chapter 14

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*Jessamine's pov*

As I sat down on my bed I stared at my phone. I should text Creighton to let him know I'm okay and that my dad was going to fix everything.

I continued to stare at my phone, I didn't know if I should or not. Yes I love him, but he was going to leave me.

Alright I'm stupid. He's only going to leave me so I'm safe, and isn't that a good thing? That he actually cares about my well being?

I am not used to people truly caring, maybe I should let him. I need to text him.

I grabbed my phone and pulled up his contact and took a breath as I started to text him.

Hey Creighton, sorry I didn't text you back. I have been trying to deal with what's going on at home. I'm fine, my mom isn't hurting me, and I called my dad. He's coming home to fix everything. Please don't go. I don't care what happens, I want to be with you.

I sent the message. I was putting my heart on the line and I was afraid of his answer. I knew he still cared about me, that was obvious. But would he want me that way?

There was a knock on my door and my eyes widened as I looked at the person who stood in my doorway.

"Your mom came over to get me to talk to you," Joey said and fear spread through my body. What was Joey going to say when he seen the bruise on my face? I didn't have makeup on to hide it. I didn't think anyone would be coming over.

He looked at me and his eyes widened.

"Holy shit, are you okay?" Joey came over to my bed and kneeled down to see me.

"Why did my mom send you over here?" I avoided his question, I didn't really want to answer the fact.

"She wanted me to make sure you stay away from Creighton. Did he do this to you? I'll go kill him. You never hit a girl."

"Creighton would never do this!" I yelled at him. I glared at him in anger for accusing Creighton of the one hurting me. Didn't my ex best friend tell everyone that my mother abused me? Or is Joey just that dumb. It is probably both.

"Then who the hell did this?" He asked but then got out his phoen and started texting. I narrowed my eyes at him. What an asshole.

"You should know. Layla announced it to the entire school so she could be the most popular girl in the school." I watched him as he was texting and I stood up so that I was on the other side of the room from Joey.

"What are you doing over there?" Joey asked me and he finally put his phone away.

I shook my head ignoring his question. I watched him carefully. Why would my mother make him come over?

I needed my dad here now. He would not let any of this happen at all.

"Look your mom wants me to talk some sense into you. Creighton is bad for you, I don't know what you are thinking in liking him. Do you really want to risk getting hurt for someone like him?"

"Creighton is better than all of you. He understands and he has gone through hell."

"Think about yourself though. Do you want to get hurt to be with him? Do you want to get kicked out of your house to be with someone who can't stand up for himself?" Joey started coming closer to me and I backed up agianst the wall.

Damn it, I have nowhere to go. I looked around my room anxiously as he approached me and was now pinning me to the wall.

"Don't you want someone like me? Someone who will be there for you and be able to protect you? I can keep you safe. Your mom loves me, she won't hurt you then." Joey whispered in my ear and I turned my head.

"You are a player, I don't want anything to do with you. Players don't care about anyone but themselves." I gritted my teeth in anger because of how close he was to me.

"So? You'll be safe. Your mother will leave you alone because you'll be with the perfect guy." He smirked at me and I glared at him.

"Get away from me," I said angrily and struggled to get away from him. He had my arms pinned against the wall and had my legs trapped so I couldn't move them.

"I don't think you want that darling," Joey said and his lips attached themselves to my neck. Fear spread through my body and I struggled.

"Go the hell away! Leave me alone!" I yelled but it was no good. He pressed his lips to mine and I couldn't even turn my head to escape this.

He kissed me aggressivly and I tried to claw at his hands that were holding my wrists down.

"What the fuck?"

Joey pulled away from me slowly and I looked at Creighton in fear. Pease tell me he heard that I was screaming for Joey to get away from me.

Creighton was standing with the help of his crutches and his eyes were absolutely heartbroken.

"Creighton please let me explain." I begged him.

"So you text me saying you want it to work between us. I come over and fight with yoru mother so I can get up here to see you, and I find you kissing Joey."

"Please let me explain what happened," I walked over to him.

"She's in love with me," Joey said with a smirk.

"I am not! Shut up and get out of my house!" I yelled at him. He just gave me a cocky smile.

"I'm waiting for this explanation." Creighton said and I almost cried at seeing his face.

"I do not love him, nor have I ever. You're the guy I have liked since elementary school. I don't want anyone but you. He kissed me and I tried to fight him, but he had me pinned to a wall. Please believe me, I don't want to lose you."

"Don't buy that crap, Creighton. She told me that you were the one who gave her that bruise on her face." Joey argued and I glared at him.

Creighton walked quickly over to me and tilted my head to see the bruise.

"Are you okay?" He whispered and ran his thumb over my cheek. I winced in pain, but didn't stop him.

I shook my head and Creighton looked down at me with a look of love.

"I believe you Jessamine. I'm sorry for getting upset." He told me and he smiled slightly at me.

"Joey would you get the hell out of here?" Creighton told him and I smirked at Joey.

"You'll regret this Jessamine." Joey threatened me and then stormed out of the room.

"Come on you need to sit on the bed. Get your rest. I came over as soon as I read that text, but I was napping so I'm going to go back to Alex's house and get some more rest. Had a rough day, and it looks like you did too."

"What happened?" I asked him as I walked over and then laid down on the bed.

"We can talk about it tomorrow. Alex is waiting for me outside. Please be safe okay?" He begged me with his beautiful blue eyes.

"I'll try," I told him.

"When is your dad supposed to get here?" He asked me.

"He texted me this morning and said he will be here tomorrow."

"Good. I hope this all works out for you. Do you want to come over tomorrow so I don't have to strain to much?"

"Yes, I'll come over after this all gets straightened out."

"Good. You just be careful. I love you Jessamine," he told me and my heart fluttered in my chest.

He turned around and then walked out of the room.

What he didn't hear was me whisper it back to him. I frowned slightly that he didn't stay longer but at least he knows that I do not want Joey. I would never want to be with him.

How did he get up here without my mom throwing a fit? Damn that is amazing.

Hopefully everything works out tomorrow, but I had a bad feeling that not everything was going to go as planned tomorrow.

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