Chapter 03

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I finished my shift late at night. I got really exhausted, but I decided to take a seat on the square bench placed outside just nearer to my room. I always sit here with my laptop, writing my stories but it's been a long time since I last do that due to lacking of ideas.

I took the book that I bought the other day. I've read up to Chapter 5 and I was really enjoying it. But still, I haven't got inspired by this book, nor got any ideas.

I'm still blank.

"Why are you still up?" I saw him standing at the edge of my eyes.

"Can I not deal with you now?" I have this sulky face, I really don't want to deal with him, seriously.

"Suddenly thought about sharing my ramyeon with you." He put two cups of cooked ramyeon in front of me.

Yeah, he sometimes cook ramyeon for me, like twice a month? Not always by the way. We would just talk but most of the time we would just bicker over pointless things.

"So, you're an author? Like, the paid one?" He suddenly asked.

"No, I wrote for free." I bluntly replied.

"How come?"

"I'm an author in an app called 'Wattpad'. It's where you can read and write books for free." I explained though I'm not really interested to talk about it.

"Really? I might download that app. Tell me your username, let me read your books." He smiled but I threw a sarcastic laugh instead.

"Tsk, books? Please, I published only one book." I rolled my eyes.

"Then write more."

"Like that's easy." After I uttered that there was a moment of silence but I don't care, I just eat the ramyeon since I'm very hungry and tired.

"I really like reading books. I read any kind of books so, I would really like to read yours too." He stated, shattering the silence.

"You like reading books? But I thought you're more to a gamer. You look like this obsessed gamer, having dark circles because of not having enough sleep. Not going out often because of games, also the reason why you're single." I sardonically purred and shrugged afterwards.

"Why does everything have to include about me being single? What's your point of pointing that out? I get that I'm single so you don't have to mention it over and over again." He got mad at me so he gave me this angry look which doesn't scares me even a tiny bit.

"But you're the one who pointed that out first, to me." I fired him back. He took a deep breath as he closed his eyes. He got so annoyed so he continued eating without saying anything.

"Story time! Share me your dating experience! Or should I say experiences?" I gave him this teasing smile, he suddenly choked, he punched his chest twice while coughing which made me bursts out into big laughter.

"I dated only once in my whole 26 years of living." He plainly and bluntly stated. This time, I'm the one who choked and punched my chest twice.

I stared at him in disbelief, with both my eyes widened.

"HELL NO! What have you done with your life?! Are you cursed or something?" I teased him again but he gave me this serious look.

"Like you've dated dozen of boys." He gave me the disgusted look.

"Well, I've dated.. Wait, I never date anyone before.. I've been single since birth.." I said in disbelief. He gasped before laughing so hard, so hard that he's clutching his belly, dying of laughter.

"Girl! Are you cursed or something?!" He teased me back before laughing so hard again.


I slept very late last night because of chatting with Mr. Jeon. Well not really chatting, more like it's just us getting onto each other's nerves.

"Hey Seulbi!" It's my friend, Yena.

"Yena!!" I ran to her and hugged her.

Yang Yena is my close friend since middle school. Too bad we aren't classmates, Seokmin is not my classmate too. We barely see each other. We can only see each other during recess.

"Did you read your message board?" She asked making a frown to appear on my forehead.


"Read it."

I logged in to my wattpad account and went to my message board. Someone posted a message for me.

Really liked your story. Waiting for more stories from you! :3

"Wow. She even spammed me with votes and comments in every single chapters.." I uttered in disbelief.

"She's liking your story!! You should write more stories!! I'm waiting for a new story too. The one I'm currently reading haven't update the new chapter." She pouted. I scratched the back of my head thinking about it.

"Well, you see.. I have four stories in my drafts, I stopped writing for a while due to lacking of ideas." I told her.

"You always got amazing ideas. I'm sure you'll get ideas soon. Fighting!" She sure knows how to make me smile.

"Should we eat?" She smirked. I agreed and we both went to the cafeteria.


It's my day off today. I'm glad that I have a day off. I could rest. But I decided to read the book that I bought. I was just enjoying myself reading the book and that's when I got a notification from Wattpad.

Someone voted my story.


He even commented on the first chapter.

the first chapter are already good! i'm gonna continue reading this xD

That made me smile. I'm happy that people actually liked my book. My story have 5k reads as for now with 24 chapters and I'm really thankful. I put my phone down and continued reading the book.

When I've been reading for too long, someone knocked on my door which I assumed Wonwoo ssi. I lazily got up from my bed and shambled to open the door and crossed both my arms together seeing the ninny creature standing in front of me.

"So.. I downloaded the app and I'm hoping you would tell me your username. Or the title of your book. I wanna read it so bad." He grinned, fake enough. I slammed close the door and slumped on my bed to continue reading.

There he keep on knocking.

"Yah! Lee Seulbi, how dare you disrespect me. I thought I'm an ahjussi? Shouldn't you respect me?" He said while keep on knocking the door recklessly.

"What else do you want?!"

"I want to read your story."

No way in hell. It'll be embarrassing if he read my story. They're cringey as heck and quite childish, he's 26 so of course he'll find my story lame. It's not suitable for him.

"Or tell me what's the story about at least?"

Wait, he's still there?

I groaned and opened the door again. He was giving me this puppy eyes while nodding his head. Sometimes I just wonder how old he really is.


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