." I greeted him as I waved my hand to him. He noticed my existence and nodded.

"Can we talk?" I smiled warmly.

He stood there for a while, looking at me as if he's wondering what might it be.

"I'm sorry, I'm really in a hurry now since I'm late for work. Talk to you later." He smiled before he went inside his car and drove away. I heaved a sigh as I lowered my head.

Next time then, I guess.

But wait.. Did he really just said 'talk to you later'? Then that means I'll see him again today! He'll probably come to the rooftop to see me hehehe.

I can't wait.


I was just sitting on the square bench outside my rooftop while continuing my story, I'm almost done with this chapter. It's night anyways, around 00:14.

Is he not home yet? I thought he said 'talk to you later'? He should come to me by now. Just when will his shift ends..

"Wait, you're still up?" I heard the familiar voice asked which made me happy and excited. I turned around and it's really Mr. Jeon. Speaking of the devil! He sat beside me and peeked my laptop, he nodded understandingly.

"Yeah, I'm trying to finish this chapter before I sleep." I told him, trying to act cool.

There was a moment of silence before he shattered it.

"I wish Lee Saerin could be a little braver." He chuckled.

"Huh? Yeah." I faked my chuckle soon after.

"So, what is it that you wanna talk to me?" He raised an eyebrow.

I suddenly remembered what Yena said to me earlier. But I'm very very very scared. I'm so damn nervous that my heart could explode anytime soon.

It's okay, I can do it. There's no way he'll reject me, right?

Now that suddenly made me hesitant.

But.. Urgh.. This is my chance! I'm not gonna waste my chance again.

I quickly stood up in front of him who is now sitting. He lifted his head and stared at me in bafflement. I took a deep breath before I exhaled.

"Mr. Jeon, I like you. I like you too!" I shouted while closing my eyes but soon opened them to see his reaction.


"That day.. When I brought you to the abandoned beach, I think I've been liking you since then or maybe even before that! Maybe when you started helping me with my story.. I.. I was just a little late to realise my feelings. And super too late to confess. I'm sorry I made you feel like I rejected you twice. I never reject you!" And still, his expression doesn't change at all. This makes me be even more nervous.

"Why won't you say anything?" I asked him, he stayed silent.

Now I feel so embarrassed.

Now I understand what he feels when he confessed but I gave no answer at all and pretended like he said nothing.

Karma hits me back, I guess.

And now, he gave up on me.

"I'm sorry if I made you waited for too long that you ended up giving up your feelings for me." I lowered my head while fiddling with my fingers.

"But really, I like you too."

"I really want to be your girlfriend."


Why isn't he saying anything.

He suddenly stood up and pecked my lips which made me shocked and blushed. My heartbeats increased rapidly with his sudden action.

He flashed me his warm smile.

The smile that I could die for.

"I want the same thing too, Lee Seulbi."

I grinned, because of happiness.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, I have to tiptoe since he's very tall. He wrapped his hands around my waist soon after.

"I'm really sorry that I made you waited for a long time." I mumbled, nearly whispering.

"It's fine.. At least everything was worth the wait." How could he be so sweet oh my god.. I swear I'm gonna melt everytime he talk. Even if it's not a sweet kind of talk, I'm still gonna melt like an ice.

I guess that's the power of being Jeon Wonwoo.

Making girls melt so easily for him.

"Really, I never knew renting your rooftop could lead to this." I said in disbelief. He suddenly broke the hug which made me wonder why.

"Now you have the ending for your book Rooftop." He teased which made me chuckle.

"But." He stopped.


"Do you know the perfect way to end it?"


That was when he kissed me.


that's the ending hehe => thankyou so much everyone for supporting this story, it took me almost a year to actually finish this story :/

see you guys on my other fanfics! *u*

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